dynamic_tabbar 1.0.9
dynamic_tabbar: ^1.0.9 copied to clipboard
Flutter package to handle dynamic Tabs (TabBar and TabBarView) in a easiest way.
1.0.9 #
- fix nullable [onTabControllerUpdated] issue
1.0.8 #
- MoveToTab enums add
- [onAddTabMoveToIndex] attribute add to move to specific Tab Index after adding tab
- TabController fix
1.0.7 #
- additional validation on initial index of tabcontroller added
1.0.6 #
- Default TabBarView properties added
1.0.5 #
- Leading and Trailing Widget property added
1.0.4 #
- Demo URL added in README.md
1.0.3 #
- onTabChanged callback fix
- Scroll behavior for Web added
- Example 2 added
1.0.2 #
- pubspec.yaml screenshot fixes
1.0.1 #
- Lint check and pubspec fixes
1.0.0 #
- First release to pub.dev