dynamic_routes 1.0.1 dynamic_routes: ^1.0.1 copied to clipboard
A super easy-to-use routing library for Flutter that allows you to determine routes and the order of those routes all in one place.
Dynamic Routes #
Dynamic Routes is a library that lets you specify in advance which routes should be shown and in what order. This is invaluable for flow management -- when you want some routes to show, or their order swapped, based on some information that you obtain during runtime.
This method assumes your pages don't depend on any data from other pages. Technically, they can still read one another's data, but that becomes a problem when the order of your pages get swapped, or some pages are conditionally removed from the navigation array.
Overview #
Note: I'll be using the words Widget, Page, and Route interchangeably
This library comprises two main parts, the Initiator, and the Participator.
We can begin by marking the participating page with the DynamicRoutesParticipator mixin. This would give that component access to the dynamicRoutesParticipator instance that is tied to the scope of the initiator page that we'll mark with the DynamicRoutesInitiator.
For the page directly before the flow:
class _SomeWidgetState extends State<SomeWidget> with DynamicRoutesInitiator {
//...some code
void onButtonPressed() {
const isPage4Required = calculateIfPage4IsRequired();
if (isPage4Required) Page4(),
lastPageCallback: (context) {
// Do something; maybe return to homepage.
//...some code
And then in the pages that are included in the array (the "participating" pages):
class _SomeWidgetState extends State<SomeWidget> with DynamicRoutesParticipator{
void onButtonPressed() => dynamicRoutesParticipator.pushNext(context);
//...build methods and whatever
We can dispose the DynamicRoutesInitiator instance along with the page itself by calling the initiator's dispose method in the state's dispose method. This will also dispose all DynamicRoutesParticipator instances.
void dispose() {
Nested Navigation #
You can also have a sort of sub-routing navigation, where for example, the second member in the initiator array is itself, also an initiator, and can branch off into its dynamic routing navigation.
To do this, we simply mark the state of the second page with both the participator and the initiator mixins.
class _MixedPageState extends State<MixedPage>
with DynamicRoutesParticipator, DynamicRoutesInitiator {
// Some code
And then we can use either the initiator or the participator instances when appropriate.
Widget buildButtons(){
return Column(
children: [
child: Text("Click this to branch off"),
onPressed: (){
dynamicRoutesInitiator.initializeRoutes(const [
ParticipatorPage(title: "SubFlow 1 Sub page 1"),
ParticipatorPage(title: "SubFlow 1 Sub page 2"),
ParticipatorPage(title: "SubFlow 1 Sub page 3"),
], lastPageCallback: (context) {
child: Text("Click this to continue the flow"),
onPressed: () => dynamicRoutesParticipator.pushNext(context),
Doubly-Nested Navigation #
I don't know when or where or why someone might need this, but as a result of the lib's route-scoping, you can also have a subflow within another subflow.
Widget buildButtons(){
return TextButton(
child: Text("Click this to branch off"),
onPressed: (){
dynamicRoutesInitiator.initializeRoutes(const [
// Where SubflowPage class is both a navigator and an initiator.
SubflowPage(pages: [
SubflowPage(pages: [
if (page2Required) Page2(),
if (page4BeforePage3) ...[Page4(), Page3()] else
ParticipatorPage(title: "SubFlow 1 Sub page 3"),
], lastPageCallback: (context) {
// Do whatever
Caching #
This library also supports a simple caching method.
You can call this whenever, and wherever, from both the participators and initiator pages.
void saveToCache(WhatEverClassThisThingIs someData){
// Or
Once set, this can be accessed from all members of the navigation.
Whatever readFromCache(){
return dynamicRoutesParticipator.getCache() as Whatever;
// Or
Whatever readFromCache(){
return dynamicRoutesInitiator.getCache() as Whatever;
By default, cache data gets cleared alongside the instance of the initiator page, this can be overridden directly from the dispose() method.
void initState(){
dynamicRoutesInitiator.dispose(clearCache: false); // true by default.
If your concern is the separation of concerns, then this caching is probably not for you and you're better off using some dependency injection libraries for your cache.