device_calendar 4.3.3-20240801 copy "device_calendar: ^4.3.3-20240801" to clipboard
device_calendar: ^4.3.3-20240801 copied to clipboard

A cross platform plugin for modifying calendars on the user's device.

Changelog #

[4.3.3-20240801] #

  • Fixed an issue that prevented the plugin from being used with iOS 17+

4.3.2 #

  • Removed unnecessary package to reduce build error

4.3.1 #

  • Fixed an issue that prevented the plugin from being used with Kotlin 1.7.10

4.3.0 #

  • Updated multiple underlying dependencies
  • Added support for all-day multi-day events on iOS
  • Fixed iOS issue of adding attendees to events
  • Fixed Android issue of the ownerAccount being null

4.2.0 #

  • Fix: apks can be build correctly now
  • Support for viewing and editing attendee status
    • iOS needs a specific native view and permissions to edit attendees due to iOS restrictions. See README and example app.

4.1.0 #

  • Fix: title, descriptions etc are now retrieved properly.
  • Fix: Event JSONs created and are now readable. Previous (mislabeled) JSONs are also readable with warnings.
  • Fix: removed depreceated plugins from Example.
  • Integration tests are now working. Android instructions are ready.
  • Gradle plug-ins are updated.
  • Compiles with jvm 1.8, should be compilable for Flutter 2.9+
  • Android: proper support for all day events, and multi-day all day events.

4.0.1 #

  • Fix: event time are now properly retrieved

4.0.0 #

  • Timezone plugin and logic implemented. All issues related to timezone shoulde be fixed.
  • Events.availability defaults to busy when not specified 354
  • Events parameter now includes location and url. 319
  • Android: Fixed bug where platform exception appeared, when Events.availability was null on Event 241
  • Fixed various issues in example 270, 268
  • Android: deleteEvent code aligned with flutter 258
  • Android: Updated to V2 embeddding 326
  • iOS: Updated swift versions, possibly improved compability with Obj-C flutter/flutter#16049 (comment)

3.9.0 #

  • Migrated to null safety
  • Updated multiple underlying dependencies
  • Rebuilt iOS podfile
  • Upgraded to new Android plugins APIs for flutter

3.1.0 25th March 2020 - Bug fixes and new features #

  • Boolean variable isDefault added for issue 145 (NOTE: This is not supported Android API 16 or lower, isDefault will always be false)
  • Events with 'null' title now defaults to 'New Event', issue 126
  • Updated property summaries for issues 121 and 122
  • Updated example documentation for issue 119
  • Read-only calendars cannot be edited or deleted for the example app
  • Added DayOfWeekGroup enum and an extension getDays to get corresponding dates of the enum values
  • Added to retrieve colour for calendars. Thanks to nadavfima for the contribution and PR to add colour support for both Android and iOS
  • Added compatibility with a new Flutter plugin for Android. Thanks to the PR submitted by RohitKumarMishra
  • [Android] Fixed all day timezone issue 164
  • Added support for deleting individual or multiple instances of a recurring event for issue 108
  • Ability to add local calendars with a desired colour for issue 115
  • Returns account name and type for each calendars for issue 179

3.0.0+3 3rd February 2020 #

  • Fixed all day conditional check for issue 162

3.0.0+2 30th January 2020 #

  • Updated event.allDay property in createOrUpdateEvent method to be null-aware

3.0.0+1 28th January 2020 #

  • Updated event.url property in createOrUpdateEvent method to be null-aware for issue 152

3.0.0 21st January 2020 #

  • BREAKING CHANGE Properties for the attendee model in attendee.dart file have been changed:
    • Boolean property isRequired has been replaced to AttendeeRole enum
    • New arugment added for AttendeeRole property
  • BREAKING CHANGE Package updates:
    • [Android] Updated Gradle plugin to 3.5.2 and Gradle wrapper to 5.4.1
    • [iOS] Updated Swift to 5
  • name and isOrganiser (read-only) properties have been added
  • Attendee UI update for the example app
  • Ability to add, modify or remove an attendee

2.0.0 17th January 2020 #

  • BREAKING CHANGE The recurrence models in recurrence_rule.dart file have been chaged
  • BREAKING CHANGE All articles used in property names or arugments have been removed (i.e. enum DayOfTheWeek to DayOfWeek)
  • Recurrence fix for monthly and yearly frequencies
  • UI update for the example app
  • Add support for all day events

1.0.0+3 9th January 2020 #

  • Flutter upgrade to 1.12.13
  • Added an URL input for calendar events for issue 132

1.0.0+2 30th August 2019 #

  • Fix home page URL

1.0.0+1 30th August 2019 #

  • Add integration tests to example app. Note that this is more for internal use at the moment as it currently requires an Android device with a calendar that can be written to and assumes that the tests are executed from a Mac.

1.0.0 28th August 2019 #

  • BREAKING CHANGE retrieveCalendars and retrieveEvents now return lists that cannot be modified (UnmodifiableListView) to address part of issue 113
  • Support for more advanced recurrence rules
  • Update README to include information about using ProGuard for issue 99
  • Made event title optional to fix issue 72
  • Return information about the organiser of the event as per issue 73
  • Return attendance status of attendees and if they're required for an event. These are details are different across iOS and Android and so are returned within platform-specific objects
  • Ability to modify attendees for an event
  • Ability to create reminders for events expressed in minutes before the event starts

0.2.2 19th August 2019 #

  • Add support for specifying the location of an event. Thanks to oli06 and zemanux for submitting PRs to add the functionality to iOS and Android respectively

0.2.1+1 5th August 2019 #

  • Fixing date in changelog for version 0.2.1

0.2.1 5th August 2019 #

  • [Android] Fixes issue 101 where plugin results in a crash with headless execution

0.2.0 30th July 2019 #

  • BREAKING CHANGE [Android] Updated to use Gradle plugin to 3.4.2, Gradle wrapper to 5.1.1, Kotlin version to 1.3.41 and bumped Android dependencies
  • Add initial support for recurring events. Note that currently editing or deleting a recurring event will affect all instances of it. Future releases will look at supporting more advanced recurrence rules
  • Remove old example app to avoid confusion

0.1.3 5th July 2019 #

  • [iOS] Fixes issue 94 that occurred on 32-bit iOS devices around date of events. Thanks to the PR submitted by duzenko

0.1.2+2 28th May 2019 #

  • Non-functional release. Minor refactoring in Android code to address issues found in Codefactor and fix build status badge in README

0.1.2+1 17th May 2019 #

  • Non-functional release. Fixed formatting in changelog and code comments
  • Added more info about potential issues in consuming the plugin within an Objective-C project

0.1.2 - 16th May 2019 #

  • [Android] An updated fix to address issue 79, thanks to the PR submitted by Gerry High

0.1.1 - 1st March 2019 #

  • Fixed issue 79 where on Android, the plugin was indicating that it was handling permissions that it shouldn't have

0.1.0 - 26th February 2019 #

  • BREAKING CHANGE Migrated to the plugin to use AndroidX instead of the deprecated Android support libraries. Please ensure you have migrated your application following the guide here
  • BREAKING CHANGE Updated Kotlin to version 1.3.21
  • BREAKING CHANGE Updated Gradle plugin to 3.3.1 and distribution to 4.10.2

0.0.8 - 26th February 2019 #

  • This was a breaking change that should've been incremented as minor version update instead of a patch version update. See changelog for 0.1.0 for the details of this update

0.0.7 - 16th November 2018 #

  • Fixes issue ##67 and ##68. Thanks to PR submitted by huzhiren.

0.0.6 - 18th June 2018 #

  • [iOS] Fix an issue when adding/updating an event with a null description

0.0.5 - 14th June 2018 #

  • [Android] Fixed an issue with retrieving events by id only

0.0.4 - 12th June 2018 #

  • Reordering changelog
  • Creating new example for the Pub Dart Example tab
  • Moving existing example to the example_app GitHub folder

0.0.2 - 0.0.3 - 7th June 2018 #

  • Fixing incorrect Travis build links

0.0.1 - 7th June 2018 #

  • Ability to retrieve device calendars
  • CRUD operations on calendar events
pub points



A cross platform plugin for modifying calendars on the user's device.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


BSD-3-Clause (license)


collection, flutter, sprintf, timezone


Packages that depend on device_calendar