draw_graph 1.0.0
draw_graph: ^1.0.0 copied to clipboard
Do you want to display a graph in your app? This package can help. It has a widget that draws line graph for you.
Draw Graph #
A dart package to draw line graphs in your flutter app.
Usage #
Getting graph widget:
LineGraph Widget #
features: List
A list of features to be shown in the graph. Detailed description of Feature class below. (required)
size: Size
This will determine the size of your graph. Height will be size.height - 50 in case when description is showed. (required)
A list of X-Axis Labels. This will determine and number of cells to distribute your data in and the width of your cells.
A list of Y-Axis Labels. The labels will be distributed on Y-Axis and determine height on cells.
fontFamily: String
The fontFamily to use for labels and description of features.
graphColor: Color
The color of your axis and labels.
showDescription: bool
Whether to show description at the end of graph.
graphOpacity: double
The opacity of the area under graph.
verticalFeatureDirection: bool
Whether to scroll description vertically or not.
descriptionHeight: double
If scrolling the description vertically, what should be the height of the description box.
LineGraph({ @required List<feature> features, @required Size size, List<String> labelX: [], List<String> labelY: [], String fontFamily: 'sans serif', Color graphColor: Colors.grey, bool showDescription: false, double graphOpacity = 0.3, bool verticalFeatureDirection = false, double descriptionHeight = 80, });
copied to clipboardExample
LineGraph({ features: features, size: Size(320, 400), labelX: ['Day 1', 'Day 2', 'Day 3', 'Day 4', 'Day 5'], labelY: ['20%', '40%', '60%', '80%', '100%'], showDescription: true, graphColor: Colors.white30, graphOpacity: 0.2, verticalFeatureDirection: true, descriptionHeight: 130, })
copied to clipboard -
Creating a list of Features
- import the Feature model
import 'package:draw_graph/models/feature.dart';
Feature Model #
The Y-Axis values to be plotted. Should be in the range [0-1]. The length of the list should be equal to X-Axis labels. (required)
title: String
The title displayed in Feature Description below the graph
color: Color
The color of graph for this feature
Feature({ @required List<double> data, String title: '', Color color: Colors.black, });
copied to clipboardExample
List<Feature> features = [ Feature( title: "Drink Water", color: Colors.blue, data: [0.2, 0.8, 1, 0.7, 0.6], ), Feature( title: "Exercise", color: Colors.pink, data: [1, 0.8, 6, 0.7, 0.3, 8], ), ];
copied to clipboard - import the Feature model
Getting Started #
See the example
directory for a sample app using draw_graph.