descope 0.5.0 copy "descope: ^0.5.0" to clipboard
descope: ^0.5.0 copied to clipboard

A Flutter package for working with the Descope API.

Descope for Flutter #

The Descope package for flutter provides convenient access to the Descope user management and authentication APIs for applications written for Flutter. You can read more on the Descope Website.

Features #

Setup #

A Descope Project ID is required to initialize the SDK. Find it on the project page in the Descope Console.

import 'package:descope_flutter/descope.dart';

// ...

final descope = DescopeSDK(projectId: '<Your-Project-ID>');

Usage #

Here are some examples how to manage and authenticate users:

OTP Authentication #

Send a user a one-time password (OTP) using your preferred delivery method (email / SMS). An email address or phone number must be provided accordingly.

The user can either sign up, sign in or sign up or in

// Every user must have a loginID. All other user information is optional
final maskedEmail = await descope.otp.signUp(method:, loginId: '',
    user: User(name: 'Desmond Copeland'));

The user will receive a code using the selected delivery method. Verify that code using:

final descopeSession = await descope.otp.verify(method:, loginId: "", code: "123456");

Read more on session management

Send a user a Magic Link using your preferred delivery method (email / SMS). The Magic Link will redirect the user to a page where the attached token needs to be verified. Depending on the target, it might be required to use deep links to return to the app. This redirection can be configured in code, or globally in the Descope Console

The user can either sign up, sign in or sign up or in

// If configured globally, the redirect URI is optional. If provided however, it will be used
// instead of any global configuration
await descope.magicLink.signUp(method:, loginId: '',
    user: User(name: 'Desmond Copeland'), uri: '');

To verify a magic link, your redirect page must call the validation function on the token (t) parameter (<token>):

final descopeSession = await descope.magicLink.verify(token: '<token>');

Read more on session management

Using the Enchanted Link APIs enables users to sign in by clicking a link delivered to their email address. The email will include 3 different links, and the user will have to click the right one, based on the 2-digit number that is displayed when initiating the authentication process.

This method is similar to Magic Link but differs in two major ways:

  • The user must choose the correct link out of the three, instead of having just one single link.
  • This supports cross-device clicking, meaning the user can try to log in on one device, like a computer, while clicking the link on another device, for instance a mobile phone.

The Enchanted Link will redirect the user to page where the its token needs to be verified. This redirection can be configured in code per request, or set globally in the Descope Console.

The user can either sign up, sign in or sign up or in

// If configured globally, the redirect URI is optional. If provided however, it will be used
// instead of any global configuration
final enchantedLinkResponse = await descope.enchantedLink.signUp(loginId: '',
    user: User(name: 'Desmond Copeland'), uri: '');

Inform the user which link is the correct one, using enchantedLinkResponse.linkId. After that, start polling for a valid session. It will be returned once the user clicks on the correct link (assuming the redirected web page calls the validate method);

final descopeSession = await descope.enchantedLink.pollForSession(pendingRef: enchantedLinkResponse.pendingRef);

Read more on session management

OAuth #

Users can authenticate using their social logins, using the OAuth protocol. Configure your OAuth settings on the Descope console. It is recommended to use flutter_web_auth to handle the redirect and code extraction.

To start a flow call:

import 'package:flutter_web_auth/flutter_web_auth.dart';

// Choose an oauth provider out of the supported providers
// If configured globally, the redirect URL is optional. If provided however, it will be used
// instead of any global configuration.
final authUrl = await descope.oauth.start(provider:, redirectUrl: 'exampleauthschema://');

Take the generated URL and authenticate the user using flutter_web_auth (read more here). The user will authenticate with the authentication provider, and will be redirected back to the redirect URL, with an appended code HTTP URL parameter. Exchange it to validate the user:

// Redirect the user to the returned URL to start the OAuth redirect chain
final result = await FlutterWebAuth.authenticate(url: authUrl, callbackUrlScheme: 'exampleauthschema');
// Extract the returned code
final code = Uri.parse(result).queryParameters['code'];
// Exchange code for session
final descopeSession = await code!);

Read more on session management


Users can authenticate to a specific tenant using SAML or Single Sign On. Configure your SSO/SAML settings on the Descope console. It is recommended to use flutter_web_auth to handle the redirect and code extraction.

To start a flow call:

// Choose which tenant to log into
// If configured globally, the return URL is optional. If provided however, it will be used
// instead of any global configuration.
final authUrl = await descope.sso.start(emailOrTenantId: 'my-tenant-ID', redirectUrl: 'exampleauthschema://');

Take the generated URL and authenticate the user using flutter_web_auth (read more here). The user will authenticate with the authentication provider, and will be redirected back to the redirect URL, with an appended code HTTP URL parameter. Exchange it to validate the user:

// Redirect the user to the returned URL to start the OAuth redirect chain
final result = await FlutterWebAuth.authenticate(url: authUrl, callbackUrlScheme: 'exampleauthschema');
// Extract the returned code
final code = Uri.parse(result).queryParameters['code'];
// Exchange code for session
final descopeSession = await code!);

Read more on session management

TOTP Authentication #

The user can authenticate using an authenticator app, such as Google Authenticator. Sign up like you would using any other authentication method. The sign up response will then contain a QR code image that can be displayed to the user to scan using their mobile device camera app, or the user can enter the key manually or click on the link provided by the provisioningURL.

Existing users can add TOTP using the update function.

// Every user must have a loginID. All other user information is optional
final totpResponse = await descope.totp.signUp(loginId: '', user: User(name: 'Desmond Copeland'));

// Use one of the provided options to have the user add their credentials to the authenticator
// totpResponse.provisioningUrl
// totpResponse.image
// totpResponse.key

There are 3 different ways to allow the user to save their credentials in their authenticator app - either by clicking the provisioning URL, scanning the QR image or inserting the key manually. After that, signing in is done using the code the app produces.

final descopeSession = await descope.totp.verify(loginId: '', code: '123456');

Read more on session management

Password Authentication #

It is possible to authenticate a user using a password. Passwords are a legacy way of authentication. Each of the passwordless methods above are better from a security and usability perspective. Passwords are disabled by default in the Descope Console password settings. Make sure to enable it before attempting authentication. The user can either sign up or sign in

// Every user must have a loginID. All other user information is optional
final descopeSession = await descope.password.signUp(loginId: '', password: 'cleartext-password',
    user: User(name: 'Desmond Copeland'));

Read more on session management

Session Management #

After authenticating successfully, the DescopeSession needs to be managed throughout the lifecycle of the application.

Persistence #

The DescopeSession should be persisted between usages. Do it be securely saving the DescopeSession.refreshJwt and DescopeSession.sessionJwt. When the app is reloaded, recreate the session using:

final descopeSession = DescopeSession('<loaded-session-jwt>', '<loaded-refresh-jwt>');

Session Refresh #

When the session JWT expires, it needs to be refreshed.

You can manually refresh it by calling:

final refreshedDescopeSession = await descope.auth.refreshSession(descopeSession.refreshJwt);

Session Validation #

Every secure request performed between your client and server needs to be validated. The client sends the session and refresh tokens with every request, to validated by the server.

On the server side, it will validate the session and also refresh it in the event it has expired. Every request should receive the given session token if it's still valid, or a new one if it was refreshed. Make sure to save the returned session as it might have been refreshed.

The refreshJwt is optional here to validate a session, but is required to refresh the session in the event it has expired.

Usually, the tokens can be passed in and out via HTTP headers or via a cookie. The implementation can defer according to your server implementation.

Additional Information #

To learn more please see the Descope Documentation and API reference page.

Contact Us #

If you need help you can email Descope Support

License #

The Descope SDK for Flutter is licensed for use under the terms and conditions of the MIT license Agreement.




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A Flutter package for working with the Descope API.

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