dpp 2.0.6 copy "dpp: ^2.0.6" to clipboard
dpp: ^2.0.6 copied to clipboard

A better dart pub publish. Before publish, runs tests, fixes, lint, updates CHANGELOG, pubspec file and git commands.

dpp #

A better dart pub publish, by running tests, fixes, lint, update CHANGELOG file and git commands.

Installing globally as CLI #

dart pub global activate dpp

If you receive a "Warning" just follow the instructions and reopen the console. If you need more help visit Running a script from your PATH.

If you don't want to change your precious PATH, go horse, just run dart pub global run dpp

Simple CLI usage #

dpp <1.2.3|patch|minor|major> [optional commit/changelog message]


dpp 1.0.1 Typo fix
dpp minor New great feature # version will be 1.1.0
dpp major Rewritten code from Rust to Dart # 2.0.0

Simple run dpp to see all flags available.

ProTip: create an alias "pp" with your default flags. If my standard do not fits for you. E.g. put the following in you bashrc/zshrc: alias pp="dpp --no-git --no-tests"

Using internaly in only one project #

dart pub add dev:dpp # dev: means you will use only in development
void main() {
  final pubPublisher = DartPubPublish(git: false);

  // Publish a new version with default message
  pubPublisher.run('1.2.1'); // default message: 'Update version number'

  // Publish a new version with a changelog message
  pubPublisher.run('minor', message: 'Added a new feature');

  print('Package published!');


BSD 3-Clause License


If you have an idea for a new feature or have found a bug, just do a pull request (PR).

pub points


verified publisherhelio.me

A better dart pub publish. Before publish, runs tests, fixes, lint, updates CHANGELOG, pubspec file and git commands.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (LICENSE)


all_exit_codes, args, json2yaml, path, pub_semver, yaml, yaml2dart


Packages that depend on dpp