domino 0.4.2 copy "domino: ^0.4.2" to clipboard
domino: ^0.4.2 copied to clipboard


An experimental virtual dom library, which allows mixing DOM elements with components.

Changelog #

0.4.1 #

  • Enabled Dart2.

0.4.0 #

Breaking API changes:

  • renamed Event to EventContext
  • renamed getNodeBySymbol to getNode (in Event/EventContext)


  • Support multiple event handler signature.

0.3.4 #

  • Support Element.innerHtml setter.
  • Putting every VDom type check inside a type-based switch statement (to improve static type checking if there is a new type there).
  • Support no-arg functions in generic content.

0.3.3 #

  • Do not override attributes and styles when the value matches the previous one (and the DOM may be different).
  • Relax DOM reuse restrictions on style properties.
  • Relax DOM reuse restrictions on event listeners.
  • Ability to use non-tracked event handlers (on('click', fn, tracked: false)).
  • Access current View with Event.view.

0.3.2+1 #

  • Fix strong-mode cast issue with unfold in ClassAdder.

0.3.2 #

  • Fix StatefulComponent path handling bug.
  • Fix strong-mode cast issue.
  • Switching to Timer-based view invalidation, because event bubbling would be triggered on a wrong state.

0.3.1 #

  • Fix readme's example.
  • New implementation for StatefulComponent.
  • Conditional content structure with addIf.
  • Breaking change: matching clazzIf with addIf signature.

0.3.0 #

Breaking changes: full API rewrite:

  • Building Elements become simpler.
  • Setter become first-class build pattern.
  • #symbols become first-class patterns (replace previous key). Event.getNodeBySymbol may access referenced Elements within the scope of the current Component.
  • Removed StatefulComponent (still working on a better state handling).
  • Misc API simplification (e.g. Event.domElement => Event.element).


  • Fixed attribute update issues.

0.2.1 #

  • Element Setter for shortcut certain build patterns.
  • Enable String and embedded Lists to set for Element.classes and clazz setters.
  • View.track to execute (async) actions that will trigger the invalidation of the View.
  • View.escape to escape the tracker zone for EventHandlers that are registered inside the View.
  • Expose View in BuildContext.
  • Experimental SubView.
  • Experimental StatefulComponent (moved to experimental.dart).

0.2.0+1 #

  • Fix NPE.

0.2.0 #

Breaking changes:

  • Removed Element.text and Element.children, using Element.content instead.
  • content items that are not List, Component, String, Node or BuildFn will be converted to String (and to Text).


  • Fix: BuildContext.ancestors did not include Components.
  • Fix: classes were not updated when the new Element had no class.
  • Fix: attributes were not updated when the new Element had no attributes.
  • Fix: reduce the non-keyed reuse of DOM Elements that have non-matching style properties. (using key reuses them)

0.1.1 #

  • Fix: root component was not added to ancestor list.
  • Enable multiple (and non-component) children as root for a View.
  • New node helper (br).

0.1.0 #

  • Initial version.
pub points



An experimental virtual dom library, which allows mixing DOM elements with components.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (license)




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