deepgram_speech_to_text 1.0.5 copy "deepgram_speech_to_text: ^1.0.5" to clipboard
deepgram_speech_to_text: ^1.0.5 copied to clipboard

A Deepgram client for Dart and Flutter. Transcribe audio from : File, URL, Stream or Raw data.

A Deepgram client for Dart and Flutter.

Transcribe audio from : File, URL, Stream or Raw data.

Currently only supports Speech-To-Text (STT). You need something else ? Just ask !

Feel free to create issues, contribute to this project or to ask for new features on GitHub !

Features #

Speech to text transcription from:

  • File
  • URL
  • Stream
  • Raw data

Getting started #

All you need is a Deepgram API key. You can get a free one by signing up on Deepgram

Usage #

First create the client with optional parameters

String apiKey = 'your_api_key';

Deepgram deepgram = Deepgram(apiKey, baseQueryParams: {
    'model': 'nova-2-general',
    'language': 'fr',
    'filler_words': false,
    'punctuation': true,

Then you can transcribe audio from different sources :

File #

File audioFile = File('audio.wav');
String json = await deepgram.transcribeFromFile(audioFile);


String json = await deepgram.transcribeFromUrl('https://somewhere/audio.wav');

Stream #

let's say from a microphone :

// (other packages would work too)
Stream<List<int>> micStream = await AudioRecorder().startStream(RecordConfig(
      encoder: AudioEncoder.pcm16bits,
      sampleRate: 16000,
      numChannels: 1,

then you got 2 options depending if you want to have more control over the stream or not :

// 1. you want the stream to manage itself automatically
Stream<String> jsonStream = deepgram.transcribeFromLiveAudioStream(micStream);

// 2. you want to manage the stream manually
DeepgramLiveTranscriber transcriber = deepgram.createLiveTranscriber(micStream);

transcriber.jsonStream.listen((json) {
transcriber.close(); // you can call start() after close() to restart the transcription

Raw data #

String json = await deepgram.transcribeFromBytes(List.from([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]));

For more detailed usage check /example

Additional information #

I created this package for my own needs since there are no dart sdk for deepgram. Happy to share !

Don't hesitate to ask for new features or to contribute !

pub points


unverified uploader

A Deepgram client for Dart and Flutter. Transcribe audio from : File, URL, Stream or Raw data.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference




http, universal_file, web_socket_channel


Packages that depend on deepgram_speech_to_text