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An easy-to-use Dart client for interacting with DORM APIs.

A Dart client for interacting with DORM APIs.

Features #

The DORM Dart Client provides easy-to-use classes for interacting with DORM API. It allows developers to map their database tables to Dart classes, and then perform CRUD operations on those classes, which are automatically translated into corresponding SQL statements.

The DORM supports a variety of databases, including MySQL and MSSQL. It provides a flexible and extensible architecture that allows developers to perform operations on databases and provides an API.

You can learn more about the DORM on its repository.

Usage #

Import the dorm_client package in your Dart file:

import 'package:dorm_client/dorm_client.dart';

To use the DORM Client, you need to have a class that represents the table in the database. For example, let's say we have a table named "profile" with two columns "id" and "name", we would create a Dart class named "Profile" like this:

import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart';

part 'profile.g.dart';

class Profile {
  static final String tableName = "profile";

  final String id;
  final String name;


  factory Profile.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$ProfileFromJson(json);

  Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$ProfileToJson(this);

  String toString() {
    return "$id: $name";

Next, create an instance of the DORM class, passing in the schema version, API URL, and token as arguments:

DORMRequest request = DORMRequest().addRead(
    from: Profile.tableName,

DORMResponse response = await;

The post method returns a DORMResponse object, which contains the response from the API. You can extract the rows from the response using the rows method, passing in a function to parse the JSON data into a Profile object:

List<Profile>? profiles = response.rows(
  (json) => Profile.fromJson(json),

Finally, you can manipulate the retrieved data as desired.

Classes #


The DORM class is a client for communicating with a DORM server API. It uses the Dio library to make HTTP requests to the server.


The DORM class has a constructor that takes three required parameters:

  • schema: the version of the DORM API being used.
  • url: the URL of the DORM API location.
  • token: the authentication token used to access the DORM API.


Future<Response> postRaw(DORMRequest request) async

This method sends a POST request to the DORM API.

It takes a single parameter, request, which is an instance of the DORMRequest class.

It returns a Future<Response> object representing the raw response from the server.

If an error occurs while making the request, a DROMServerException is thrown with an appropriate error message.

Future<DORMResponse> post(DORMRequest request) async

This method sends a POST request to the DORM API and returns a DORMResponse object.

It takes a single parameter, request, which is an instance of the DORMRequest class.

If the server responds with an error message, a DROMServerException is thrown with an appropriate error message.

If an error occurs while parsing the response, a DROMClientException is thrown with an appropriate error message.

DORMRequest #

This class represents a request containing multiple jobs that can be sent to a database using the DORM library. A DORMRequest consists of one or more DORMJobs.


  • jobs: A List of DORMJobs


  • add(DORMJob job): Adds a DORMJob to the jobs list and returns the DORMRequest object.
  • addRead({from, columns, where, join}): Creates a new DORMRead object with the provided parameters, adds it to the jobs list, and returns the DORMRequest object.
  • addInsert({from, values, before}): Creates a new DORMInsert object with the provided parameters, adds it to the jobs list, and returns the DORMRequest object.
  • addUpdate({from, values, where}): Creates a new DORMUpdate object with the provided parameters, adds it to the jobs list, and returns the DORMRequest object.
  • toJson(): Converts the jobs list to a List of Map and returns it.

DORMRead #

This class represents a read job to be executed on a database.


  • columns: An optional List of DORMColumn objects that specifies which columns to include in the result.
  • where: An optional List of DORMWhere objects that specifies the conditions to filter the result.
  • join: An optional DORMJoin object that specifies a join to perform.
  • op: An optional String that specifies an 'OR', 'AND' or 'BETWEEN' operator.
  • val1: An optional String that specifies the first value for ranges like 'BETWEEN'.
  • val2: An optional String that specifies the second value for ranges like 'BETWEEN'.


  • toJson(): Converts the job to a Map and returns it.

DORMUpdate #

This class represents an update job to be executed on a database.


  • values: A List of DORMValue objects that specifies the values to update.
  • where: An optional List of DORMWhere objects that specifies the conditions to filter the rows to update.


  • toJson(): Converts the job to a Map and returns it.

DORMDelete #

This class represents a delete job to be executed on a database.


  • where: An optional List of DORMWhere objects that specifies the conditions to filter the rows to delete.


  • toJson(): Converts the job to a Map and returns it.

DORMColumn #

This class represents a column in a DORMRead job.


  • column: A String that specifies the name of the column.


  • toJson(): Converts the column to a Map and returns it.

DORMWhere #

The DORMWhere class represents a condition to filter the results of a query.


  • column: A string that represents the name of the column to compare.
  • value: A value that represents the value to compare against.
  • condition: A string that represents the condition to use in the comparison.


  • toJson(): Converts the condition to a Map and returns it.

DORMValue #

The DORMValue class represents a value to insert or update in a table.


  • columnName: the name of the column to insert or update.
  • value: the value to insert or update.


  • toJson(): Converts the value to a Map and returns it.

DORMBefore #

The DORMBefore class represents a before operation to perform before inserting a new row into a table.


  • lastInsertId: An object of type DORMLastInsertId that stores the value of the last inserted row ID in the database.


  • toJson(): Converts the operation to a Map and returns it.

DORMLastInsertId #

This class represents the last insert ID in a database table. It contains information about the table from which the ID was generated and the column in that table where it was set.


  • fromTable: the name of the table from which the last insert ID was generated.
  • setColumn: the name of the column in the table where the last insert ID was set.


  • toJson(): Converts the ID to a Map and returns it.

DORMJoin #

The DORMJoin class represents a join operation in the database. It contains a map of column names and their corresponding values to be used in the join query.


  • jobsColumns: A map of column names and their corresponding values to be used in the join query.


  • toJson(): Converts the operation to a Map and returns it.

Additional information #

Please support the development of this client as well the DORM itself.

pub points



An easy-to-use Dart client for interacting with DORM APIs.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (license)


dio, json_annotation


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