dynamic_timeline_tile_flutter 0.0.2 dynamic_timeline_tile_flutter: ^0.0.2 copied to clipboard
Fully Dynamic and customized timelineTile, where you can create a multi events list within the dates and customized child widgets..
Dynamic_Timeline_Tile_Flutter #
Fully Dynamic and customized timelineTile, where you can create a multi events list within the dates and customized child widgets.
Installation #
Install Dynamic_Timeline_Flutter
cd my-project
pub add dynamic_timeline_tile_flutter
Demo Video #
Usage / Examples #
DynamicTimelineTile widget can be simply call by importing the package.
After importing the package use DynamicTimelineTile like below shown :
DynamicTimelineTile #
MultiDynamicTimelineTile #
- The MultiDynamicTimelineTile allows you to create a multiple Events or Contents within the sameDate or starerChild
DynamicTimeLineTileBuilder #
MultiDynamicTimelineTileBuilder #
MultiDynamicTimelineTileBuilder helps you to display the MultiDynamicTimelineTile easily from your model class or api. You dont need to get panic and write a long code to display multiple contents under same date. You can simply use the MultiDynamicTimelineTileBuilder.
This is how to use MultiDynamicTimelineTileBuilder in flutter :
// Create a model class
class Event {
final String subject;
final String description;
Event({required this.subject, required this.description});
final Map<String, List<Event>> myEvents = {
'2 Jan': [
subject: 'Mathematics',
description: "Exam will start from 11:30 and ends in 3:15"),
subject: 'General Science',
"Exam will start from 11:30 and ends in 3:15. Students are informed to bring their project work along with the materials needed."),
'14 Jan': [
subject: 'Physics',
"Exam will start from 9:00 and ends in 12:00. Please bring a scientific calculator."),
subject: 'Foreign Language',
"Exam will start from 8:00 and ends in 11:00. Bilingual dictionaries permitted."),
subject: 'Literature',
"Exam will start from 11:00 and ends in 2:00. Bring novels for reference."),
}; .......................
Now call the MultiDynamicTimelineTileBuilder widget inside your build class and display the data as shown below.
itemCount: myEvents.keys.toList().length,
itemBuilder: (context, index) {
final date = myEvents.keys.toList()[index];
final eventsList = myEvents[date] ?? [];
return MultiDynamicTimeline(
// Displaying date list
starerDates: [date],
// Displaying event list from each date
eventsList: [
eventsList.map((exam) {
return EventCard(
cardColor: purple.withOpacity(0.05),
child: CustomEventTile2(
icon: MdiIcons.bookOutline,
title: exam.subject,
description: exam.description,
DynamicTimelineTile widget contains : #
- breakDate
- indicatorColor
- indicatorWidth
- indicatorRadius
- crossSpacing
- mainSpacing
- dateStyle
- starerChild
- starerDates
- events
breakDate (bool) #
breakDate helps to break the date into two parts.
breakDate : true,
indicatorColor (Color) #
indicatorColor is a color property of the line between starerChild / starerDates and content. You can give your color to indicatorLine
indicatorColor : Colors.grey.shade300,
indicatorWidth (double Width) #
indicatorWidth helps you to increase the width of indicator line
// Defines the weight of indicator line
indicatorWidth : 4,
indicatorRadius (Radius) #
indicatorRadius helps you to increase the radius size of indicator line top attached circle
indicatorRadius : 4,
crossSpacing (double width) #
crossSpacing helps to create a horizontal space between the beforeLine, indicatorLine and afterLine child.
crossSpacing: 20,,
mainSpacing (double height) #
mainSpacing helps to create a vertical space between the two contents.
mainSpacing: 20,,
dateStyle (TextStyle) #
dateStyle helps to build a custom textstyle for starerDates texts.
dateStyle: TextStyle (
color: black,
fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
letterSpacing: -0.4,
fontSize: 22.sp,
starerDates (List of String) #
starerDates is a list of strings which contains the dates to be shown beforeLine. You can use starerChild to create your custom design or icon to show before the indicatorLine.
starerDates: [
"2 jan",
"12 jan",
"17 jan",
"27 Jan",
Either starerDates or starerChild can be used at a time. Both list are build at a samePlace so, both widgets cannot be used at a same time.
starerChild (List of Widget) #
starerChild is a list of widgets where you can create your custom widgets or ui in afterLine / content place.
starerDates: [
CustomIconChild(icon: Icons.cash),
CustomIconChild(icon: Icons.swapVertical),
CustomIconChild(icon: Icons.monitorAccount),
CustomIconChild(icon: Icons.earth),
events (List of EventCard) #
events is a list of EventCard which build the contentCard.
events: [
Only event card can be used inside the eventsList...
EventCard (Widget) #
EventCard is nothing, just a widget which is used to build the content card.
cardColor : Colors.grey.shade300, // cardColor
width : Mediaquery.of(context).size.width, // width of card
verticalCardPadding : 12 // Vertical padding define a content padding from top and bottom.
horizontalCardPadding : 12 // horizontal padding define a content padding from left and right.
cardDecoration : BoxDecoration() // Allows you to decorate the eventcard mannually.
cardRadius : BorderRadius.circular() // Allows you to create a radius to eventcard.
child : child // Receive child widget for the content of EventCard
NOTE : cardColor can only be used without the cardDecoration, otherwise using cardDecoration will create a new Ui.
Feedback #
If you have any feedback, please reach out to us at sujanpokhrelofc@gmail.com