easy_listview_l7 0.1.7 easy_listview_l7: ^0.1.7 copied to clipboard
A simple widget to help you to build ListView with header, footer, divider, refresh indicator and loadmore function.
intro #
This is a fork of the package easy_listview with added null safety, dart 3 compatibility and other bugfixes
easy_listview #
A simple widget to help you to build ListView with header, footer, divider, and load more function.
Usage #
Simple constructor for the widget.
var listWidget = new EasyListView(
headerSliverBuilder: headerSliverBuilder, // SliverAppBar...etc.
headerBuilder: headerBuilder, // Header Widget Builder
footerBuilder: footerBuilder, // Footer Widget Builder
itemCount: itemCount,
itemBuilder: itemBuilder, // ItemBuilder with data index
dividerBuilder: dividerBuilder, // Custom Divider Builder
loadMore: hasNextPage, // Load more flag
onLoadMore: onLoadMoreEvent, // Load more callback
foregroundWidget: foregroundWidget, // Widget witch overlap on ListView
controller: ScrollController, // If required
onRefresh: refreshEvent // Swipe down refresh callback
Example #
There is an example in the repo.
usage example #
Use this package as a library #
1. Depend on it #
Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:
easy_listview_l7: {last_version}
2. Install it #
You can install packages from the command line: with Flutter:
$ flutter packages get
Alternatively, your editor might support flutter packages get. Check the docs for your editor to learn more.
3. Import it #
Now in your Dart code, you can use:
import 'package:easy_listview_l7/easy_listview_l7.dart';