dim_loading_dialog 0.0.1 copy "dim_loading_dialog: ^0.0.1" to clipboard
dim_loading_dialog: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard

Dim Loading Dialog simple use for popup dialog and custom popup with loading or progress dialog, check the example for use and look screenshot for ex result.

dim_loading_dialog #

Customizable progress dialog for Flutter applications with smooth animation for background dim color and blur.

Example #

example gif

Getting Started #

Install #

Add dependency to pubspec.yaml file :
dim_loading_dialog: 0.0.1

Run this command :
$ flutter pub get

Import #

Import class in your project :
import 'package:dim_loading_dialog/dim_loading_dialog.dart';

Showing Dialog #

Show simple progress dialog : #

DimLoadingDialog dimDialog = DimLoadingDialog(
    blur: 2,
    backgroundColor: const Color(0x33000000),
    animationDuration: const Duration(milliseconds: 500));
	dimDialog.show(); // show dialog
	dimDialog.dismiss(); //close dialog

Customize loading widget : #

 DimLoadingDialog customdimDialog = DimLoadingDialog(
	 blur: 2,
	 backgroundColor: Color(0x33000000),
	 loadingWidget: Container(
		 width: 150,
		 height: 150,
		 color: Colors.red,
		 child: CircularProgressIndicator(),    

Properties #

Name Type Description Default
backgroundColor Color Dialog dim(background) Color Color (0x99000000)
blur double Blur amount of dialog background 0
dismissable bool Setting this true lets user dismiss dialog by touching outside of it. true
onDismiss Function This function triggers when user dismisses dialog. -
loadingWidget Widget Dialog's widget. You can use your own widget when showing dialog. simple widget
useSafeArea bool Setting this to false makes dialog background fullscreen but when you set it true blur and background color will not apply on status bar, navigation bar and ... false
animationDuration Duration This duration defines how much will take for blur and background color to appear. Duration (milliseconds : 300)
pub points


verified publishermrhafid.my.id

Dim Loading Dialog simple use for popup dialog and custom popup with loading or progress dialog, check the example for use and look screenshot for ex result.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (LICENSE)


flutter, plugin_platform_interface


Packages that depend on dim_loading_dialog