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A flutter package for intercepting requests and automatically fetching refresh tokens on API failures

Dio Refresh Interceptor #

pub package license

A Dart package that provides an interceptor for handling automatic token refresh in Dio HTTP client requests. It simplifies the process of managing access and refresh tokens, ensuring that your API requests stay authenticated, even when the access token expires.

Features #

  • Automatic Token Refresh: Automatically refreshes the access token when it expires using a custom refresh callback.
  • Customizable: Define custom logic for determining when a token refresh is needed and how headers are generated.
  • Singleton Token Manager: A singleton TokenManager class for easy token storage and retrieval.
  • Seamless Integration: Designed for use with the Dio HTTP client package.

Installation #

Add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml file:

  dio: ^5.0.0
  dio_refresh: ^1.0.0
    sdk: flutter

Then, run:

flutter pub get

Getting Started #

Setup DioRefreshInterceptor #

To use the DioRefreshInterceptor, you'll need to define the following callbacks:

  • OnRefreshCallback: Handles the logic for refreshing the access token.
  • ShouldRefreshCallback: Determines whether a response requires a token refresh.
  • TokenHeaderCallback: Generates headers with the access token.

Example #

import 'package:dio/dio.dart';
import 'package:dio_refresh/dio_refresh.dart';

void main() {
  final dio = Dio();

  // Define the TokenManager instance.
  final tokenManager = TokenManager.instance;
      accessToken: authToken,
      refreshToken: refreshToken,

  // Add the DioRefreshInterceptor.
    tokenManager: tokenManager,
    authHeader: (tokenStore) {
      if (tokenStore.accessToken == null) {
        return {};
      return {
        'Authorization': 'Bearer ${tokenStore.accessToken}',
    shouldRefresh: (response) =>
        response?.statusCode == 401 || response?.statusCode == 403,
    onRefresh: (dio, tokenStore) async {
      final response = await dio.post('/refresh', data: {
        'refresh_token': tokenStore.refreshToken,
      return TokenStore(
        accessToken: response.data['accessToken'],
        refreshToken: response.data['refreshToken'],

TokenManager Usage #

The TokenManager class is used to manage your access and refresh tokens.

// Retrieve the singleton instance of TokenManager.
final tokenManager = TokenManager.instance;

// Set new tokens after refreshing.
  accessToken: 'newAccessToken',
  refreshToken: 'newRefreshToken',

// Access the current access token.

API Reference #

DioRefreshInterceptor #

  • DioRefreshInterceptor: A custom interceptor for handling token refresh logic.
    • tokenManager: Instance of TokenManager to manage tokens.
    • authHeader: Callback to generate authorization headers.
    • shouldRefresh: Callback to determine if a refresh is needed.
    • onRefresh: Callback to handle the refresh logic and return a new TokenStore.

TokenManager #

  • TokenManager: A singleton class to manage tokens.
    • setToken(TokenStore tokenStore): Updates the stored access and refresh tokens.
    • accessToken: Returns the current access token.
    • refreshToken: Returns the current refresh token.
    • isRefreshing: A ValueNotifier that indicates whether a refresh is in progress.

typedef Callbacks #

  • OnRefreshCallback: Future<TokenStore> Function(Dio, TokenStore)
    • Handles the token refresh logic.
  • ShouldRefreshCallback: bool Function(Response?)
    • Determines if a token refresh is required.
  • TokenHeaderCallback: Map<String, String> Function(TokenStore)
    • Generates authorization headers for requests.

Contributing #

Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open issues or submit a pull request on GitHub. For significant changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.



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A flutter package for intercepting requests and automatically fetching refresh tokens on API failures

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#dio #http #network #interceptor #middleware


unknown (license)


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