dynamic_form 0.4.5+2 copy "dynamic_form: ^0.4.5+2" to clipboard
dynamic_form: ^0.4.5+2 copied to clipboard


generate your form with easier way, Pre-existing forms, fields ,customize your form in runtime

dynamicform #

pub GitHub

create your form with easier way

Getting Started #

  • generate form
  • Pre-existing elements

Installing #

Add the following to your pubspec.yaml file:

	dynamic_form: ^0.4.5+2

Simple Usage #

Creating a basic SimpleDynamicForm:

              key: dynamicFormKey,
              groupElements: [
                                    directionGroup: DirectionGroup.Vertical,
                                    textElements: [
                                      label: "name",
                                         label: "password", 
                                         typeInput: TypeInput.Password,

Properties in SimpleDynamicForm

Properties Description
groupElements list of element to build your form
padding The amount of space by which to inset the form

Declare GlobalKey to get validation,list values of forms #

GlobalKey<SimpleDynamicFormState> dynamicFormKey = GlobalKey<SimpleDynamicFormState>();

validate forms #


recuperate all values in form : #


if you are used ids in element, you can recuperate values with


you recuperate by id


clear all inputs in form : #


LoginForm #

pre-existing login form to make easy for you to build

Simple Usage #

Creating a basic LoginForm :

          callback: (email, password) {
          buttonLoginDecorationElement: ButtonLoginDecorationElement(
              backgroundColorButton: Colors.white,
              widthSubmitButton: 200,
              shapeButtonLogin: StadiumBorder().copyWith(
                side: BorderSide(
                  color: Colors.amber,
                  width: 0.6,
              elevation: 0.0),
          onlyEmail: false,
          labelLogin: "Username",
          password: "Password",
          textButton: Text("Log IN"),
          paddingFields: const EdgeInsets.all(0),
          decorationEmailElement: OutlineDecorationElement(
            filledColor: Colors.white,
            radius: BorderRadius.only(
              topLeft: Radius.circular(5.0),
              topRight: Radius.circular(5.0),
            widthSide: 0.6,
          decorationPasswordElement: OutlineDecorationElement(
            filledColor: Colors.white,
            radius: BorderRadius.only(
              bottomLeft: Radius.circular(5.0),
              bottomRight: Radius.circular(5.0),
            widthSide: 0.6,

Properties in LoginForm

Properties Description
decorationEmailElement input decoration of email field in form
decorationPasswordElement input decoration of password field in form
directionGroup Direction of form (Vertical/Horizontal)
paddingFields padding between fields
onlyEmail enable only email type fieldtext
labelLogin label of username/email textField
password label of the passwordField
callback callback to make your api call when you form is validate
textButton Text widget of the submit button
buttonLoginDecorationElement decoration of button that contain radius,backgroundColor,width
passwordError messages errors to show when password field not validate
usernameEmailError messages errors to show when email/username not validate

How to skectch your form ? #

textElement is small element in dynamicForm GroupElement is group of TextElement


Properties Description
directionGroup Direction of form (Vertical/Horizontal)
sizeElements size of each textElement of form When direction Horizontal,sum of values should be egal a 1
textElements group of textElement.
padding padding of groups.
decoration decoration of container groups.
backgroundColor color of the container groups.


Properties Description
typeInput Enumerate to specifie type of TextField.
label text label of TextField.
DecorationElement input decoration of TextField.
onTap callback when you click on TextField .
hint text hint of textField.
errorMsg message to show when TextField isn't validate.
labelStyle style of label TextField
errorStyle style of error message TextField
hintStyle style of hint TextFieldcolor
readOnly enable TextField uneditable
validator callback validation of TextField
padding padding of TextField
visibility enable visibility of element

EmailElement #

Pre-exsiting element

check validation of email

Pre-initialized values

extends from TextElement

Properties Description
DecorationElement input decoration of TextField.
label text label of TextField.
hint text hint of textField.
isRequired make textField required in validation
errorEmailIsRequired error message for textField when it's required
errorEmailPattern error message for textField input when it's not email in validation
labelStyle style of label TextField
errorStyle style of error message TextField
hintStyle style of hint TextFieldcolor
readOnly enable TextField uneditable
padding padding of TextField

PasswordElement #

Pre-exsiting element

check validation of password

Pre-initialized values

show/hide password

extends from TextElement

Properties Description
DecorationElement input decoration of TextField.
label text label of TextField.
hint text hint of textField.
errorMsg message to show when TextField isn't validate.
labelStyle style of label TextField
errorStyle style of error message TextField
hintStyle style of hint TextFieldcolor
readOnly enable TextField uneditable
padding padding of TextField
enableShowPassword enable eye icon,make password text visible
isRequired make passwordField required
minLength minimun length accepted by password
hasUppercase make password contains at least one upperCase character
hasSpecialCharacter make password contains at least one special character
hasDigits make password contains at least one digits
requiredErrorMsg message error to show when password is required
minLengthErrorMsg message error to show when password length is less then the specified
uppercaseErrorMsg message error to show when password doesn't contain any upperCase character
specialCharacterErrorMsg message error to show when password doesn't contain any special character

NumberElement #

Pre-exsiting element for Number input

Pre-initialized values

enabled digitsOnly

extends from TextElement

Properties Description
label text label of TextField.
hint text hint of textField.
DecorationElement input decoration of TextField.
errorMsg message to show when TextField isn't validate.
labelStyle style of label TextField
errorStyle style of error message TextField
hintStyle style of hint TextFieldcolor
readOnly enable TextField uneditable
padding padding of TextField
isDigits enable only digit number

CountryElement #

Pre-exsiting element for Country input

Pre-initialized values

pick country via BottomSheet

show flag of countries

Properties Description
DecorationElement input decoration of TextField.
label text label of TextField.
initValue Initiale Value to country input.
labelModalSheet Title of modalSheet
labelSearchModalSheet hint search textfield in BottomSheet
countryTextResult enumeration get result of selection countries
showFlag show flag of countris in modalsheet
padding padding of TextField
readonly when enable TextField to be unmodified

PhoneNumberElement #

Pre-exsiting element for phone number input

Pre-initialized values

To Do in PhoneNumberElement

  • pick calling phone via BottomSheet

  • show flag of countries for each calling code

Properties #

Properties Description
DecorationElement input decoration of TextField.
label text label of TextField.
hint text placeholder for phone number input.
initValue Initiale Value to country input.
errorMsg text error message
validator callback validation of TextField
showPrefixFlag enable flag country to be visible at left of TextField
showSuffixFlag enable flag country to be visible at rigth of TextField
padding padding of TextField
showPrefix show calling phone number(get current calling phone of user)
readOnly bool make TextField readOnly

TextAreaElement #

Pre-exsiting element for multiLine input (like commentField) Pre-initialized values

Properties Description
maxLines maximum line to span in textField.
showCounter enable visibility of counterText.
maxCharacter The limit on the number of characters that you can type in textField

DateElement #

Pre-exsiting element for date field input Pre-initialized values

Properties Description
id String,should be unique,
initDate (DateTime) initialize the input field
firstDate] (DateTime) represent earliest allowable Date in date picker
lastDate (DateTime) represent latest allowable Date in date picker
format (DateFormat) for format the date that you pick (default :DateFormat.yMd())
selectableDayPredicate (SelectableDayPredicate) to enable dates to be selected
label (String) text label of TextField
decorationElement input decoration of TextField
hint (String) hint text of textField
isRequired (bool) if true,make this field required
errorMsg (String) show error message when the field isn't validate
padding (EdgeInsets) padding of textField

DecorationElement #

abstract class

Pre-exsiting inputDecoration for TextFormField

Pre-initialized values

Typically one of UnderlineDecorationElement or OutlineDecorationElement or RoundedDecorationElement can be used.

Properties Description
borderColor The border Color to display when the InputDecorator does not have the focus.
errorBorderColor The borwidthLineder Color to display when the InputDecorator does have the error.
focusBorderColor The border Color to display when the InputDecorator does have the focus.
disabledBorderColor The border Color to display when the InputDecorator is disabled.
radius radius of the border.
widthSide The width of this line of the border
filledColor base fill color of the decoration
focusColor focused fill color of the decoration
Properties Description
borderColor The border Color to display when the InputDecorator does not have the focus.
errorBorderColor The borwidthLineder Color to display when the InputDecorator does have the error.
focusBorderColor The border Color to display when the InputDecorator does have the focus.
disabledBorderColor The border Color to display when the InputDecorator is disabled.
radius radius of the border.
widthSide The width of this line of the border
filledColor base fill color of the decoration
focusColor focused fill color of the decoration

RoundedDecorationElement #

without BorderSide

Properties Description
radius radius of the border.
filledColor base fill color of the decoration
focusColor focused fill color of the decoration

ButtonLoginDecorationElement #

decoration for button login

Properties Description
shapeButtonLogin shape of the login button.
backgroundColorButton ackground color of the login button
widthSubmitButton width size of the login button
elevation elevation of the button

PasswordControls #

define an validation rules for password input

Properties Description
minLength minimun length accepted by password
hasUppercase make password contains at least one upperCase character
hasSpecialCharacter make password contains at least one special character
hasDigits make password contains at least one digits
pub points


unverified uploader

generate your form with easier way, Pre-existing forms, fields ,customize your form in runtime

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unknown (LICENSE)


flag, flutter, http, intl


Packages that depend on dynamic_form