dexecve 1.2.2 dexecve: ^1.2.2 copied to clipboard
Replace the running process, with a POSIX execve system call.
import 'dart:io' as io;
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:dexecve/dexecve.dart';
void main(List<String> argv) {
// This branch should be executed by `dexecve` call below
if (argv.isNotEmpty && argv[0] == 'executed') {
print('PID CHILD: ${}');
// This PID should be inherited by the next invocation of this script
print('PID PARENT: ${}');
// This can be an absolute or relative path.
// Under the hood we use the golang `exec.LookPath` function to find the binary.
// see:
var binaryToExecute = 'dart';
// The arguments to pass to the binary
// NOTE: This example is actually used as part of the test for this project
// and assumes the current working directory in the root of this project.
var args = [p.absolute('example', 'main.dart'), 'executed'];
// Optionally you may pass a MAP that represents the environment variables
// the binary should see.
var environment = {'FOO': 'BAR'};
// By default the executed binary will also inherit the environment from the
// current process. You can disable this functionality if you wish.
var inheritEnvironment = false;
// If the binary is succesfully executed then no further instructions in this
// app will be executed, effectively it would be as though you called the
// `exit()` function.
environment: environment,
inheritEnvironment: inheritEnvironment,
print('I should never see this');