dio_interceptor_seq 1.0.0
dio_interceptor_seq: ^1.0.0 copied to clipboard
An interceptor for the DIO client that sends request, response, and error logs to Seq.
Dio Seq Logging Interceptor #
An interceptor for the DIO client that sends request, response, and error logs to Seq.
Installation #
Add the dependency to your pubspec.yaml:
dio_seq_logging_interceptor: ^1.0.0
Usage #
To start using the SeqLoggingInterceptor
, follow the steps below:
Import the package in the file where you are configuring the DIO client:
import 'package:dio_seq_logging_interceptor/dio_seq_logging_interceptor.dart';
Create an instance of the interceptor, providing the Seq server URL and, optionally, the API key:
final seqLoggingInterceptor = SeqLoggingInterceptor( 'https://your-seq-server-url', apiKey: 'your-seq-api-key', );
Add the interceptor to your DIO client instance:
final dio = Dio(); dio.interceptors.add(seqLoggingInterceptor);
Now, all requests, responses, and errors processed by the DIO client will be logged in Seq.
Configuration #
You can customize the header name used for the correlation ID when creating an instance of the SeqLoggingInterceptor
. By default, the header name is 'X-Request-Seq-Id'
final seqLoggingInterceptor = SeqLoggingInterceptor(
apiKey: 'your-seq-api-key',
correlationalHeaderName: 'X-Custom-Correlation-ID',
Exemplo logs #
Running Seq with Docker #
To run a Seq container using Docker, follow these steps:
Install Docker if you haven't already.
Pull the latest Seq image from Docker Hub:
docker pull datalust/seq
Create a new directory to store Seq data:
mkdir seq_data
Run a Seq container, mapping the created data directory to the container's /data folder and forwarding the default Seq port (5341):
PH=$(echo '<password>' | docker run --rm -i datalust/seq config hash)
mkdir -p <local path to store data>
docker run \ --name seq \ -d \ --restart unless-stopped \ -e ACCEPT_EULA=Y \ -e SEQ_FIRSTRUN_ADMINPASSWORDHASH="$PH" \ -v <local path to store data>:/data \ -p 80:80 \ -p 5341:5341 \ datalust/seq
This command will run the Seq container in detached mode (-d), with a custom name (--name seq), map the local seq_data directory to the container's /data folder (-v), and forward the host's port 5341 to the container's port 80 (-p).
Open your web browser and navigate to http://localhost:5341. You should see the Seq web interface. You can now use the Seq instance running in the Docker container to collect and analyze your logs. When configuring your
, use the Seq URL http://localhost:5341 to send logs to this instance.
For more information on running Seq with Docker, refer to the official Seq documentation.
Contributions #
Contributions are welcome! If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, feel free to open an issue or a pull request.
License #
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.