day_month_picker 0.0.13 day_month_picker: ^0.0.13 copied to clipboard
Use this package to easily select your desired month and day of the month. Just follow the prompts/dialog to make your choices simple and straightforward. Enjoy the process of choosing your dates without year!
Day Month Picker or You can say Date Month picker #
The DayMonthPicker widget is a customizable Flutter component that allows users to select a specific day and month from a dialog interface. It is particularly useful in forms or applications where date input is needed without year.
Features #
Easy selection of months and days Customizable appearance Built-in support for existing day and month values Callback function to handle changes
Constructor #
const DayMonthPicker({
Key? key,
this.selectedMonthBgColor =,
this.unSelectedMonthBgColor = Colors.white,
this.selectedDayBgColor =,
this.unSelectedDayBgColor = Colors.white,
this.title = "Date Month Picker",
this.selectedMonthTextStyle = const TextStyle(color: Colors.white, fontSize: 14),
this.unSelectedMonthTextStyle = const TextStyle(color:, fontSize: 14),
this.selectedDayTextStyle = const TextStyle(color: Colors.white, fontSize: 12),
this.unSelectedDayTextStyle = const TextStyle(color:, fontSize: 12),
this.child = const Padding(
padding: EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
child: Text("Month Picker"),
this.cancelTextStyle = const TextStyle(color: Colors.grey, fontSize: 16),
this.okTextStyle = const TextStyle(color:, fontSize: 16),
required this.onChange,
##Parameters key: An optional key to identify the widget. surfaceTintColor: A color to tint the dialog surface (default is transparent). titleTextStyle: Text style for the dialog title. selectedMonthBgColor: Background color for the selected month (default is blue). unSelectedMonthBgColor: Background color for unselected months (default is white). selectedDayBgColor: Background color for the selected day (default is blue). unSelectedDayBgColor: Background color for unselected days (default is white). title: The title of the dialog (default is "Date Month Picker"). selectedMonthTextStyle: Text style for the selected month label. unSelectedMonthTextStyle: Text style for unselected month labels. selectedDayTextStyle: Text style for the selected day label. unSelectedDayTextStyle: Text style for unselected day labels. child: The widget displayed as the button to open the picker (default is a padded "Month Picker" text). cancelTextStyle: Text style for the cancel button. okTextStyle: Text style for the ok button. existingDay: An optional string representing the already selected day. existingMonth: An optional string representing the already selected month. onChange: A required callback function that is triggered when the user selects a day and month.
Usage #
Short and useful examples for package users.
DayMonthPicker(onChange: (DayMonth? dayMonth){
if(dayMonth != null) {
print("Day: ${}");
print("Month: ${dayMonth.month}");
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(title: Text('Day Month Picker Example')),
body: Center(
child: DayMonthPicker(
onChange: (dayMonth) {
// Do something with the selected day and month
print('Selected Day: ${}, Month: ${dayMonth.month}');