dropdown_button2 3.0.0-beta.17 copy "dropdown_button2: ^3.0.0-beta.17" to clipboard
dropdown_button2: ^3.0.0-beta.17 copied to clipboard

Flutter's core Dropdown Button widget with steady dropdown menu and many options you can customize to your needs.

3.0.0-beta.17 #

  • Enhance scroll position when using searchable dropdown, closes #285.
  • Temporarily fix ink splash gets displayed over search widget, closes #290.
  • Add copyWith method for style data classes, closes #314.

3.0.0-beta.16 #

  • Fix dropdown menu position when window changes horizontally, closes #243.

3.0.0-beta.15 #

  • Always call onChanged when tapping enabled item, closes #275.

3.0.0-beta.14 #

  • Optimize scroll performance when dealing with large items list.
  • Update SDK constraints: ">=3.2.0 <4.0.0"

3.0.0-beta.13 #

  • BREAKING: Add openDropdownListenable property that can be used to programmatically open the dropdown menu.

    Instead of:

    final dropdownKey = GlobalKey<DropdownButton2State>();
    Widget build(BuildContext context) {
      return Column(
            // Other properties...
            key: dropdownKey,
          // Open the dropdown programmatically, like when another button is pressed:
            onTap: () => dropdownKey.currentState!.callTap(),


    final openDropdownListenable = ValueNotifier<Object?>(null);
    Widget build(BuildContext context) {
      return Column(
            // Other properties...
            openDropdownListenable: openDropdownListenable,
          // Open the dropdown programmatically, like when another button is pressed:
            onTap: () => openDropdownListenable.value = Object(),

3.0.0-beta.12 #

  • Add dropdownBuilder property for DropdownStyleData, it can be used to customize the dropdown menu.

3.0.0-beta.11 #

  • Introduce valueListenable and multiValueListenable, which replaces SetState with ValueListenable.
  • Support implementing select all option (Check multi-select example), closes #121 and #167.

3.0.0-beta.10 #

  • Add the possibility to display a dropdown menu centered through DropdownDirection.center.
  • Add barrierCoversButton property, used to specify whether the modal barrier should cover the dropdown button or not.

3.0.0-beta.9 #

  • Update DropdownItem to respect intrinsicHeight.
  • Update added menu padding to include button icon.

3.0.0-beta.8 #

  • Add foregroundDecoration property for ButtonStyleData.

3.0.0-beta.7 #

  • Add intrinsicHeight property to DropdownItem. This enables setting item's height according to its intrinsic height.

3.0.0-beta.6 #

  • Fix isExpanded and alignment functionality.

3.0.0-beta.5 #

  • Enhance rendering performance when dealing with big items list.

3.0.0-beta.4 #

  • Add noResultsWidget property for DropdownSearchData. It can be used to show some widget when the search results are empty.
  • Rename searchInnerWidget[Height] to searchBarWidget[Height].

3.0.0-beta.3 #

  • Fix inkwell covers error message.

3.0.0-beta.2 #

  • Add border radius parameter for menu item.

3.0.0-beta.1 #

  • Fix formatting.

3.0.0-beta.0 #

  • BREAKING: Replaces DropdownMenuItem with DropdownItem to provide extra functionality.

    Instead of:

    items: items.map((String item) => DropdownMenuItem<String>(...)).toList(),


    items: items.map((String item) => DropdownItem<String>(...)).toList(),
  • Add closeOnTap property to DropdownItem. It controls whether the dropdown should close when the item is tapped.

  • BREAKING: Support setting different heights for items.

    Instead of:

    items: items
      .map((String item) => DropdownItem<String>(
          value: item,
          child: Text(item),
    menuItemStyleData: const MenuItemStyleData(
      height: 40,


    items: items
      .map((String item) => DropdownItem<String>(
            value: item,
            height: 40,
            child: Text(item),
  • Support adding separator widget internally, closes #134.

  • Update highlight behavior, closes #184.

2.3.9 #

  • Use melos to separate package golden tests, closes #176.

2.3.8 #

  • Use null-aware operators for thumbVisibility and thickness.

2.3.7 #

  • Remove deprecated isAlwaysShown member.

2.3.6 #

  • Remove unnecessary packages from dependencies.

2.3.5 #

  • Fix ScrollBar theming.

2.3.4 #

  • isFullScreen should be null by default, fixes #157.

2.3.3 #

  • Support ScrollBar theming for Cupertino, closes #154.

2.3.1 #

  • Update gitignore/pubignore, fixes #153.

2.2.2 #

  • Ignore goldens and assets for pub.dev (reduces package size)

2.2.1 #

  • Fix README images.

2.2.0 #

  • Update DropdownButtonFormField2 decoration behavior. (#152)
  • Squashed MediaQuery InheritedModel [Flutter core].
  • Fix rebuild issue of openMenuIcon.
  • Fix ink response radius for DropdownButtonFormField2.
  • Update README and examples.

2.1.4 #

  • Fix button falsely maintaining focus, closes #152.

2.1.3 #

  • Fix assertion failure when dropdownStyleData's decoration has an image.
  • Fix IgnorePointer to only block user interactions (Flutter Dropdown Update).

2.1.2 #

  • Revert "Remove the deprecated window" and ignore instead.

2.1.1 #

  • Remove the deprecated window.

2.1.0 #

  • Update dropdown menu's vertical extent.

2.0.1 #

  • DropdownStyleData.isFullScreen is deprecated in favor of DropdownStyleData.useRootNavigator.
  • Add DropdownStyleData.useSafeArea, used to determine if the dropdown menu should only display in safe areas of the screen.

2.0.0 #

Breaking Changes: #

  • Refactor & organize related parameters to sub-classes (check Options at README).
  • Prefer overlayColor for button/menuItem's ink response (supports desktop/web inkwell behavior customization).
  • Add scrollbarTheme parameter, used to configures scrollbar's theme (#113).
  • Add openInterval parameter, used to configure menu animation speed (#128).
  • Add selectedMenuItemBuilder parameter, used to customize the selected menu item (#124).
  • Improve SearchMatchFn's type inference.
  • Replace deprecated subtitle1 by titleMedium.
  • Update README.

1.9.4 #

  • Use generics with searchMatchFn for item type inference.

1.9.3 #

  • Add searchBarWidgetHeight, it fixes menu limits and scroll offset when using searchBarWidget.

1.9.2 #

  • Avoid overlapping menu items with keyboard when using searchable dropdown.

1.9.1 #

  • Add dropdownButtonKey parameter to DropdownButtonFormField2, it allows accessing DropdownButton2State.
  • Update README.

1.9.0 #

  • Adapt to max items width when buttonWidth & dropdownWidth is null.
  • Prevent dropdownWidth to exceed max screen width.
  • Add dropdownDirection parameter, it controls the direction of the dropdown menu in relation to the button.
  • Update README.

1.8.9 #

  • Add buttonOverlayColor parameter, It changes the overlay color of the button's InkWell.
  • Update README.

1.8.8 #

  • Update README.

1.8.7 #

  • Add buttonSplashColor parameter, It changes the splash color of the button's InkWell. close #79, #89.
  • Add buttonHighlightColor parameter, It changes the highlight color of the button's InkWell. close #79, #89.

1.8.6 #

  • Add itemSplashColor parameter, It changes the splash color of the item's InkWell. close #79, #89.
  • Add itemHighlightColor parameter, It changes the highlight color of the item's InkWell. close #79, #89.

1.8.5 #

  • Fix typo in clampDouble method call, fixes #88.

1.8.4 #

  • Fix Dropdown menu dx offset range, fixes #86.

1.8.3 #

  • Fix the ability to increase dy offset for some cases, fixes #85.

1.8.2 #

  • define clampDouble within DropdownButton2 library.

1.8.1 #

  • Add dropdownScrollPadding parameter, it add padding to the dropdown menu including the scrollbar.
  • Update README.

1.8.0 #

Breaking Changes: #

  • Remove customItemsIndexes and customItemsHeight parameters.
  • Add customItemsHeights parameter, it uses different predefined heights for the menu items. close #71.
  • Switched to a double variant of clamp to avoid boxing (Flutter Dropdown Update).
  • Replace empty Container with const SizedBox (Flutter Dropdown Update).
  • Update README.

1.7.2 #

  • Fix DropdownButtonFormField ripple effect offset to top by 1px, fixes #65.

1.7.1 #

  • Fix DropdownButtonFormField InkWell spreads to error message, fixes #56.
  • Prevent Selected item from rendering before rest of the list items, fixes #57.

1.7.0 #

  • Update DropdownButton menu clip (Flutter Dropdown Update).
  • Fix hint alignment when selectedItemBuilder is non-null (Flutter Dropdown Update).
  • Modify calculation of dense button height when text scale is large (Flutter Dropdown Update).
  • Updating PrimaryScrollController for Desktop, fixes #49.
  • Fix DropdownButton inkwell border radius. fixes #53, fixes #54.

1.6.3 #

  • Fix openWithLongPress functionality. close #46.

1.6.2 #

  • Use buttonDecoration's boxShadow value (if exists) for button's decoration, otherwise use buttonElevation.

1.6.1 #

  • Fix #39.
  • Update README.

1.6.0 #

Breaking Changes: #

  • Add searching feature:
  • searchController parameter, The TextEditingController used for searchable dropdowns. If null, then it'll perform as a normal dropdown without searching feature.
  • searchBarWidget parameter, The widget to be shown at the top of the dropdown menu for searchable dropdowns, such as search bar.
  • searchMatchFn parameter, The match function used for searchable dropdowns, if null _ defaultSearchMatchFn will be used.
  • Improve selectedItemOffset to get accurate scrollOffset when dropdown padding is set.
  • Update README.

1.5.3 #

  • Add barrierDismissible parameter, you can prevent dismissing the menu by tapping the modal barrier.
  • Add barrierColor parameter, you can change the color of the modal barrier (default is transparent) . close #35.
  • Add barrierLabel parameter, you can set the semantic label used for a dismissible barrier.
  • Update README.

1.5.2 #

  • Allow opening the button programmatically using GlobalKey. close #33.

1.5.1 #

  • Use PlatformDispatcher.instance over window.
  • Use super parameters lint.
  • Add Multiselect Dropdown with Checkboxes Example.
  • Update README.

1.5.0 #

Breaking Changes: #

  • Flutter 3.0.0 upgrade.
  • Update README.

1.4.0 #

Breaking Changes: #

  • Remove onTap parameter.
  • Remove onMenuClose parameter.
  • Add onMenuStateChange parameter, It's called when the dropdown menu is opened or closed. close #24.
  • Update README.

1.3.0 #

  • Prevent scrollbar and ripple effect from going beyond the menu rounded border boundaries when scrolling. fix #21.

1.2.5 #

  • Update docs & README.

1.2.4 #

  • Update docs & README.

1.2.3 #

  • Add dropdownFullScreen parameter, if true, menu will open in fullscreen mode (Above AppBar & TabBar). close #20.
  • Update README.

1.2.2 #

  • Add selectedItemHighlightColor parameter, It specifies highlight color of the current selected item.
  • Update README.

1.2.1 #

  • Add onMenuClose parameter, It calls a function when the dropdown menu is closed.
  • Update README.

1.2.0 #

Breaking Changes: #

  • Fix tappable area for DropdownButtonFormField & add InkWell to DropdownButton [Flutter Dropdown Update].
  • Inline casts on Element.widget getter to improve web performance [Flutter Dropdown Update].
  • Fix DropdownButtonFormField loses highlight when menu opens and stays highlighted after menu closes.
  • Add iconOnClick parameter, It toggles different icon when dropdown menu open, close #12.
  • Update README.

1.1.1 #

  • Prevent first item to be highlighted when there's no item selected on web and desktop mode (when FocusHighlightMode is set to traditional).
  • Prevent button's color to change to focusColor when selecting items on web and desktop mode (when FocusHighlightMode is set to traditional).

1.1.0 #

Breaking Changes: #

  • Rename itemWidth to dropdownWidth for clearness.
  • Prevent items from going beyond the menu rounded border boundaries when scrolling.
  • Remove borderRadius from first and last item of the dropdown menu.
  • Change List.from to List.of "Dart lint".
  • Update README.

1.0.7 #

  • BoxShadow can now be added to dropdownDecoration, and if so, it will be used instead of dropdownElevation.

1.0.6 #

  • Update README

1.0.5 #

  • Change some parameters names to be more clear.
  • Add dropdown decoration as BoxDecoration parameter.
  • Add Options table to README.
  • Add "How to use DropdownButton2 with dividers" to README Examples.

1.0.2 #

  • Add "How to use DropdownButtonFormField2 with Form" to README Examples.

1.0.1 #

  • Update README

1.0.0 #

  • initRelease
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Flutter's core Dropdown Button widget with steady dropdown menu and many options you can customize to your needs.

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