dev_test 0.13.3+10 copy "dev_test: ^0.13.3+10" to clipboard
dev_test: ^0.13.3+10 copied to clipboard


Brings (back) the solo and skip features on top of the test package

dev_test.dart #

dev_test brings (back) the solo and skip features on top of the test package

Build Status

It is a layer on top of the test package that adds (back) the solo and skip feature so that you can run/debug a filtered set of tests from the IDE without having to use pub run test -n xxx. It remains however compatible the existing test package and tests can be run using pub run test. Make sure you have both dev_test and test as dependencies in your pubspec.yaml

solo_test, solo_group, skip_test, skip_group are marked as deprecated so that you don't commit code (check the dart analysis result) that might skip many needed tests. Also running tests will report if any tests were skipped.

Usage #

Your pubspec.yaml should contain the following dev_depencencies:

  test: any
  dev_test: any

In your xxxx_test.dart files replace

import 'package:test/test.dart';


import 'package:dev_test/test.dart';

solo_test, solo_group, skip_test, skip_group are marked as deprecated so that you don't commit code that might skip many needed tests.

testDescriptions add information about the current running test (list of String naming the current group and test)

devTestRun will be optionally needed if you have a mix of test and dev_test to make sure the declared tests or groups belongs to the correct group they are declared in

Testing #

IO utility #

There is convenient way to run a validation test on your package:

# Once only
pub global activate dev_test

# Run common validation test (analyzer, format, test) on your package (and nested packages)
pub global run dev_test:run_ci

# Run common validation tests on another package (and nested packages)
pub global run dev_test:run_ci <path>

Testing with dartdevc #

pub serve test --web-compiler=dartdevc --port=8079
pub run test -p chrome --pub-serve=8079
pub points



Brings (back) the solo and skip features on top of the test package

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (LICENSE)


args, collection, matcher, meta, path, pool, process_run, pub_semver, stack_trace, test, yaml


Packages that depend on dev_test