devtools_extensions 0.3.1 copy "devtools_extensions: ^0.3.1" to clipboard
devtools_extensions: ^0.3.1 copied to clipboard


A package for building and supporting extensions for Dart DevTools.


DevTools extension examples #

This directory contains end-to-end examples of DevTools extensions. Each end-to-end example is made up of three components:

  1. Extension-providing package: Dart package that provides the extension
  2. DevTools extension web app: the tool itself
  3. End-user application: the app that the extension is used on

Extension-providing package #

This is the Dart package that provides a DevTools extension for end-user applications to use in DevTools. Depending on whether the extension is going to be shipped as part of an existing package or as a standalone package, this may be a different package than the one containing the extension source code. There are multiple extension-providing packages in the example directory.

  • package:foo from packages_with_extensions/foo/packages/foo: a package for Flutter apps.

  • package:dart_foo from packages_with_extensions/dart_foo/packages/dart_foo: a pure Dart package for Dart or Flutter apps.

  • package:standalone_extension from packages_with_extensions/standalone_extension: a developer tool intended to be imported by users as a dev_dependency. This is different from the other examples in that it is not an extension shipped with an existing Dart package. It is a package published solely to provide a developer tool as a DevTools extension.

DevTools extension web app #

These are Flutter web apps that will be embedded in DevTools when connected to an app that depends on the extension-providing package.

  • packages_with_extensions/foo/packages/foo_devtools_extension: this is the Flutter web app whose built assets are included in package:foo's extension/devtools/build directory.

  • packages_with_extensions/dart_foo/packages/dart_foo_devtools_extension: this is the Flutter web app whose built assets are included in package:dart_foo's extension/devtools/build directory.

  • packages_with_extensions/standalone_extension: this package is both the extension-providing package, and the Flutter web app for the tool itself. The built assets of this Flutter web app are included in package:standalone_extension's extension/devtools/build directory.

End-user application #

These are the applications that depend on extension-providing packages and can use their DevTools extensions.

app_that_uses_foo #

This Flutter app depends on multiple packages from packages_with_extensions that provide a DevTools extension:

  • package:foo
  • package:dart_foo
  • package:standalone_extension

Runtime extensions

When debugging app_that_uses_foo, or one if its bin/ or test/ libraries, the DevTools extensions provided by the app_that_uses_foo's dependencies will load in their own tab in DevTools. Try any of the following options and open DevTools to see the extensions available for the different run targets.

From the app_that_uses_foo directory, run:

  • flutter run to run the Flutter app.
  • dart run --observe bin/script.dart to run a Dart CLI app.
  • dart test test/nested/dart_test_1.dart --pause-after-load to run a Dart test.
  • flutter test test/flutter_test_1.dart --start-paused to run a Flutter test.

Static extensions

Some extensions are available without a connected application. We refer to these as "static extensions". Packages providing extensions can declare whether a connection is required by adding a field requiresConnection to the extension/devtools/config.yaml file.

For instance, the extension examples package:dart_foo and package:standalone_extension both set requiresConnection: false in their extension/devtools/config.yaml files.

To see how static extensions are made available to an end user, open app_that_uses_foo in VS Code. Open the Flutter sidebar panel in VS Code to see a list of any static extensions that are available.

static extensions in sidebar

Note: The Flutter panel and the ability to use DevTools extensions embedded in the IDE are coming soon to IntelliJ and Android Studio.

Learn how to structure your Dart package #

The examples will show you how to structure your package for optimal extension development and publishing.

  1. If you are adding a DevTools extension to an existing Dart package, this is the recommended structure:

    foo/  # formerly the repository root of your pub package
            foo/  # your pub package
                    ...  # pre-compiled build output of foo_devtools_extension
            foo_devtools_extension/  # source code for your extension
    copied to clipboard

    package:foo and package:dart_foo provide an example of this structure.

  2. If you are creating a DevTools extension as a standalone package, this is the recommended structure:

    standalone_tool/ # your new pub package
                ...  # pre-compiled build output of standalone_tool
        lib/  # source code for your extension
    copied to clipboard

    package:standalone_extension provides an example of this structure.

The pre-compiled build output included in the example packages' extension/devtools/build directories were included using the build_and_copy command provided by package:devtools_extensions.

  • For example, package:foo's extension/devtools/build directory was populated by running the following command from the foo_devtools_extension/ directory:

    flutter pub get &&
    dart run devtools_extensions build_and_copy \
        --source=. \
    copied to clipboard

Learn how to configure your extension's config.yaml file #

In these examples, you will also learn how to properly configure your extension's config.yaml file. DevTools reads this file in order to embed your extension in its own tab. This file must be configured as shown.

name: foo
issueTracker: <>
version: 0.0.1
materialIconCodePoint: '0xe0b1'
copied to clipboard

For the most up-to-date documentation on the config.yaml spec, see

Learn how to use shared packages from DevTools #

To learn how to use the shared packages from Devtools (package:devtools_extensions and package:devtools_app_shared), see the source for the package:foo extension.

packages_with_extensions/foo/packages/foo_devtools_extension provides in-depth examples of how to do things like interact with the connected app's VM service, read / write to the user's project files over the Dart Tooling Daemon, interact with the DevTools extension framework APIs, etc.




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A package for building and supporting extensions for Dart DevTools.

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BSD-3-Clause (license)


args, devtools_app_shared, devtools_shared, flutter, io, logging, path, vm_service, web, yaml


Packages that depend on devtools_extensions