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Dio builder is support plugin using dio, it helps to easy config dio in your project.

DioBuilder #

DioBuilder is a Dart library that provides a builder pattern for configuring and creating instances of the Dio HTTP client. It abstracts common configurations and interceptors for making HTTP requests.

Features #

  • Builder pattern for configuring and creating Dio instances.
  • Configuration options for setting base URLs, response types, content types, timeouts, headers, and more.
  • Interceptors for logging HTTP requests and responses.
  • Interceptor for automatically retrying failed requests.
  • Support for handling bad SSL certificates or invalid HTTPS connections (optional).
  • Environment-specific base URLs for live, test, and staging environments.

Installation #

To use DioBuilder in your Dart project, follow these steps:

  1. Add the dio_builder package to your pubspec.yaml file:
  dio_builder: ^2.0.0
  1. Run dart pub get to fetch the package dependencies.

Usage #

  1. Import the package in your Dart file:
import 'package:dio_builder/dio_builder.dart';
  1. Configure the Dio client using the builder pattern:
void configureDio() {
  final dioBuilder = DioBuilder();

  // Set the base URL for the live environment

  // Set the base URL for the test environment

  // Enable the logger for HTTP requests and responses

  // Enable retrying failed requests

  // Set the default timeout for network requests

  // Set custom headers
  dioBuilder.setHeaders({'Authorization': 'Bearer TOKEN'});
  // Build the Dio client
  final dio = dioBuilder.build();

  // Use the Dio client to make HTTP requests
  dio.get('/users').then((response) {
  }).catchError((error) {
  1. Handling Bad SSL Certificates or Invalid HTTPS Connections (Optional)

To handle bad SSL certificates or invalid HTTPS connections, you can enable the allowBadRequest option:


Note: This should only be used for testing or development purposes and should be used with caution.

Methods #

addLogger #

DioBuilder addLogger({bool allowChucker = true, bool printLog = true})

Adds a logger interceptor to the Dio client for logging HTTP requests and responses. The logger can be printed to the console or integrated with the Chucker library for more detailed logs.

  • allowChucker (optional): Enables or disables Chucker integration (default is true).
  • printLog (optional): Enables or disables printing logs to the console (default is true).

Returns the DioBuilder instance.

allowRetryInFailed #

DioBuilder allowRetryInFailed({int retryCount = 3})

Adds a retry interceptor to the Dio client for automatically retrying failed requests. The number of retries can be specified with the retryCount parameter (default is 3).

  • retryCount (optional): The number of retries to attempt (default is 3).

Returns the DioBuilder instance.

setBaseLiveUrl #

void setBaseLiveUrl(String baseUrl)

Sets the base URL for the live environment. This URL is used when the application is in production and deployed to app stores.

  • baseUrl: The base URL for the live environment.

setBaseTestUrl #

DioBuilder setBaseTestUrl(String baseUrl)

Sets the base URL for the testing or development environment.

  • baseUrl: The base URL for the testing or development environment.

Returns the DioBuilder instance.

setBaseStageUrl #

DioBuilder setBaseStageUrl(String baseUrl)

Sets the base URL for the staging environment.

  • baseUrl: The base URL for the staging environment.

Returns the DioBuilder instance.

allowBadRequest #

DioBuilder allowBadRequest(bool value)

Enables or disables the ability to handle bad SSL certificates or invalid HTTPS connections. This can be useful for testing or development purposes but should be used with caution.

  • value: true to allow bad SSL certificates or invalid HTTPS connections, false to disallow.

Returns the DioBuilder instance.

setIsLive #

DioBuilder setIsLive(bool value)

Sets the environment to live mode.

  • value: true to set the environment to live mode, false to unset.

Returns the DioBuilder instance.

setIsTest #

DioBuilder setIsTest(bool value)

Sets the environment to test mode.

  • value: true to set the environment to test mode, false to unset.

Returns the DioBuilder instance.

setIsStage #

DioBuilder setIsStage(bool value)

Sets the environment to stage mode.

  • value: true to set the environment to stage mode, false to unset.

Returns the DioBuilder instance.

setDefaultTimeOut #

DioBuilder setDefaultTimeOut(int value)

Sets the default timeout for network requests, in seconds.

  • value: The default timeout value in seconds.

Returns the DioBuilder instance.

setResponseType #

DioBuilder setResponseType(ResponseType value)

Sets the response type for the HTTP requests.

  • value: The response type.

Returns the DioBuilder instance.

setContentType #

DioBuilder setContentType(String value)

Sets the content type for the HTTP requests.

  • value: The content type.

Returns the DioBuilder instance.

setPersistentConnection #

DioBuilder setPersistentConnection(bool value)

Sets whether the connection should be persistent or not.

  • value: true to enable persistent connection, false to disable.

Returns the DioBuilder instance.

setFollowRedirects #

DioBuilder setFollowRedirects(bool value)

Sets whether the client should follow redirects or not.

  • value: true to enable follow redirects, false to disable.

Returns the DioBuilder instance.

setMaxRedirects #

DioBuilder setMaxRedirects(int value)

Sets the maximum number of redirects to follow.

  • value: The maximum number of redirects.

Returns the DioBuilder instance.

setExtras #

DioBuilder setExtras(Map<String, dynamic> value)

Sets extra options to be included in the requests.

  • value: A map of extra options.

Returns the DioBuilder instance.

setHeaders #

DioBuilder setHeaders(Map<String, dynamic> value)

Sets the headers to be included in the requests.

  • value: A map of headers.

Returns the DioBuilder instance.

queryParameters #

DioBuilder queryParameters(Map<String, dynamic> value)

Sets the query parameters to be

included in the requests.

  • value: A map of query parameters.

Returns the DioBuilder instance.

setListFormat #

DioBuilder setListFormat(ListFormat value)

Sets the format for lists serialization in the requests.

  • value: The list format.

Returns the DioBuilder instance.

setMethod #

DioBuilder setMethod(String value)

Sets the HTTP method for the requests.

  • value: The HTTP method.

Returns the DioBuilder instance.

setReceiveDataWhenStatusError #

void setReceiveDataWhenStatusError(bool value)

Sets whether to receive the response data when the status is an error or not.

  • value: true to receive data when the status is an error, false to discard data.

checkInternetConnection #

Future<bool> checkInternetConnection()

Checks if there is an internet connection between the client and server. Returns true if there is a connection, otherwise false.

Returns a Future that resolves to a boolean indicating the internet connection status.

build #

Dio build()

Builds the Dio client with the configured options and interceptors.

Returns the built Dio client.

Contributing #

Contributions to DioBuilder are welcome! If you encounter any bugs or have suggestions for improvements, please create a new issue on the GitHub repository.

If you would like to contribute code to DioBuilder, please follow the contribution guidelines.

License #

DioBuilder is released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.

Make sure to replace `your-username` and `your-repo` with your actual GitHub username and repository name.

Feel free to customize the README file according to your project's specific details and requirements.

I hope this README provides a comprehensive overview of the code and its methods. Let me know if you have any further questions or need any additional assistance!


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Dio builder is support plugin using dio, it helps to easy config dio in your project.

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chucker_flutter, dio, dio_http2_adapter, dio_smart_retry, flutter, pretty_dio_logger


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