dyte_uikit 0.7.4 copy "dyte_uikit: ^0.7.4" to clipboard
dyte_uikit: ^0.7.4 copied to clipboard

Dyte's UI SDK to integrate video-audio to your app

Dyte UI Kit #

0.0.1 #

  • initial release.

0.0.1+1 #

  • added freezed files

0.0.2 #

  • Migrated to use dyte_core : 0.1.1+0

0.0.2+1 #

  • Migrated to use dyte_core : 0.1.1+1
  • Bug fixes:
  • Release not happening on android fix.
  • Grid tile size is made dynamic.
  • lock portrait mode for meeting room.
  • file name overflow in chat.
  • Setup page orientation fix.

0.0.2+2 #

Migrated to use dyte_core : 0.1.1+3 Fix pod install error for DyteiOSCore.Migrated to use dyte_core : 0.1.1+0

0.0.2+3 #

  • Video view stability
  • Pagination support added
  • iOS: List of Plugin/Screenshare added
  • Add 2 page indicator
  • Empty Screen on Polls
  • Poll UI polish
  • Polls: Count to be shown when poll is completed
  • Count votes to be shown
  • Settings screen should show selected audio/video device
  • Unread chat and polls badge added
  • Migrated to support dart-3

0.0.2+4 #

  • PeerVideoView import bug fixed.

0.0.3+0 #

  • added support for older flutter versions
  • Refine Notification snackbar behaviour
  • Update Icons: camera switch and stage
  • Show image (if available) in place of initials when video is off.
  • Unread badge fix

0.0.3+1 #

  • changed image_gallery_saver to latest.

0.0.4 #

  • Fixed black screen navigation bug on leaving the meet.
  • Removed clientContext parameter.
  • Show initial display name on setup screen from authToken.
  • Added dismiss button to leave from Setup Screen.
  • Join button enable/disable based on displayName.

0.0.4+1 #

  • Fix dyteClientAndroid initialization on onReattachedToEngine().
  • Updated README.
  • Added optimizations for participant count rebuilds.
  • Fix disabling audio/video on setup screen when preset doesn't permit.

0.0.5 #

  • Added simulator support.
  • Time parse error fix.
  • Minor UI changes.

0.0.5+1 #

  • Fix crash on nil VideoView on iOS.

0.0.5+2 #

  • Minor UI Changes.
  • Added fix for dyteClientAndroid late initialise error.

0.0.5+3 #

  • Added fix for dyteClientAndroid late initialise error.

0.1.0 #

  • Integrated Livestream.
  • Added support for stage management methods for livestream.
  • Added host controls for livestream.

0.2.1 #

  • Added support for DyteDesignTokens.
  • Added support for localization.

0.2.4 #

  • VideoView stabilty
  • Bug fixes

0.2.5 #

  • ios core version change
  • Bug fixes

0.2.5+1 #

  • Fix DyteFlutterEnging crash on cold install on Android.
  • Added stage method using central stage apis.

0.2.6 #

  • FIX : updated dyte_core to v0.2.2
  • FIX : Reconnection fixes.
  • REFACTOR: Refactor meeting, livestream and webinar screens.
  • FEAT: central stage implemented for webinar and livestream.
  • FIX: Polls view voters button logic fixed.

0.3.0 #

  • FEAT : Unread count badge on more button in control bar.
  • FEAT : Added notification when reconnection in progress.
  • FIX : Fixed buttons as per updation in stage permission.
  • REFACTOR : Added text when stage is empty.
  • FEAT : Added labels to audio/video control bar buttons.
  • FIX : Appbar title invisibility fix.
  • FIX : Kick disabled for self.
  • FIX : Design token for control bar audio/video buttons.
  • FEAT : Custom color to IconButton that overrides design token.

0.4.1 #

  • FEAT : updated dyte_core to 0.2.3+1
  • FEAT : Changed poll design, removed vote button.
  • FEAT : Added plugin activate/deactivate button on plugin screen.
  • FEAT : Added loaders for audio/video toggle buttons.
  • REFACTOR : Minor grid tile, app bar recorder tag.
  • FIX : Video device toggle on settings screen.
  • FIX : Video view sync with video button on setup screen.
  • REFACTOR : Remove deisable all videos button.
  • REFACTOR : Changed notification position from bottom to top.
  • REFACTOR : Minor padding changes on plugin screen.
  • REFACTOR : Minor design changes on app bar.
  • FIX : Issue with multiple (you) tags.

0.5.0 #

  • CHORE : Upgraded flutter core to 0.3.0
  • FEAT : added remove from stage button
  • FEAT : added screenshare management

0.5.1 #

  • FIX : Reverted WillPopScope change.

0.6.0 #

  • FEAT : added exportable components: DyteMeetingTitle, DyteJoinButton, DyteLeaveButton, DyteLeaveMeetingDialog, DyteParticipantTile, DyteSelfAudioToggle, DyteSelfVideoToggle.
  • FIX : Change signature of DyteUiKitBuilder.build(...)

0.6.1 #

  • FIX : version bump for dyte_core (v0.3.2)

0.6.2 #

  • FIX : version bump for dyte_core (v0.3.4)
  • FIX : Added viewer list for webinar.
  • FIX : Remove stage privileges when host is off stage.
  • FIX : Added check for screenshare option.

0.7.0 #

  • FEAT : Introduced DyteReleaseResourcesButton widget (to be used if you want to exit SDK before joining the call).
  • FIX : upgrade dyte_core to v0.3.5.
  • REFACTOR : Renamed ParticipantsPage to DyteParticipantsPage.
  • FIX : Theme fixes for participant page, chat message layout.
  • FEAT : Polls & Plugins screen are exportable.
  • FEAT : Export DyteAudioIndicator, DyteNameTag, DyteSetupScreen.
  • FIX : Added screenshare button checks for webinar and livestream control bars.
  • FIX : Remove audio/video toggling if participant is offstage.
  • FIX : Pin/unpin related fixes.
  • FIX : Populates error details onMeetingInitFailed()/onMeetingJoinFailed().
  • REFACTOR : Introduced DyteError class.

0.7.1 #

  • FIX : Previous meet join with different authToken in same app session.
  • FIX : Respect limit on screenshare count from dev portal.
  • FIX : Update to dyte_core v0.3.6.
  • REFACTOR : Cleanup native listeners on release/leave meeting complete.

0.7.2 #

  • FIX : Join room even when meeting title null.
  • FIX : Upgraded to dyte_core 0.3.7.

0.7.3 #

  • FEAT : Skip setup screen by passing skipSetupScreen param to true in DyteUIKitBBuilder.build()
  • FIX : Fixed stuck on loading screen.
  • FIX : Upgraded to dyte_core 0.3.8.

0.7.4 #

  • FIX: Loader issue on end meeting for all/on removed from meeting/exiting from setup screen.
  • FIX: Video flicker issue.
  • FIX: Hide chat button from menu if can't send chat.
pub points


verified publisherdyte.io

Dyte's UI SDK to integrate video-audio to your app



unknown (license)


dyte_core, dyte_icons, file_picker, flutter, flutter_riverpod, get_it


Packages that depend on dyte_uikit