duration 3.0.15 copy "duration: ^3.0.15" to clipboard
duration: ^3.0.15 copied to clipboard

Utilities to make working with 'Duration's easier. Formats duration in human readable form and also parses duration in human readable form to Dart's Duration.

duration pub package #

Utilities to make working with 'Duration's easier.

NOTE: Use prettyDuration, prettySeconds, prettyMilliseconds instead of printDuration, printSeconds, printMilliseconds if you only want to format/convert and don't want to print to console!

Format duration #

Use printDuration to print a human readable durations. By default, printDuration will print the duration down to the second. It uses english locale by default.

main() {
  final dur = Duration(
    days: 5,
    hours: 23,
    minutes: 59,
    seconds: 59,
    milliseconds: 999,
    microseconds: 999,

  // => 5d, 23h, 59m, 59s

  // => 3 seconds
  printDuration(aMillisecond * 3000);

  // => 2 seconds 250 milliseconds
  printDuration(aMillisecond * 2250);

  // => 1 day 3 hours 2 minutes
  printDuration(aMillisecond * 97320000);

With desired locale #

Use locale parameter to format with desired locale.

main() {
  // => 5 días 9 horas
    aDay * 5 + anHour * 9,
    abbreviated: false,
    locale: DurationLocale.fromLanguageCode('ru'),

Abbreviate units #

Use abbreviated parameter to use abbreviated units.

main() {
  final dur = Duration(
    days: 5,
    hours: 23,
    minutes: 59,
    seconds: 59,
    milliseconds: 999,
    microseconds: 999,

  // => 5d, 23h, 59m, 59s, 999ms, 999us
  printDuration(dur, abbreviated: true, tersity: DurationTersity.all);

Spacer #

Use spacer to add a string between amount and unit.

main() {
  // => 5 whole days 9 whole hours
  printDuration(aDay * 5 + anHour * 9, spacer: ' whole ');

Delimiter #

Use delimiter to separate each individual part with a string.

main() {
  // => 5 days, 9 hours and 10 minute
  printDuration(aDay * 5 + anHour * 9 + aMinute * 10, delimiter: ', ');

Conjugation #

Use conjugation to add a string before the final unit. Use it in conjunction with delimiter to add ',' and 'and' to separate individual parts.

main() {
  // => 5 days, 9 hours and 10 minutes
    aDay * 5 + anHour * 9 + aMinute * 10,
    delimiter: ', ',
    conjugation: ' and ',

Parse duration #

Parse duration #

main() {
  final Duration dur = parseDuration('245:09:08.007006');

Parse time #

main() {
  final Duration dur = parseTime('245:09:08.007006');
pub points


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Utilities to make working with 'Duration's easier. Formats duration in human readable form and also parses duration in human readable form to Dart's Duration.

Repository (GitHub)
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BSD-3-Clause (license)


Packages that depend on duration