dorm 1.0.9 copy "dorm: ^1.0.9" to clipboard
dorm: ^1.0.9 copied to clipboard

outdatedDart 1 only

Dorm is an ORM mapping on the client, the goal is to hook it up with existing server-side ORM solutions (Hibernate, EntityFramework, ...) The example includes a JSON based Dart server for testing p [...]


import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:html';

import 'package:dart_flex/dart_flex.dart';
import 'package:dorm/dorm.dart';
import 'package:observe/observe.dart';

import 'orm_domain/orm_domain.dart';
import 'orm_infrastructure/orm_infrastructure.dart';

final String url = '';
final String port = '8080';
final Serializer serializer = new SerializerJson();

FetchService fetchService;
CommitService commitService;
FetchService postCommitFetchService;

ConflictManager handleConflictAcceptClient(Entity serverEntity, Entity clientEntity) {
  return ConflictManager.ACCEPT_CLIENT;

ConflictManager handleConflictAcceptServer(Entity serverEntity, Entity clientEntity) {
  return ConflictManager.ACCEPT_SERVER;

void main() {
  Map<String, dynamic> person = <String, dynamic>{};
  List<Map<String, dynamic>> properties = <Map<String, dynamic>>[];
  Map<String, dynamic> p_id = <String, dynamic>{};
  Map<String, dynamic> p_name = <String, dynamic>{};
  Map<String, dynamic> p_group = <String, dynamic>{};
  p_id['name'] = 'id';
  p_id['column'] = 'Person_id';
  p_id['type'] = 'int';
  p_id['isIdentifier'] = true;
  p_id['insertValue'] = 0;
  p_name['name'] = 'name';
  p_name['column'] = 'Name';
  p_name['type'] = 'String';
  p_name['defaultValue'] = '';
  p_group['name'] = 'group';
  p_group['column'] = 'PersonGroup_id';
  p_group['type'] = 'PersonGroup';
  p_group['defaultValue'] = null;
  person['name'] = 'Person';
  person['table'] = 'Persons';
  person['extends'] = 'MutableEntity';
  person['properties'] = properties;
  // !!! MAKE SURE TO START THE DART SERVER, RUN run_mock_server.dart !!!
  // make sure to add this call,
  // it will run reflection on the client-side entities
    (String value) => 'testIn',
    (String value) => 'testOut'

void benchmark() {
  fetchService = new FetchService(url, port, serializer, handleConflictAcceptClient);
      (ObservableList<Entity> resultList) {

void init() {
  ObservableList resultList = new ObservableList();
  int x = 0;
  for (x=0; x<1000; x++)
      new Employee() = '$x' = x
  DartFlexRootContainer rootContainer = new DartFlexRootContainer(elementId: '#dynamic_content')
  ..layout=new VerticalLayout();
  HGroup header = new HGroup()
  DataGrid grid = new DataGrid()
  ..columns = new ObservableList.from(
       new DataGridColumn()
       ..width = 80
       ..headerData = const HeaderData('', Person.ID_SYMBOL, 'id', 'person id')
       ..field = Person.ID_SYMBOL
       ..headerItemRendererFactory = new ClassFactory(constructorMethod: HeaderItemRenderer.construct)
       ..columnItemRendererFactory = new ClassFactory(constructorMethod: LabelItemRenderer.construct),

       new DataGridColumn()
       ..headerData = const HeaderData('', Person.NAME_SYMBOL, 'name', 'person name')
       ..field = Person.NAME_SYMBOL
       ..headerItemRendererFactory = new ClassFactory(constructorMethod: HeaderItemRenderer.construct)
       ..columnItemRendererFactory = new ClassFactory(constructorMethod: EditableLabelItemRenderer.construct),

       new DataGridColumn()
       ..headerData = const HeaderData('', Person.NAME_SYMBOL, 'name', 'person name')
       ..field = Person.NAME_SYMBOL
       ..headerItemRendererFactory = new ClassFactory(constructorMethod: HeaderItemRenderer.construct)
       ..columnItemRendererFactory = new ClassFactory(constructorMethod: EditableLabelItemRenderer.construct),
       new DataGridColumn()
       ..headerData = const HeaderData('', Person.NAME_SYMBOL, 'name', 'person name')
       ..field = Person.NAME_SYMBOL
       ..headerItemRendererFactory = new ClassFactory(constructorMethod: HeaderItemRenderer.construct)
       ..columnItemRendererFactory = new ClassFactory(constructorMethod: EditableLabelItemRenderer.construct),
       new DataGridColumn()
       ..headerData = const HeaderData('', Person.NAME_SYMBOL, 'name', 'person name')
       ..field = Person.NAME_SYMBOL
       ..headerItemRendererFactory = new ClassFactory(constructorMethod: HeaderItemRenderer.construct)
       ..columnItemRendererFactory = new ClassFactory(constructorMethod: EditableLabelItemRenderer.construct),
       new DataGridColumn()
       ..headerData = const HeaderData('', Person.NAME_SYMBOL, 'name', 'person name')
       ..field = Person.NAME_SYMBOL
       ..headerItemRendererFactory = new ClassFactory(constructorMethod: HeaderItemRenderer.construct)
       ..columnItemRendererFactory = new ClassFactory(constructorMethod: EditableLabelItemRenderer.construct),
       new DataGridColumn()
       ..headerData = const HeaderData('', Person.NAME_SYMBOL, 'name', 'person name')
       ..field = Person.NAME_SYMBOL
       ..headerItemRendererFactory = new ClassFactory(constructorMethod: HeaderItemRenderer.construct)
       ..columnItemRendererFactory = new ClassFactory(constructorMethod: EditableLabelItemRenderer.construct),
       new DataGridColumn()
       ..headerData = const HeaderData('', Person.NAME_SYMBOL, 'name', 'person name')
       ..field = Person.NAME_SYMBOL
       ..headerItemRendererFactory = new ClassFactory(constructorMethod: HeaderItemRenderer.construct)
       ..columnItemRendererFactory = new ClassFactory(constructorMethod: EditableLabelItemRenderer.construct),
       new DataGridColumn()
       ..headerData = const HeaderData('', Person.NAME_SYMBOL, 'name', 'person name')
       ..field = Person.NAME_SYMBOL
       ..headerItemRendererFactory = new ClassFactory(constructorMethod: HeaderItemRenderer.construct)
       ..columnItemRendererFactory = new ClassFactory(constructorMethod: EditableLabelItemRenderer.construct),
       new DataGridColumn()
       ..headerData = const HeaderData('', Person.NAME_SYMBOL, 'name', 'person name')
       ..field = Person.NAME_SYMBOL
       ..headerItemRendererFactory = new ClassFactory(constructorMethod: HeaderItemRenderer.construct)
       ..columnItemRendererFactory = new ClassFactory(constructorMethod: EditableLabelItemRenderer.construct),
       new DataGridColumn()
       ..headerData = const HeaderData('', Person.NAME_SYMBOL, 'name', 'person name')
       ..field = Person.NAME_SYMBOL
       ..headerItemRendererFactory = new ClassFactory(constructorMethod: HeaderItemRenderer.construct)
       ..columnItemRendererFactory = new ClassFactory(constructorMethod: EditableLabelItemRenderer.construct),
       new DataGridColumn()
       ..headerData = const HeaderData('', Person.NAME_SYMBOL, 'name', 'person name')
       ..field = Person.NAME_SYMBOL
       ..headerItemRendererFactory = new ClassFactory(constructorMethod: HeaderItemRenderer.construct)
       ..columnItemRendererFactory = new ClassFactory(constructorMethod: EditableLabelItemRenderer.construct),
       new DataGridColumn()
       ..headerData = const HeaderData('', Person.NAME_SYMBOL, 'name', 'person name')
       ..field = Person.NAME_SYMBOL
       ..headerItemRendererFactory = new ClassFactory(constructorMethod: HeaderItemRenderer.construct)
       ..columnItemRendererFactory = new ClassFactory(constructorMethod: EditableLabelItemRenderer.construct),
       new DataGridColumn()
       ..headerData = const HeaderData('', Person.NAME_SYMBOL, 'name', 'person name')
       ..field = Person.NAME_SYMBOL
       ..headerItemRendererFactory = new ClassFactory(constructorMethod: HeaderItemRenderer.construct)
       ..columnItemRendererFactory = new ClassFactory(constructorMethod: EditableLabelItemRenderer.construct),
       new DataGridColumn()
       ..headerData = const HeaderData('', Person.NAME_SYMBOL, 'name', 'person name')
       ..field = Person.NAME_SYMBOL
       ..headerItemRendererFactory = new ClassFactory(constructorMethod: HeaderItemRenderer.construct)
       ..columnItemRendererFactory = new ClassFactory(constructorMethod: EditableLabelItemRenderer.construct),
       new DataGridColumn()
       ..headerData = const HeaderData('', Person.NAME_SYMBOL, 'name', 'person name')
       ..field = Person.NAME_SYMBOL
       ..headerItemRendererFactory = new ClassFactory(constructorMethod: HeaderItemRenderer.construct)
       ..columnItemRendererFactory = new ClassFactory(constructorMethod: EditableLabelItemRenderer.construct)
  ..dataProvider = resultList;
  // loading data can be done through 2 library-level methods
  // EXAMPLE 1: you can load an entity by primary key...
  ormEntityLoadByPK('Job', 1, onConflict:handleConflictAcceptClient).then(
    (Job job) => print('A Job is loaded! The job is called: ${}')
  // EXAMPLE 2: or load a list of entities...
  ormEntityLoad('Job', onConflict:handleConflictAcceptClient).then(
      (List<Entity> resultList) {
        print('All jobs are now loaded!');
            (Job job) => print('-> The job is called: ${}')
  // EXAMPLE 3: you can also add a 'where' clause to the list loader...
  // the where clause must be a Map...
  Map<String, dynamic> whereMap1 = new Map<String, dynamic>();
  // in this map, we add the fields to filter upon...
  whereMap1[Job.NAME] = 'Managing director';
  // add extra fields where needed
  ormEntityLoad('Job', where:whereMap1, onConflict:handleConflictAcceptClient).then(
      (List<Entity> resultList) {
        print('A filtered job list is now loaded');
            (Job job) => print('-> The job is called: ${}')
  // entities can have other entities as properties, or lists of entities
  // let's load an employee. An employee has a job property, and this job property in its turn, has an employees list, 
  // this list contains all employees that have this job
  Map<String, dynamic> whereMap2 = new Map<String, dynamic>();
  // Note that 'Employee' extends 'Person',
  // Employee adds one extra property, job
  // the other properties are in the parenting class Person
  // So for the where clause by name, we target Person.NAME
  whereMap2[Person.NAME] = 'Jane Austin';
  ormEntityLoad('Employee', where:whereMap2, onConflict:handleConflictAcceptClient).then(
      (List<Entity> resultList) {
            (Employee employee) {
              print('Employee ${} is now loaded');
                (Employee employeeWhoHasSameJob) => print('This employee is also a ${}: ${}')    
  // Conflicts can occur when a client-side entity is out of sync with an incoming server-side entity
  // for example, you load a job, change the job name and then decide to reload the same job from the server
  // at this point, they are out of sync, because the client has an uncommitted update.
  // to handle such a conflict, you can set the onConflict argument,
  // the value should be a Function, which will be run in case of a detected conflict
  // we start by loading a specific job :
  ormEntityLoadByPK('Job', 1, onConflict:handleConflictAcceptServer).then(
    (Job job) {
      // then change the name = 'a new job name here';
      // finally, reload the same job, and choose to accept the server version
      ormEntityLoadByPK('Job', 1, onConflict:handleConflictAcceptServer).then(
          (Job jobReloaded) => print(
  ormEntityLoadByPK('Job', 1, onConflict:handleConflictAcceptClient).then(
      (Job job) {
        Map<String, dynamic> whereClause = new Map<String, dynamic>();
        whereClause[Employee.JOB] = job;
        whereClause[Person.NAME] = 'Martin Svensson';
        ormEntityLoad('Employee', onConflict:handleConflictAcceptClient, where:whereClause).then(
            (List<Entity> resultList) {
                  (Employee employee) => print('${} ${}')
        = 'Chief Executable Officer';
            (_) => print('flushed!')
  ormEntityLoad('Job', onConflict:handleConflictAcceptClient).then(
      (List<Entity> resultList) {
            (Job job) => print('${} has ${(job.employees != null) ? job.employees.length : 0} registered employees')
  ormEntityLoadByPK('User', 1, onConflict:handleConflictAcceptClient).then(
      (User user) => print('${} ${}')
pub points


unverified uploader

Dorm is an ORM mapping on the client, the goal is to hook it up with existing server-side ORM solutions (Hibernate, EntityFramework, ...) The example includes a JSON based Dart server for testing purposes. You can also generate client-side entities using build_entities.dart, any changes to the bin/dbo JSON files will be reflected.

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