designhubz 0.0.7 copy "designhubz: ^0.0.7" to clipboard
designhubz: ^0.0.7 copied to clipboard

DesignHubz TryOn Flutter Package

At Designhubz we empower brands around the world to connect with shoppers in a complete immersive way.

We’re transforming the online shopping experience with next generation eCommerce interfaces using our leading AR technology that’s being adopted by some of the largest brands and retailers globally.

Designhubz | Eyewear VTO Flutter plugin #

A plugin to add DesignHubz Try-On AR into your Flutter app.

Android iOS
Support SDK 21+ iOS 10+

Usage #

To use this plugin, add designhubz as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.

Getting Started #

Android #

  1. Set the minSdkVersion in android/app/build.gradle:
android {
    defaultConfig {
        minSdkVersion 21

Flutter #

Grant the camera permission on both Android and iOS using any package of your choice. For example, permission_handler before starting TryOnWidget.

Add TryOnWidget to your widget tree.

The widget can be controlled with the TryOnController that is passed to the TryOnWidget's onTryOnReady callback.

See the example directory for a complete example app, and some highlights below.

Snippets #

  1. Add TryOnWidget
import 'package:designhubz/designhubz.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

class DesignHubzDemo extends StatefulWidget {
  const DesignHubzDemo({super.key});

  State<DesignHubzDemo> createState() => _DesignHubzDemoState();

class _DesignHubzDemoState extends State<DesignHubzDemo> {
  late TryOnController _tryOnController;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      body: TryOnWidget(
        organizationId: "your_organization_id",
        onTryOnReady: (controller) {
          _tryOnController = controller;

  1. Once the TryOnController is received from onTryOnReady callback, you can call various methods on it.

TryOnController Methods #

setUserId() #

You will need to call setUserId function before loading any product.

Request #

Parameter Type Description
userId string Required. Your User Id

example #


Response #

This function does not have any return value.

loadProduct() #

It will load the provided productId associated product. You can pass a optional progressHandler callback to get the progress of the loading product.

Request #

Parameter Type Description
productId string Required. The Product ID
progressHandler ProductLoadingProgressCallback Optional. Callback to receive the loading progress of the product

Response #

It returns EyewearProduct if succeeds.

EyewearProduct {
  String productKey;
  List<String> variations;

switchMode() #

It will switch the mode between 3d and tryon

Request #

This function does not have any required parameters.

Response #

This function does not have any return value.

takeSnapshot() #

It will take a snapshot image

Request #

This function does not have any required parameters.

Response #

It and return as the image data as a Uint8List that can be used in a Image Widget to display it.

  future: _tryOnController.takeSnapshot(),
  builder: (context, snapshot) {
    if (snapshot.hasData) {
      if (snapshot.hasError) {
        return Text("Error:${snapshot.error}");
      final image =;
      if (image == null) {
        return const Text("No image captured");
      return Image.memory(image);
    } else {
      return const Text(

fetchRecommendations() #

It will fetch certain number of recommendations.

Request #

Parameter Type Description
count number Required. Number of recommendations

Response #

It returns List of ScoredRecommendation which has product data including variations if succeeds.

class ScoredRecommendation {
  final String productKey;
  final num score;

Example response:

    productKey: "000209-0107",
    score: 10,
    productKey: "000838-0118",
    score: 10,
    productKey: "000241-2906",
    score: 10,

Event Handlers #

TryOnWidget provide the following event handlers callbacks:

onUpdateTryonStatus #

It will be called when the status of widget is changed.

Params #

Parameter Type Description
status TryOnStatus Status of the widget (idle, loading, read)

onUpdateUserInfo #

It will be called when the user info is updated.

Params #

Parameter Type Description
userInfo TryOnUserInfo Detailed user info

The TryOnUserInfo type will look like this:

class TryOnUserInfo {
  /// can be one of the following: "Small", "Medium", "Large"
  String size;

  /// Distance from the midpoint between the eyes
  num eyeSize;

  /// Inter-Pupillary Distance
  num ipd;

onUpdateTrackingStatus #

It will be called when the face tracking status is changed.

Params #

Parameter Type Description
trackingStatus TryOnTrackingStatus Status of the tracking

The trackingStatus will be one of these values

  • idle
  • cameraNotFound
  • faceNotFound
  • analyzing
  • tracking

onError #

It will be called when any error is happened.

Params #

Parameter Type Description
error string Error while interacting

onTryOnRecovering #

TryOn widget can automatically recover in case of a crash due to memory pressure. The recovery process load back the user, any loaded product and the mode that was being used. While the TryOnWidget recovers, you can show a loading indicator by checking the [isInRecoveryProcess] flag

Parameter Type Description
isInRecoveryProcess bool Indicate whether TryOn is in recovery process

Copyright 2023 Designhubz. All rights reserved.




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DesignHubz TryOn Flutter Package



unknown (license)


device_info_plus, flutter, flutter_inappwebview, plugin_platform_interface


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