draw_on 0.0.1 draw_on: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard
A flutter plugin to draw the coordinates on the widget and as well as to find the given point is inside a list of coordinates or not.
Draw On #
A flutter plugin to draw the coordinates on the widget and as well as to find the given point is inside a list of coordinates or not.
For Draw on widget #
widget: _DrawOnImageWidget(),
correctAnswerCoordinates: selectedPositions,
getXaxis: (xAxis) {
setState(() {
selectedX = xAxis;
getYaxis: (yAxis) {
setState(() {
selectedY = yAxis;
showPointer: showPointer,
onTap: () {
setState(() {
showPointer = true;
if (selectedPositions.last.length > 3 &&
selectedPositions.last.first == selectedPositions.last.last) {
Offset? nearestValue = Polygon.getNearestPoint(
selectedPositions.last, Offset(selectedX!, selectedY!));
selectedPositions.last.add(Offset(selectedX!, selectedY!));
if (nearestValue != null) {
selectedX = null;
selectedY = null;
pointsColor: Colors.green,
lineColor: Colors.green,
For Select Area Widget #
correctAnswerCoordinates: correctAnswerCoordinates,
widget: _DrawOnImageWidget(),
isSelectable: isSelectable,
getXaxis: (xAxis) {
setState(() {
selectedPositionX = xAxis;
showPointer: showPointer,
getYaxis: (yAxis) {
setState(() {
selectedPositionY = yAxis;
onTap: () {
setState(() {
showPointer = true;
pointsColor: Colors.red,
lineColor: Colors.green,
To find nearest point #
Polygon.getNearestPoint(points, currentPoints);
To find whether the given point is inside the coordinates #
Polygon polygon = Polygon(polygonPoints);
isInside = polygon.isPointInside(Offset(xAxis, yAxis));