division 0.8.2 copy "division: ^0.8.2" to clipboard
division: ^0.8.2 copied to clipboard


A simple to use yet powerfull styling widget with syntax inspired by CSS.

Division #

A simple to use yet powerfull styling widget with syntax inspired by CSS.

Built with Division #

App designer, Code Code

Getting Started #

This package includes at the moment a Parent widget and a Txt widget.

As the name suggests the Parent widget takes a child along its Division properties.

  child: Widget,
  style: ParentStyle, 
  gesture: GestureClass,

The Txt widget is a styled widget just like the Parent widget but it is specialized with styling text.

  'Some text',
  style: TxtStyle,
  gesture: GestureClass,

Simple example #


import 'package:division/division.dart';


  'Klick me'
  style: TxtStyle()
    ..padding(horizontal: 30, vertical: 15)
    ..borderRadius(all: 30)
    ..elevation(10, color: rgb(150,150,150)),

  gesture: GestureClass()
    ..onTap(() => print('Button pressed')),

The result

Style property #

StyleClass #

The StyleClass is the super class of ParentStyle and TxtStyle and contains most of the style properties.

To add a style to the StyleClass, call the style methods: ..[style]

On construction, choose how you want angles to be calculated

Styleclass({AngleFormat angleFormat = AngleFormat.cycle})


..alignment.[alignment] // alignment.topCenter()

Alignment of the widget itself, not the child.

Align child

..alignmentChild.[alignment] // alignment.topCenter()

Alignment of the child.


..padding({double all, 
      double horizontal, 
      double vertical, 
      double top, 
      double bottom, 
      double left, 
      double right})

All properties work together. padding(all: 10, top: 30) is valid


..margin({double all,
      double horizontal,
      double vertical,
      double top,
      double bottom,
      double left,
      double right})

All properties work together. margin(all: 10, top: 30) is valid

Background color

..background.rgba(int, int, int, [double])

color format options: hex('#xxxxxx'), rgba(int, int, int, double) or [Color].

Background image

      {String url, 
      String path, 
      ColorFilter colorFilter, 
      ImageProvider<dynamic> imageProveder,
      BoxFit fit, 
      AlignmentGeometry alignment = Alignment.center, 
      ImageRepeat repeat = ImageRepeat.noRepeat})

Eighter the [url] or the [path] has to be specified. [url] is for network images and [path] is for local images.

Background blur

..background.blur(double blur)

Blurs the background. Can be used for example to achieve a "frosted glass" effect:


Does not work together with rotate().


..linearGradient({AlignmentGeometry begin = Alignment.left,
      AlignmentGeometry end = Alignment.right,
      @required List<Color> colors,
      TileMode tileMode = TileMode.clamp,
      List<double> stops})

      {AlignmentGeometry center = Alignment.center,
      double radius = 0.5,
      @required List<Color> colors,
      TileMode tileMode = TileMode.clamp,
      List<double> stops})

      {AlignmentGeometry center = Alignment.center,
      double startAngle = 0.0,
      double endAngle,
      @required List<Color> colors,
      TileMode tileMode = TileMode.clamp,
      List<double> stops})

Choose between 3 gradient variants. sweepGradient() by default does not use radians for the startAngle and the endAngle. By default 0.25 equals 45 degrees, 1 equals one full turn etc. To change to use radians do: StyleClass(useRadians: true)...

color format options: hex('#xxxxxx'), rgb(int, int, int), rgba(int, int, int, double) or [Color].


..opacity(double opacity)

Opacity applied on the whole widget.

Value must not be negative.


      {double all,
      double left,
      double right,
      double top,
      double bottom,
      Color color = const Color(0xFF000000),
      BorderStyle style = BorderStyle.solid})

Choose between all, left, right, top and bottom. all works together with the other properties. color format options: hex('#xxxxxx'), rgb(int, int, int), rgba(int, int, int, double) or [Color].

Border radius

      {double all,
      double topLeft,
      double topRight,
      double bottomLeft,
      double bottomRight})

It is valid to use all together with single sided properties. Single sided properties will trump over the all property.

Box shadow

      {Color color = const Color(0x33000000),
      double blur,
      List<double> offset,
      double spread})

color format options: hex('#xxxxxx'), rgb(int, int, int), rgba(int, int, int, double) or [Color]. If defined while the elevation property is defined, the last one defined will be the style applied. offset is given in the format [double dx, double dy]


      double elevation,
      {double angle = 0.0,
      Color color = const Color(0x33000000),
      double opacity = 1.0})

Elevates the widget with a boxShadow. If the elevation property is used at the same time as the boxShadow property, the last one defined will be the applied style.

color format options: hex('#xxxxxx'), rgb(int, int, int), rgba(int, int, int, double) or [Color].

angle parameter takes a circular value. Eighter radians or not, depending on what is specified in the StyleClass constructor. 0.0 is down. If angle equals [null] the shadow will be directly under the widget.

opacity is a relative opacity constant. A value of 0.5 bisects the opacity value with a given elevation.


..scale(double ratio)

Scale the widget


..offset([double dx, double dy])

Offsets the widget


..rotate(double angle)

Rotates the widget. By default one turn equals the value 1.0. To change to radians: StyleClass(useRadians: true).


..ripple(bool enable, {dynamic splashColor, dynamic highlightColor})

Material ripple effect.


..overflow.visible({Axis direction = Axis.vertical})
..overflow.scrollable({Axis direction = Axis.vertical})

Change child overflow behaviour. Choose the overflow direction with the [direction] parameter.


..animate([int duration, Curve curve = Curves.linear])

Animates the widget when one of its style properties changes. duration is given in milliseconds.


..add(StyleClass styleClass, {bool override = false})

Adds a StyleClass to a StyleClass. By default the added StyleClass does not override already set style. Change override to true, to override already set style.

Width, minWidth, maxWidth, Height, minHeight, maxHeight

..[type](double dimension)

Gesture property #

The gesture property expects a GestureClass which is a class containing all the gestures for the widget.

There is also the option to use the class G as a shorthand.

GestureClass #

To add a style to the GestureClass, use the ..[gesture] syntax. The two dots is used to not return the [gesture], but the GestureClass


Txt Style #

[] TODO: Improve documentation

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A simple to use yet powerfull styling widget with syntax inspired by CSS.

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