do_what_now 1.0.4 do_what_now: ^1.0.4 copied to clipboard
Result package for Dart and Flutter designed around fluent APIs and a functional approach to error handling, because things go wrong!.
import 'package:do_what_now/do_what_now.dart';
/// This example illustrates handling http requests and responses.
/// In order to prevent taking on any dependancies this example uses several mocked classes.
/// Again, the purpose is to demonstrate one of many use cases for [DoWhat] and [What]
/// A mocked http [getRequest] and [postRequest] method have been provided that return a standard [HttpResponse] object.
/// When a [String] is provided to the request method it returns 200 and otherwise 400.
/// The example code provided demonstrates handling the both cases.
void main() {
/// We will start by sanitizing the input to our method. Right away the result will be a failure if the URL where NULL.
/// ```
/// final doWhat = create<String>('urlForGetUsers')
/// ```
/// We can then ensure the URL starts will http://, image for a minute the URL came from some external input and could be invalid.
/// ```
/// .ensure((url) => url!.startsWith('http://'), message('Url is invalid'))
/// ```
/// We can then map the result to the getRequest method, thus creating a new Result<HttpResponse>, by using the tryMap the invocation of the getRequest is wrapped in exception handling.
/// ```
/// .tryMap<HttpResponse>((url) => getRequest(url))
/// ```
/// At this point the doWhat instance is still succsefull assuming no exceptions have been thrown, and the url is valid.
/// This instance started as a Result<String> and is now a Result<HttpResponse>. We can now validate the [HttpResponse]
/// ```
/// .ensure(
/// (httpResponse) => httpResponse.statusCode == 200,
/// (httpResponse) => message('Status Code ${httpResponse.statusCode}'))
/// ```
/// We can then confirm the boidy has data
/// .ensure(
/// (httpResponse) => httpResponse.body != null,
/// (httpResponse) => message('Http response contains no data'))
/// Lastly we attempt to convert the body to a new [User]
/// ```
/// .tryMap<User>((httpResponse) => User.fromMap(httpResponse.body!));
/// ```
/// Our [DoWhat] instance is NOW a Result<User> containing a valid User Object!
/// Should anything go wrong your can evaluate the [DoWhat] for errors and handle them accordingly.
void happyHttpExample() {
final doWhat = create<String>('http://getusers')
(url) => url.startsWith('http://'), // Validate
(url) => message('$url does not start with http://')) // Provide Error
.tryMap<HttpResponse>((url) => getRequest(url)) // Convert
(httpResponse) => httpResponse.statusCode == 200, // Validate
(httpResponse) => message('Status Code ${httpResponse.statusCode}'))
(httpResponse) => httpResponse.body != null, // Validate
(httpResponse) => message('Http response contains no data'))
.tryMap<User>((httpResponse) => User.fromMap(httpResponse.body!)); //When KNOW the body is NOT Null!
print(doWhat); // Will display the user.toSring()
print(doWhat); // Will display the errors
void sadHttpExample() {
final doWhat = create<String>('http://getusers')
(url) => url.startsWith('http://'), // Validate
(url) => message('$url does not start with http://')) // Provide Error
.tryMap<HttpResponse>((url) => getRequest('')) // oops, no URL
(httpResponse) => httpResponse.statusCode == 200, // Validate
(httpResponse) => message('Status Code ${httpResponse.statusCode}'))
(httpResponse) => httpResponse.body != null, // Validate
(httpResponse) => message('Http response contains no data'))
.tryMap<User>((httpResponse) => User.fromMap(httpResponse.body!)); //When KNOW the body is NOT Null!
print(doWhat); // Will display the user.toSring()
print(doWhat); // Will display the errors
void exceptionHttpExample() {
final doWhat = create<String>('http://getusers')
(url) => url.startsWith('http://'), // Validate
(url) => message('$url does not start with http://')) // Provide Error
.tryMap<HttpResponse>((url) => throwGetRequest('')) // throws exception
(httpResponse) => httpResponse.statusCode == 200, // Validate
(httpResponse) => message('Status Code ${httpResponse.statusCode}'))
(httpResponse) => httpResponse.body != null, // Validate
(httpResponse) => message('Http response contains no data'))
.tryMap<User>((httpResponse) => User.fromMap(httpResponse.body!)); //When KNOW the body is NOT Null!
print(doWhat); // Will display the user.toSring()
print(doWhat); // Will display the errors
/// Perhaps we need two valid responses from two differnt APIs that depend on one another.
/// No problem, we can use the [combine] extansion method to check the results of both [DoWhat]s and create a new [DoWhat]
/// The follwoing exmaple using two methods that return a [DoWhat] from an http Request and continues only if both responses are valid.
/// In the example we will create a new Super villian by eating two users.
void combineExample(){
final doWhat = combine(
(users) => users.$ == 'apple' && users.$ == 'bannana',
(users) => message('One or More Users are Not Value'))
.map<Villian>((users) => Villian.eatUsers(users.$1, users.$2))
(villian) => villian.user1.eaten && villian.user2.eaten,
(villian) => message('The villian didn\'t eat the users'));
DoWhat<User> getUserAccount(String name) =>
.map<String>((name) => 'http://getusers/$name')
(url) => url.startsWith('http://'),
(url) => message('$url does not start with http://'))
.tryMap<HttpResponse>((url) => getRequest(url, name: name))
(httpResponse) => httpResponse.statusCode == 200,
(httpResponse) => message('Status Code ${httpResponse.statusCode}'))
(httpResponse) => httpResponse.body != null,
(httpResponse) => message('Http response contains no data'))
.tryMap<User>((httpResponse) => User.fromMap(httpResponse.body!));
HttpResponse getRequest(String url, {String? name}) =>
? HttpResponse(200, {'email':'', 'name': name?? 'some thing'})
: HttpResponse(400, null);
HttpResponse throwGetRequest(String url) =>
? HttpResponse(200, {'email':'', 'name': 'some thing'})
: throw(ArgumentError(url));
HttpResponse postRequest(String url) =>
? HttpResponse(200, {})
: HttpResponse(400, null);
class HttpResponse {
final int statusCode;
final Map<String, dynamic>? body;
const HttpResponse(this.statusCode, this.body);
class User {
final String name;
final String email;
bool eaten;
User(, eaten = false;
factory User.fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> map) =>
map['email'] as String,
map['name'] as String);
String toString() {
return 'name: $name, email: $email';
class Villian {
final User user1;
final User user2;
final String ominousMessage;
factory Villian.eatUsers(User user1, User user2) {
user1.eaten = true;
user2.eaten = true;
return Villian._create(user1, user2);
Villian._create(this.user1, this.user2):ominousMessage = 'I have eaten ${} and ${}!';
String toString() => ominousMessage;
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