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DTLS provides datagram socket encryption. Implemented using OpenSSL over FFI.

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dtls2 #

DTLS provides datagram socket encryption. Implemented using OpenSSL over FFI. This package supports native platforms only, because there are no datagram sockets on Web. It is based on the dtls package which was discontinued by its maintainers.

Features #

Currently, only the client side is implemented, providing support for DTLS in PKI and PSK mode. The library is compatible with both OpenSSL 1.1 and OpenSSL 3.

Limitations #

During the DTLS handshake, messages currently get corrupted when too many cipher suites are offered to the server, making it impossible to complete the handshake. The issue will probably be fixed with the release of OpenSSL 3.2.

To circumvent the problem, you can specify a specific set of ciphers in the DTLSClientContext (see the example below, where only the cipher PSK-AES128-CCM8 is selected). This will reduce the size of the Client Hello, preventing it from being fragmented. See the OpenSSL documentation for a full list of available cipher strings.

Getting started #

The dynamic libraries libssl and libcrypto from OpenSSL need to be available.

On Android and iOS, libssl and libcrypto have to be bundled with the app. On macOS and Windows, libssl and libcrypto might also not be available by default and might need to be bundled. However, you can install them on macOS via homebrew (brew install openssl) and on Windows, e.g., via package managers such as chocolatey (choco install openssl).

On Linux, libssl and libcrypto are preinstalled or available in most distributions.

Usage #

First, create a DtlsClientContext. The context can be configured to use a certain set of ciphers and/or a callback function for Pre-Shared Keys.

With the context, you can then create a DtlsClient by either using the bind() method or its constructor (which requires an external RawDatagramSocket).

With the DtlsClient, you can then connect to peers, which will return a DtlsConnection on success. The connection object allows you to send data to the peer or to listen for incoming data. Incoming data is wrapped in Datagram objects, which makes it easier to integrate the library in contexts where RawDatagramSockets are already being used.

Once the data exchange is finished, you can either close the connection or the client. The latter will also close all active connections associated with the closed client.

import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:typed_data';

import 'package:dtls2/dtls2.dart';

final context = DtlsClientContext(
  verify: true,
  withTrustedRoots: true,
  ciphers: 'PSK-AES128-CCM8',
  pskCredentialsCallback: (identityHint) {
    return PskCredentials(
      identity: Uint8List.fromList(utf8.encode("Client_identity")),
      preSharedKey: Uint8List.fromList(utf8.encode("secretPSK")),

void main() async {
  final hostname = 'californium.eclipseprojects.io';
  final peerAddr = InternetAddress.tryParse(hostname) ??
      (await InternetAddress.lookup(hostname)).first;
  final peerPort = 5684;

  final dtlsClient = await DtlsClient.bind('::', 0, context);

  final connection = await dtlsClient.connect(peerAddr, peerPort);

    ..listen((datagram) async {
      await connection.close();
      print('Connection closed');
    }, onDone: () async {
      await dtlsClient.close();
      print('Client closed');
    ..send(Uint8List.fromList(utf8.encode('Hello World')));


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DTLS provides datagram socket encryption. Implemented using OpenSSL over FFI.

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