dbcrypt 2.0.0 dbcrypt: ^2.0.0 copied to clipboard
A port of jBCrypt to Dart. It allows to encrypt passwords using BCrypt with a configurable work factor and check passwords.
import 'package:dbcrypt/dbcrypt.dart';
void main() {
DBCrypt dBCrypt = DBCrypt();
const plainPwd = "mySuperSecretP@ssw0rd";
// Hash password with default values
String hashedPwd = dBCrypt.hashpw(plainPwd, dBCrypt.gensalt());
// Check the plain password against the hashed password
assert(dBCrypt.checkpw(plainPwd, hashedPwd), true);
// Generate a salt with a cost of 12 and hash the password with it
String salt = dBCrypt.gensaltWithRounds(12);
hashedPwd = dBCrypt.hashpw(plainPwd, salt);
// Check the plain password against the 12-cost hashed password
assert(dBCrypt.checkpw(plainPwd, hashedPwd), true);