display_metrics 1.0.0 copy "display_metrics: ^1.0.0" to clipboard
display_metrics: ^1.0.0 copied to clipboard

Flutter plugin to retrieve device display metrics (resolution, size, PPI, diagonal). Convert inches & mm to Flutter logical pixels.

display_metrics #

Flutter plugin that provides display metrics such as real screen resolution, physical display size, ppi, diagonal. Also it contains BuildContext extension to transform inches & millimeters into Flutter logical pixels.

Features #

  • Get real screen resolution, display size (inches) and PPI
  • Convert inches and millimeters into Flutter logical pixels

Install #

In the pubspec.yaml of your flutter project, add the following dependency:

  display_metrics: ^1.0.0

In your library add the following import:

import 'package:display_metrics/display_metrics.dart';

Getting started #

class ExampleApp extends StatelessWidget {
  const ExampleApp({super.key});

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    // add DisplayMetricsWidget to Widget tree above MaterialApp to use DisplayMetrics.of(context) and BuildContext extension methods
    return DisplayMetricsWidget(
      child: MaterialApp(
        home: Scaffold(
          appBar: AppBar(
            title: const Text('Display metrics example app'),
            centerTitle: true,
          body: const BodyWidget(),

Example app  Ruler

Usage #

DisplayMetricsData #

To access DisplayMetricsData you can call

final metrics = DisplayMetrics.maybeOf(context);
// or
final metrics = DisplayMetrics.of(context);
// Device's screen physical size in inches
metrics.physicalSize => Size

// Device's screen resolution in real pixels
metrics.resolution => Size

// Device's screen diagonal in inches
metrics.diagonal => double

// Device's screen pixels per inch (PPI)
metrics.ppi => double 

// The number of logical pixels on the device's screen
// that corresponds to one inch
metrics.inchesToLogicalPixelRatio => double 

// MediaQuery`s devicePixelRatio;
metrics.devicePixelRatio => double 

Convert units #

To convert inches and millimeters into Flutter logical pixels and vice versa you can call one of BuildContext extension methods:

// Converts inches to Flutter logical pixels
context.inchesToPixels(double inches);

// Converts millimeters to Flutter logical pixels
context.mmToPixels(double mm);

// Converts Flutter logical pixels into inches
context.pixelsToInches(int pixels);

// Converts Flutter logical pixels into millimeters
context.pixelsToMm(int pixels);

DisplayMetricsWidget #

// Add [DisplayMetricsWidget] to Widget tree above MaterialApp to use DisplayMetrics.of(context) and BuildContext extension methods
  // Set [updateSizeOnRotate] to true if you need to update size when orientation of your device changes
  updateSizeOnRotate: true,
  child: child,

Supported Platforms #

Platform Support
please read
the limitations

Limitations #

Due to browser limitations, it's not possible to accurately determine the physical screen dimensions or the actual DPI on the web platform. Browsers use a unit called a CSS pixel, which is not a physical pixel but a unit based on a reference pixel, defined as 1/96th of an inch. This system depends on the viewing angle of the device and varies across displays, making it impossible to obtain accurate physical measurements or DPI through web APIs. You can read more here.

Credits #

iOS implementation uses Jens Schwarzer's UIScreenExtension



verified publishernukeolay.dev

Weekly Downloads

Flutter plugin to retrieve device display metrics (resolution, size, PPI, diagonal). Convert inches & mm to Flutter logical pixels.

Repository (GitHub)


#screen #ppi #size #resolution #pixels


API reference


MIT (license)


display_metrics_android, display_metrics_ios, display_metrics_linux, display_metrics_macos, display_metrics_platform_interface, display_metrics_web, display_metrics_windows, flutter


Packages that depend on display_metrics