djangoflow_analytics 0.1.0+1
djangoflow_analytics: ^0.1.0+1 copied to clipboard
A library for tracking analytics with multiple Analytics providers in Flutter applications.
djangoflow_analytics #
is a library for tracking analytics with multiple Analytics providers in Flutter applications. It is built on top of analytics package.
Installation #
To use this library in your project, add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml file:
djangoflow_analytics: <latest_version>
analytics: <latest_version>
Then run flutter pub get
to install it.
Usage #
Initialization #
Before sending any data, the library must be initialized by calling the init method on the DjangoflowAnalytics
class. It comes in handy if you want to disable sending analytics in specific cases like development
Adding Performers #
To handle the data that is sent, you can create a class by exnteding AnalyticActionPerformer
and add them to the DjangoflowAnalytics
abstract class CustomAnalyticsAction implements AnalyticAction, HasKey, HasMapParams {}
class CustomLoginEvent extends CustomAnalyticsAction {
final String? method;
String get key => 'login';
Map<String, Object?> get params => {
'method': method,
class CustomAnalyticActionPerformer extends AnalyticsActionPerformer<CustomAnalyticsAction>{
final performer = CustomAnalyticActionPerformer<CustomAnalyticAction>(); // could be firebase, facebook etc.
Sending Data #
To send data, you can create an instance of AnalyticAction and pass it to the performAction
method on the DjangoflowAnalytics class. It will internally look for suitable ActionPerformer
for the AnalyticsAction
and send the data.
Event Trimmer #
It also provide a way to trim events by implementing EventTrimmer
interface which has 4 methods, trimName
, trimValue
, trimNullValueMapParams
and trimMapParams
User property trimmer #
It also provide a way to trim user property by implementing UserPropertyTrimmer
interface which has 2 methods, trimName
and trimValue
Example #
import 'package:djangoflow_analytics/djangoflow_analytics.dart';
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final performer = CustomAnalyticActionPerformer<CustomAnalyticAction>();
return MaterialApp(
home: Scaffold(
body: Center(
child: RaisedButton(
child: Text("Email Sign-in"),
onPressed: () {
Note #
This library is still under development and may be subject to breaking changes.
Contributions #
We would love to have your contributions. Please feel free to open an issue or pull request.