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An easy to use container for flutter with built in gesture detectors and a lot of customization.

EasyContainer For Flutter #

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An easy to use container for flutter with built in gesture detectors and a lot of customization.

🗂️ Table of Contents #

📷 Screenshots #

Sample Containers On Pressed Animation

✨ Features #

  • Gesture Detectors: Built-in support for onTap, onLongPress, and more.
  • Custom Padding & Margin: Use shorthand for all sides or specify custom insets.
  • Border Customization: Toggle borders with custom color, width, and style.
  • Elevation Support: Add elevation to create shadows and a raised effect.
  • Simple & Lightweight: Minimal configuration with powerful customization.

❓ Usage #

  1. Add easy_container as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.
    sdk: flutter

  1. Use the EasyContainer widget in case of using the normal Container or Card widget, as it offers more customizations.
import 'package:easy_container/easy_container.dart';

  child: Text("Hello World"),
  1. If an onTap, onLongPress etc. parameters are provided, it can be used as a button.
  child: Text("Hello World"),
  onTap: () => debugPrint("Hello World"),
  1. Want to add some padding/margin/borderRadius?

Padding from all sides can be added by passing padding as a double. If you want to customize padding, then use customPadding which expects EdgeInsets allowing for customization.

If customPadding is passed, padding is ignored.

Same applies for margin and borderRadius.

  child: Text("Hello World"),
  onTap: () => debugPrint("Hello World"),
  // Shorthand for EdgeInsets.all(20)
  padding: 20,

  // if customPadding passed, padding is ignored.
  // Hence padding applied to container is 10 from all sides.

  customPadding: EdgeInsets.all(10),
  1. The default alignment is center. So the container tries to take as much space as possible. To deny the same, you can set the alignment to null or specify height/width.
  child: Text("Hello World"),
  onTap: () => debugPrint("Hello World"),

  // child not longer takes all the available space
  alignment: null,
  1. To enable a border, showBorder must be true. Defaults to false.

If showBorder is true, parameters like borderColor, borderWidth, borderStyle come into play.

  child: Text("Hello World"),
  onTap: () => debugPrint("Hello World"),
  showBorder: true,
  borderWidth: 5,
  borderColor: Colors.red,

🎯 Sample Usage #

See the example app for a complete app.

Check out the full API reference here.

import 'package:easy_container/easy_container.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

void main() => runApp(_MainApp());

class _MainApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
      home: SafeArea(
        child: Scaffold(
          body: Center(
            child: EasyContainer(
              height: 300,
              width: 300,
              child: const CircularProgressIndicator.adaptive(),
              padding: 20,
              elevation: 10,
              onTap: () => debugPrint("Container Tapped"),
              margin: 20,
              borderRadius: 20,
              color: Colors.red,

👤 Collaborators #

Name GitHub Linkedin
Rithik Bhandari github/rithik-dev linkedin/rithik-bhandari


verified publisherrithik-dev.me

Weekly Downloads

An easy to use container for flutter with built in gesture detectors and a lot of customization.

Repository (GitHub)
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#flutter #widget #gesture #container #card


API reference


MIT (license)




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