ducene 0.0.8 copy "ducene: ^0.0.8" to clipboard
ducene: ^0.0.8 copied to clipboard

outdatedDart 1 only

An instant search library for Dart.


// Copyright (c) 2016, Shinichiro Abe. All rights reserved. Use of this source code
// is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

import 'package:ducene/ducene.dart';
//import 'dart:io';

main() {
  Analyzer st = new StandardAnalyzer();

  // Store the index in memory:
  IndexDirectory directory = new RAMIndexDirectory();
  // To store an index on disk, use this instead:
  //IndexDirectory directory = new FSIndexDirectory(new Directory("testindex"));
  IndexWriter writer = new IndexWriter(directory);
  String text = 'This is the text of #1.';
  Document doc1 = new Document()
    .append('id', '1')
    .append('text', text, analyzer: st)
    .append('filter', 'x')
    .append('cat', 'CAT-A')
    .append('subcat', 'CAT-A-1')
    .append('price', '80');
  text = 'This is the text of #2.';
  Document doc2 = new Document()
    .append('id', '2')
    .append('text', text, analyzer: st)
    .append('filter', 'x')
    .append('cat', ['CAT-B', 'CAT-A'])
    .append('subcat', 'CAT-A-2')
    .append('price', '70');
  text = "the text which 'or' matched";
  Document doc3 = new Document()
    .append('id', '3')
    .append('text', text, analyzer: st)
    .append('filter', 'x')
    .append('cat', 'CAT-C')
    .append('subcat', 'CAT-C-1')
    .append('price', '100');
  writer.write([doc1, doc2, doc3]);

  // Now search the index:
  IndexReader reader = DirectoryReader.open(directory);
  IndexSearcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(reader);
  BoolQuery query = new BoolQuery(Op.or)
      .append('text', 'this text', analyzer: st)
      .addFilter(new TermQuery(new Term('filter', 'x')));
  TopDocs hits = searcher.search(query, 1000);
  assert(3 == searcher.count(query));
  assert(3 == hits.totalHits);
  // Iterate through the results:
  for (ScoreDoc hit in hits.scoreDocs) {
    Document hitDoc = searcher.doc(hit.doc);
    assert(hitDoc.get('text').contains('the text'));
    print('${hitDoc.get('id')} : ${hit.score.toString()}');
    // Highlight:
    String snippet
      = FieldHighlight.getSnippet(query, 'text', hitDoc.get('text'));

  // Facet + Stats:
  Map<String,Set<int>> mainFacet = FieldFacet.getCount(hits.docSet,'cat',reader);
  Set<int> mainFacet_A = mainFacet['CAT-A'];
  assert (mainFacet_A.length == 2);
  Set<int> mainFacet_B = mainFacet['CAT-B'];
  assert (mainFacet_B.length == 1);
  Set<int> mainFacet_C = mainFacet['CAT-C'];
  assert (mainFacet_C.length == 1);
  var mainStats_A = FieldStats.getStats(mainFacet_A, 'price', reader);
  assert(mainStats_A['sum'] == 150 && mainStats_A['mean'] == 75);
  var mainStats_B = FieldStats.getStats(mainFacet_B, 'price', reader);
  assert(mainStats_B['count'] == 1);
  var mainStats_C = FieldStats.getStats(mainFacet_C, 'price', reader);
  assert(mainStats_C['min'] == 100 && mainStats_C['max'] == 100);

  var subFacet_A = FieldFacet.getCount(mainFacet_A, 'subcat', reader);
  Set<int> subFacet_A_1 = subFacet_A['CAT-A-1'];
  assert (subFacet_A_1.length == 1);
  Set<int> subFacet_A_2 = subFacet_A['CAT-A-2'];
  assert (subFacet_A_2.length == 1);
  var subStats_A_1 = FieldStats.getStats(subFacet_A_1, 'price', reader);
  assert(subStats_A_1['sum'] == 80);
  var subStats_A_2 = FieldStats.getStats(subFacet_A_2, 'price', reader);
  assert(subStats_A_2['sum'] == 70);
pub points


unverified uploader

An instant search library for Dart.



unknown (LICENSE)


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