djustin 0.2.1 djustin: ^0.2.1 copied to clipboard
A high-level Client Library for Justin Delivery Service OpenAPI
import 'package:djustin/djustin.dart';
Future<void> main() async {
// Initiate Service for Justin OpenAPI
var service = JustinService();
await printTracking(service, '201810165');
// Will print:
// Tracking {
// orderNumber: 201810165,
// orderDescription: Замовлення клієнта 201810165 від 7/25/2018,
// dateTime: 2019-02-27 10:20:51.000,
// status: Одержано,
// departmentNumber: ,
// departmentAddress:
// }
await printBranch(service, 2);
// Will print info about branch number 2
await printBranch(service, 999);
// Will print:
// Branch with the specified number not found
await printAllBranches(service);
// Will print info about all branches
/// Simple example that prints tracking info using response form Justin OpenAPI
/// for a given `trackingNumber`
void printBranch(JustinService service, int branchNumber) async {
// Request info about branch with a `branchNumber` number
var branchResponse = await service.getBranchResponse(branchNumber);
if (branchResponse.status != Response.statusOk) {
// If error occurs (ex. if there is no branch info for provided `branchNumber`
} else {
// Take a tracking info from the response
var tracking = branchResponse.results.first;
/// Simple example that prints tracking info using response form Justin OpenAPI
/// for a given `trackingNumber`
void printTracking(JustinService service, String trackingNumber) async {
// Make a request for a tracking info
var trackingResponse = await service.getTrackingResponse(trackingNumber);
if (trackingResponse.status != Response.statusOk) {
// If error occurs (ex. if there is no tracking info for provided `trackingNumber`
} else {
// Take a tracking info from the response
var tracking = trackingResponse.results.first;
/// Simple example that prints all branches from Justin OpenAPI
void printAllBranches(JustinService service) async {
// Make a request for all Justin branches
var allBranchesResponse = await service.getBranchesAllResponse();
// Take a result list from the response
var allBranches = allBranchesResponse.results;