dialog_handler 1.0.0+1 copy "dialog_handler: ^1.0.0+1" to clipboard
dialog_handler: ^1.0.0+1 copied to clipboard

A Flutter package that helps simplify the use of different dialogs and handle dialog animations

Dialog Handler #

A Flutter package that helps simplify the use of dialogs.

Why use dialog handler? #

As your app grows, with multiple dialogs implemented in your app, you will need a way to handle, display and dismiss all variations of dialogs and overlays based on the following cases.

  • You want to display dialog directly from your business layer without injecting context from View
  • You dont just want your dialog/overlays to appear plain but instead apear animated.
  • After you dismiss a dialog, you want to return transaction responses to the dialog caller object.a
  • You want nested dialogs (ability to open another dialog from a dialog) without closing the previous dialog.
  • You need to easily mock dialogs during test.
  • You want to autodismiss a dialog after a Duration

These are use cases that will require you to use this package. Below you will find a handfull of examples that may suite your need.

Getting Started #

Note: It's best to register the instance of Dialog Handler with a service locator, preferrably GetIt.

Installation #

Run this command:

With Flutter:

flutter pub add dialog_handler

This will add a line like this to your package's pubspec.yaml (and run an implicit flutter pub get):

    dialog_handler: ^1.0.0

Register Dialog Handler Instance #

To register Dialog Handler instance using getIt, see below

import 'package:get_it/get_it.dart';

GetIt locator = GetIt.instance;

    () => DialogHandler.instance,

Using Dialog Handler in Details #

Let's say I have the widget below to show in a dialog

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

class SampleDialogWidget extends StatelessWidget {
  const SampleDialogWidget({super.key});

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Container(
      color: Colors.red,
      height: 300,
      width: double.infinity,

To show this a dialog with SimpleDialogWidget, see below

await locator<DialogHandler>().showDialog(
    dialogType: DialogType.modalDialog,
    animationType: AnimationType.fromTopToPosition,
    animationDuration: const Duration(milliseconds: 300),
    widget: const ModalDialogWidget(),

dialogType can be any of the following:

  • bottomSheetDialog
  • modalDialog,
  • overlayDialog,

animationType can be any of the following:

  • fadeFromTopToPosition
  • fadeFromBottomToPosition,
  • fadeFromLeftToPosition,
  • fadeFromRightToPosition,
  • scaleToPosition,
  • fromRightToPosition,
  • fromLeftToPosition,
  • fromBottomToPosition,
  • fromTopToPosition,
  • fromTopToPositionThenBounce,
  • fromBottomToPositionThenBounce,

animationDuration is nullable or a Duration object that controls animation display duration

animationReverseDuration is nullable or a Duration object that controls animation reverse duration

backgroundWidget is either nullable or widget that will display at the background of any dialog on display. With this, we can build a blur background dialog. example below

await locator<DialogHandler>().showDialog(
  dialogType: DialogType.modalDialog,
  widget: const ModalDialogWithBlurWidget(),
  backgroundWidget: GlassContainer.clearGlass(
    borderWidth: 0,
    blur: 7,

Contribution #

If you wish to contribute to this boilerplate project, please feel free to submit an issue and/or pull request.

Thanks for your time.

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A Flutter package that helps simplify the use of different dialogs and handle dialog animations

Repository (GitHub)
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API reference


MIT (license)




Packages that depend on dialog_handler