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This package allows to implement dependency injection in a project.

DepGen #

In short, this package allows you to implement dependency injection in a project.

Features #

This package lets you generate special methods which create instances of classes with automatic substitution of dependencies from the environment. Looking ahead, we can immediately show what such methods do:

Instead of specifying dependencies manually:

// Some example class with dependencies
class MyPet{
        required String name,
        required PetsRepository petsRepository,
        required ShopRepository shopRepository,
    }) {
        … some magic…

void main() {
    final pet = MyPet(
        name: 'Lucky',

You won’t have to worry about delivering dependencies and just call a special method, specifying the missing parameters (if any):

class MyPet{
        required String name,
        @DepArg() required PetsRepository petsRepository,
        @DepArg() required ShopRepository shopRepository,
    }) {
        … some magic…

void main() {
    final pet = context.depGen().buildMyPet(name: 'Lucky');

How to start #

Steps to get started

  • Import the package
  • Annotations placement
  • Code generation
  • Description of the environment
  • Integration into widget hierarchy
  • Using build methods

Some of these steps are performed only once during the design phase, so using this package should not cause any inconvenience

Import the package #

With Dart:

dart pub add dep_gen

With Flutter:

flutter pub add dep_gen

Annotations placement #

To perform code generation, special annotations are used - @DepGen and @DepArg. The first (DepGen) annotation is used to indicate the class for which the build method will be created. The second annotation (DepArg) serves to indicate which dependencies need to be substituted automatically.

💡 Annotations in Dart are a way of adding metadata to code elements such as classes, methods, variables, and parameters. Annotations are used to provide additional information about the code element, such as its intended use, expected behavior, or implementation details. Dart annotations are represented using the '@' symbol followed by the name of the annotation.

Example code

class MyPet{
        required String name,
        @DepArg() required PetsRepository petsRepository,
        @DepArg() required ShopRepository shopRepository,
    }) {
        … some magic…

❗️ Important. Only named parameters can be marked with this annotation

This example uses two dependencies petsRepository and shopRepository to construct an instance of the class. Let's mark them with a special @DepArg annotation so that we can generate a constructor for an instance of this class without explicitly specifying these parameters. The class itself must also be marked with the @DepGen annotation. That's all, we just added three words.

Code generation #

Run code generator from project directory.

 flutter pub run dep_gen:generate -p lib/domain/environment

On the command line, as a parameter, we specify the path to the file that will be generated:

-p lib/domain/environment

By default the generated file will be named:


💡 To convenience, the command to run code generation can be bound, since to create new or change old build methods you need to run it again (as is any case where code generation is used).

At this stage, everything is ready - we have generated code that allows us to describe the environment and create instances of classes with automatic substitution of dependencies.

Description of the environment #

Those instances of classes that will be substituted as dependencies cannot come from nowhere. We need to describe the so-called environment in which instances of these classes will be registered. The file generated in the previous step contains the DepGenEnvironment class, which allows you to register the necessary dependencies. For this he has a special method:

void registry<T>(Object instance)

If you need to lock your environment settings, there is a special method for this. It creates a new instance of the environment.

DepGenEnvironment lock()

A simple way to describe the environment. This code is usually used before the runApp in main() method

void main() {
    final environment = DepGenEnvironment();

❕ In the example, for simplicity, the Dependency Inversion Principle is ignored

💡 To keep the code clean, you can also extend the DepGenEnvironment class and place the entire implementation of the environment logic into it. There is a code example in the package description.

Integration into widget hierarchy #

To be able to use the generated methods using the context, you need to embed the DepProvider instance into the widget hierarchy.

void main() {
    final environment = DepGenEnvironment();
        environment: environment,
        child: Application(),

That's all, now you can use build methods to create class instances.

Using build methods #

To create instances of classes with injected dependencies, we need context. There are two ways:

final myPetLucky = DepProvider.of(context).buildMyPet(name: 'Lucky');
final myPetChester = context.depGen().buildMyPet(name: 'Lucky');

🔥 Congratulations, you have added dependency injection to your project.

Example of parameter combination #

You can combine positional, named, and optional arguments together with automatically substituted arguments. For example, for a constructor that has this set of parameters:

class UserDetails {
  const UserDetails(final int id,
      String? username, {
        @DepArg() required this.api,
        int? userGroup,
        @DepArg() required this.cartRepository,
        @DepArg() StoreRepository storeRepository,
      }) :_storeRepository = storeRepository;

This build method will be generated:

        userGroup: userGroup,

Other parameters marked with a special annotation will be substituted automatically from the environment.



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This package allows to implement dependency injection in a project.

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