djangoflow_video_player 0.2.0+1 copy "djangoflow_video_player: ^0.2.0+1" to clipboard
djangoflow_video_player: ^0.2.0+1 copied to clipboard

A Flutter package that provides a highly customizable `VideoPlayerWidget`, making video playback in your Flutter applications seamless and flexible.

Djangoflow Video Player Logo

🎥 Djangoflow Video Player for Flutter 🎥

GitHub Repository Pub Package

A Flutter package that provides an easy way to integrate video_player package in Flutter apps, making video playback in your Flutter applications seamless and flexible.

🌟 Features #

  • Customizable Video Playback: Tailor the video player's appearance and behavior to fit your app's design.
  • Thumbnail Support: Display customizable thumbnails before the video plays.
  • Adaptive Icons: Choose icons for play/pause and volume controls.
  • Error Handling: Provide custom widgets for handling video loading errors.
  • Flexible Configuration: Adjust settings like blur radius for thumbnails and more.
  • Network Video Support: Play videos from network sources with optional HTTP headers.
  • Closed Caption Support: Includes support for closed caption files.
  • Video Player Options: Customize various video player options like format hint.
  • Initialization Callback: Optional callback for additional actions during video player initialization.

📦 Installation #

To add djangoflow_video_player to your Flutter project, include it in your pubspec.yaml file:

  djangoflow_video_player: <latest_version>

After adding the dependency, run the following command to fetch the package:

flutter pub get

🚀 Quick Start #

🎬 Using VideoPlayerWidget #

Import the package and use the VideoPlayerWidget to embed a video player in your UI.

import 'package:djangoflow_video_player/djangoflow_video_player.dart';

  url: '',
  // Additional optional parameters

🛠 Using VideoPlayerWidgetBuilder #

For advanced customization, use VideoPlayerWidgetBuilder which provides more control over the video player's behavior and UI.

  url: '',
  builder: (context, controller, isInitialized) {
    if (controller == null || !isInitialized) {
      return Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator());
    // Implement your custom video player UI
  // Additional optional parameters

This builder allows for extensive customization and control, making it ideal for more complex video player implementations.

🛠 Customization #

Customize the video player by providing various optional parameters:

  url: '',
  thumbnailUrl: '',
  errorBuilder: (context, error) => CustomErrorWidget(),
  loadingIndicator: CustomLoadingIndicator(),
  thumbnailBuilder: (context, url) => CustomThumbnailWidget(url),
  blurRadius: 15.0,
  playIcon: Icons.play_arrow,
  pauseIcon: Icons.pause,
  volumeUpIcon: Icons.volume_up,
  volumeOffIcon: Icons.volume_off,
  // More customization options

🚧 Troubleshooting #

Having SDK constraint mismatch can cause UnimplemenetedError:init() has not been implemented error. In that case make sure flutter app package or dart package that is using this package matches correct SDK constraint as the video_player package.

🤝 Contributing #

Contribution Guideline

📜 License #

djangoflow_video_player is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.




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A Flutter package that provides a highly customizable `VideoPlayerWidget`, making video playback in your Flutter applications seamless and flexible.

Repository (GitHub)
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MIT (license)


cached_network_image, flutter, video_player


Packages that depend on djangoflow_video_player