deta 0.0.3+1 deta: ^0.0.3+1 copied to clipboard
A Dart package to interact with the HTTP API of the free services of the Deta plataform.
Example #
import 'package:deta/deta.dart';
import 'package:dio/dio.dart';
import 'package:dio_client_deta_api/dio_client_deta_api.dart';
import 'package:equatable/equatable.dart';
const projectKey = 'put-your-proyect-key-here';
Future<void> main(List<String> args) async {
// We declare class Deta, which receives our private credentials
// as a parameter.
// You can chouse a client that you want to use,
// DioClietnDetaApi or HttpClientDetaApi, remember add to depencencies
// the client.
final deta = Deta(
projectKey: projectKey,
client: DioClientDetaApi(dio: Dio()),
// We define our `DetaBase`, with witch we are going to work from the name.
// In case `DetaBase` not exist it will be created instantly on first use,
// you can create as many `DetaBase` as you need.
final detabase = deta.base('lenguages');
// Save an item. It will update an item if the key already exists.
await detabase.put({
'key': 'dart-g',
'name': 'Dart',
'Dart is a general-purpose programming language that adds strong '
'support for modularity, co-variant return types, and a strong '
'emphasis on type safety.',
'creator': 'Google',
'year': 2012,
// Saves a list the elements, this list can only have a maximum of 20 element.
await detabase.putMany(
items: => lenguage.toJson()).toList(),
// Saves an element like `put`, with the difference that if this element
// exists in `DetaBase` it will throw an `DetaObjectException`. The `key`
// required that are part of the elemet to be saved.
await detabase.insert({
'key': 'r-f',
'name': 'R',
'description': 'R is a programming language and software environment '
'for statistical computing and graphics.',
'creator': 'R Foundation',
'year': 1995,
// Update the element from the supplied `key`, you have to pass the whole
// element, both the updated and unchanged parameters.
await detabase.update(
key: 'ruby-ym',
item: <String, dynamic>{
'key': 'ruby-ym',
'name': 'Ruby',
'description': 'Ruby is a dynamic, open source, general-purpose '
'programming language with a focus on simplicity and productivity.',
'creator': 'Yukihiro Matsumoto',
'year': 1995,
// Get a spesific element form the key.
final item = await detabase.get('ruby-ym');
// Delete a spesific element from the key.
final wasDeleted = await detabase.delete('assembly');
// Return all saved items if no `query` is specified.
final all = await detabase.fetch();
// Return all element that matched the indicated `query`.
final result = await detabase.fetch(
query: [DetaQuery('year').lessThanOrEqualTo(2000).and('name').prefix('C')],
Model #
class Lenguage extends Equatable {
const Lenguage({
required this.key,
required this.description,
required this.creator,
required this.year,
factory Lenguage.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => Lenguage(
key: json['key'] as String,
name: json['name'] as String,
description: json['description'] as String,
creator: json['creator'] as String,
year: json['year'] as int,
final String key;
final String name;
final String description;
final String creator;
final int year;
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => <String, dynamic>{
'key': key,
'name': name,
'description': description,
'creator': creator,
'year': year,
bool? get stringify => true;
List<Object> get props {
return [
const lenguages = [
key: 'kotlin-jb',
name: 'Kotlin',
description: 'Kotlin is a general-purpose, statically typed, '
'compiled programming language that is type-safe, invariant, '
'and flexible.',
creator: 'JetBrains',
year: 2011,
key: 'swift-a',
name: 'Swift',
description: 'Swift is a general-purpose, multi-paradigm, '
'safe, modern, compiled programming language running on '
"Apple's iOS, OS X, and watchOS operating systems.",
creator: 'Apple',
year: 2014,
key: 'java-o',
name: 'Java',
description: 'Java is a general-purpose, concurrent, class-based, '
'object-oriented programming language that is specifically '
'designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible.',
creator: 'Oracle',
year: 1995,
key: 'c#-m',
name: 'C#',
description: 'C# is a multi-paradigm programming language '
'encompassing both object-oriented (class-based) and imperative '
'(structured) programming styles.',
creator: 'Microsoft',
year: 2000,
key: 'c++-b',
name: 'C++',
description: 'C++ is a general-purpose programming language '
'and a multi-paradigm, generic, object-oriented, component-based, '
'and reusable programming language.',
creator: 'Borland',
year: 1983,
key: 'js-m',
name: 'JavaScript',
description: 'JavaScript is a high-level, dynamic, untyped, '
'event-based, and prototype-based scripting language.',
creator: 'Mozilla',
year: 1995,
key: 'php-rl',
name: 'PHP',
description: 'PHP is a server-side scripting language designed '
'for web development but also used as a general-purpose '
'general-purpose programming language.',
creator: 'Rasmus Lerdorf',
year: 1995,
key: 'python-gvr',
name: 'Python',
description: 'Python is a widely used high-level, general-purpose, '
'and interpreted programming language. Its design philosophy '
'aims to make it easy to read and write code, to get '
'reslts quickly, and to avoid common pitfalls.',
creator: 'Guido van Rossum',
year: 1991,
key: 'ruby-ym',
name: 'Ruby',
description: 'Ruby is a dynamic, open source, general-purpose '
'programming language with a focus on simplicity and productivity.',
creator: 'Yukihir Matsumoto',
year: 1995,
key: 'scala-mo',
name: 'Scala',
description: 'Scala is a general-purpose programming language '
'designed to make writing functional and concise.',
creator: 'Martin dersky',
year: 2003,
key: 'go-g',
name: 'Go',
description: 'Go is an open source programming language that '
'conforms to the Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) '
creator: 'Google',
year: 2009,
key: 'rust-gh',
name: 'Rust',
description: 'Rust is a systems programming language that '
'conforms to the Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) '
creator: 'Graydon Hoare',
year: 2009,
key: 'c-dr',
name: 'C',
description: 'C is a general-purpose, imperative computer '
'programming language, supporting structured programming, '
'lexical variable scope, and recursion.',
creator: 'Dennis Ritchie',
year: 1972,