double_to_words 0.0.4+1 double_to_words: ^0.0.4+1 copied to clipboard
A Flutter package to convert numbers, including decimals, into readable words. Ideal for financial, educational, or accessibility-focused applications.
DoubleToWords #
A simple Dart package for converting double numbers to their word representation. Useful for creating more readable representations of numbers in apps, documents, and educational materials!
Features #
- Converts whole and decimal parts of double numbers into words.
- Handles numbers up to trillions.
- Custom handling for numbers ending in
, omitting unnecessary "point zero zero."
Installation #
Add this to your pubspec.yaml
double_to_words: ^0.0.4+1
Then run:
flutter pub get
Usage #
import 'package:double_to_words/double_to_words.dart';
void main() {
print(DoubleToWords.convert(102.00)); // Outputs: "one hundred two"
print(DoubleToWords.convert(1234.56)); // Outputs: "one thousand two hundred thirty-four point fifty-six"
print(DoubleToWords.convert(0.99)); // Outputs: "zero point ninety-nine"
Example #
Convert any double number into its word format:
double amount = 2045.75;
String words = DoubleToWords.convert(amount);
print(words); // "two thousand forty five point seventy five"`
Testing #
Run the tests to verify functionality:
flutter test
Contributing #
We welcome contributions to enhance this starter project. If you have suggestions or improvements, please create an issue or submit a pull request.
License #
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.