djangoflow_auth_apple 0.1.0+6 copy "djangoflow_auth_apple: ^0.1.0+6" to clipboard
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djangoflow_auth_apple lets you embrace the magic of Apple Sign-In within your Flutter app!

DjangoFlow Auth Google Package Logo

🌟 DjangoFlow Auth Apple Flutter Package 🌟

GitHub Repository Pub Package

djangoflow_auth_apple lets you embrace the magic of Apple Sign-In within your Flutter app! Effortlessly integrate Apple authentication functionalities into the DjangoFlow framework. Enjoy the power of Apple Sign-In with customizable scopes, nonce, and more. It's as smooth as apple butter! 🍏🔐

Unlock the potential of Apple Sign-In integration with djangoflow_auth_apple, and give your users the seamless experience they deserve!

Features #

  • Seamless integration with the DjangoFlow framework.
  • Apple Sign-In using the sign_in_with_apple package.
  • Customizable scopes to access user data (default: email and full name).
  • Support for nonce, web authentication options, and state.
  • Convenient API provided through the AppleSocialLogin class.

Installation #

Add the djangoflow_auth_apple package to your pubspec.yaml file:

  djangoflow_auth_apple: <latest_version>
  sign_in_with_apple: <latest_version> # Check for the latest version

Run flutter pub get to fetch the package. Note: Follow sign_in_with_apple package for platform related configuration.

Usage #

To use the AppleSocialLogin for Apple Sign-In, follow these steps:

  1. Import the necessary packages:
import 'package:djangoflow_auth/djangoflow_auth.dart';
import 'package:djangoflow_auth_apple/djangoflow_auth_apple.dart';
import 'package:sign_in_with_apple/sign_in_with_apple.dart';
  1. Initialize AppleSocialLogin and provide the desired scopes, nonce, state, and web authentication options:
final appleLogin = AppleSocialLogin(
  scopes: [,
  nonce: 'your_nonce_here',
  state: 'your_state_here',
  webAuthenticationOptions: WebAuthenticationOptions(
    // Specify your web authentication options
  type: SocialLoginType.fromProvider(,
  1. Perform the Apple Sign-In:
try {
  final result = await appleLogin.login();

  // Handle the Apple Sign-In result, e.g., extract the user data
  if (result != null) {
    final appleIDCredential = result;
    // Proceed with authentication or user data retrieval
  } else {
    // Handle login failure
} catch (e) {
  // Handle exceptions, e.g., Apple login not available on this device

Read more here for a detailed example on how to use it with djangoflow_auth:

Example #


Contributions and Issues #

Contributions, bug reports, and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue on the GitHub repository.

License #

This package is distributed under the MIT License.

pub points



djangoflow_auth_apple lets you embrace the magic of Apple Sign-In within your Flutter app!

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


MIT (license)


djangoflow_auth, flutter, sign_in_with_apple


Packages that depend on djangoflow_auth_apple