dimensions_theme 0.0.3 copy "dimensions_theme: ^0.0.3" to clipboard
dimensions_theme: ^0.0.3 copied to clipboard

Define app dimensions such as blank spaces or paddings inside flutter theme.

📏 dimensions_theme #

dimensions_theme provides a theme extension to centralizes app dimensions such as padding, margins, and other dimensions within the Flutter theme and accessing them in a convenient and type safe way.

This approach also offers ensures consistency throughout the app and give you the ability to dynamically changes dimension values based on factors like screen size and user settings. This package also provides pre-built widgets and utilities for consuming the dimensions theme in a simple and declarative way.

Dimensions tokens and families #

This package introduces seven tokens that can be assigned arbitrary values within the flutter theme:

  • largest
  • larger
  • large
  • medium
  • small
  • smaller
  • smallest

While having only seven tokens may seem limiting, dimensions_theme addresses this issue by introducing dimensions families. Each dimensions family define a specific set of dimension values for a particular use case, such as spacing or border widths.

dimensions_theme provide actually four dimensions families:

  • Spaces (dimensions of blank spaces between widgets)
  • Insets (values of padding)
  • Border Widths
  • Border Radii

Usage #

Define your dimensions:

final dimensions = Dimensions(
  spaces: SpaceDimensions(
    largest: 55,
    larger: 40,
    large: 30,
    medium: 20,
    small: 15,
    smaller: 10,
    smallest: 5,
  insets: InsetsDimensions(
    largest: 30,
    larger: 20,
    large: 15,
    medium: 10,
    small: 7.5,
    smaller: 5,
    smallest: 2.5,
  radii: RadiusDimensions(
    largest: 14,
    larger: 12,
    large: 10,
    medium: 8,
    small: 6,
    smaller: 4,
    smallest: 2,
  borderWidth: BorderWidthDimensions(
    // You can omit values you don't need
    medium: 2,
    small: 1,

Register dimensions as theme extension:

  theme: ThemeData(
    extensions: [

Use access values directly or use dimensions_theme utils:

final width = Dimensions.of(context).borderWidths.medium;

  padding: EdgeInsetsOf(context).only(
    left: Dimensions.largest,
    right: Dimensions.larger,
    top: Dimensions.large,
    bottom: Dimensions.medium,


final radius = RadiusOf(context).circular(Dimensions.small);

Accessing dimensions values #

Direct access #

You can access any token value using the following syntaxe: Dimensions.of(context).[family].[token].


final double spaceSmall = Dimensions.of(context).spaces.largest;
final double paddingLarge = Dimensions.of(context).insets.large;
final double borderWidth = Dimensions.of(context).borderWidths.medium;
final double radius = Dimensions.of(context).radii.small;

Blank spaces #

The dimensions_theme package includes a Space widgets use to represent blank space in your application. It aim to be a replacement to empty SizedBox with hardcoded values. The Space widget accept a dimensions token as parameter and will fill up SizedBox height and width using the corresponding value defined inside the dimensions's spaces theme. It also provide additional constructors Space.w(token) and Space.h(token) that can be used to restrict the blank space size to one dimensions (width and height respectively).


Space.w(Dimensions.small), // width: spaces.medium, height: 0
Space.h(Dimensions.large), // width: 0, height: spaces.smallest

EdgeInsets #

The EdgeInsetsOf class provides same constructor than the regular EdgeInsets class but takes dimensions tokens as parameters instead of raw doubles:

  padding: EdgeInsetsOf(context).all(Dimensions.small),

  padding: EdgeInsetsOf(context).only(
    left: Dimensions.largest,
    right: Dimensions.larger,
    top: Dimensions.large,
    bottom: Dimensions.medium,

  padding: EdgeInsetsOf(context).symmetric(
    horizontal: Dimensions.large,
    vertical: Dimensions.medium,

Radii #

The RadiusOf class provides similar constructors API that the regular Radius but takes some dimensions token as parameters instead of raw doubles.

borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(
  RadiusOf(context).elliptical(Dimensions.small, Dimensions.medium),
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(

Border widths #

final border = BorderSide(
  color: Colors.black,
  width: Dimensions.of(context).borderWidths.small,

Dynamic dimensions #

While having static dimensions is often enough you may found useful to have adaptive dimensions in some case.

ScreenUtils #

final _spaceDimensions = SpaceDimensions(
  largest: 55.h,
  larger: 40.h,
  large: 30.h,
  medium: 20.h,
  small: 15.h,
  smaller: 10.h,
  smallest: 5.h,

final _insetsDimensions = InsetDimensions(
  largest: 50.h,
  larger: 40.h,
  large: 30.h,
  medium: 20.h,
  small: 15.h,
  smaller: 10.h,
  smallest: 5.h,

  designSize: const Size(375, 827),
  builder:(context, child) => MaterialApp(
    theme: ThemeData(
      extensions: [
          spaces: _spaceDimensions,
          insets: _insetsDimensions,

MediaQueries #

final lightTheme = ThemeData.light();

Dimensions _computeDimension(MediaQueryData data) {
  final spaceDimensions = SpaceDimensions(
    largest: data.size.shortestSide / 5,
    larger: data.size.shortestSide / 7.5,
    large: data.size.shortestSide / 10,
    medium: data.size.shortestSide / 12.5,
    small: data.size.shortestSide / 15,
    smaller: data.size.shortestSide / 17.5,
    smallest: data.size.shortestSide / 20,

  final insetsDimensions = InsetDimensions(
    largest: data.size.shortestSide / 7.5,
    larger: data.size.shortestSide / 10,
    large: data.size.shortestSide / 12.5,
    medium: data.size.shortestSide / 15,
    small: data.size.shortestSid / 17.5,
    smaller: data.size.shortestSide / 20,
    smallest: data.size.shortestSide / 22.5,

  return Dimensions(
    spaces: spaceDimensions,
    insets: insetsDimensions,

  builder: (context, child) {
    return Theme(
      data: lightTheme.copyWith(
        extensions: [
      child: child,
  home: SomeScreen(),

Contribution | Bug report | Feature request #

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verified publisheraffordant.dev

Define app dimensions such as blank spaces or paddings inside flutter theme.

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Packages that depend on dimensions_theme