datahub 0.17.0-dev.88
datahub: ^0.17.0-dev.88 copied to clipboard
DataHub is a Cloud Development Ecosystem aiming to bring the power of Dart into the Cloud.
0.17.0 #
- AmqpBrokerService
- added useSsl param
- EventHubService
- EphemeralHubEventSocket
- Resource Hub
- CollectionResource
- Resource Refactor (ElementResource)
- LogService
- refactored LogLevel enum
- added meta map to LogMessage (Watchtower)
- ServiceResolver
- servicesReady notifier
- ApiRequest / ApiService / ApiEndpoint
- getParam supports List query parameters
- added OPTIONS, HEAD and TRACE methods
- TransferCodec
- always encode DateTime with time zone
- HttpClient
- HTTP/2.0 client can reconnect if connection was lost
- RestClient
- API now more similar to ApiEndpoint / ApiRequest API
- Client no longer ignores path prefix of connect base URI
- Persistence
- Custom Data Types
- SubQuery as new QuerySource type
- Connection Pooling in DatabaseAdapter (refactored Repository / Adapters)
- Refactored postgres into library datahub_postgres
- added --codegen / --no-codegen flag to build command
- Broker
- abstraction for amqp broker implementation to provide more stable framework
- ServiceHost
- IsolatedService / IsolatedHost
- Instrumentation
- added InstrumentationService
0.16.5 #
- TransferCodec, TransferBean
- added debug property "name" for error messages
0.16.4 #
- ApiEndpoint
- minor error handling fix
- Filter
- isIn empty list fix
0.16.3 #
- ApiService
- ApiRequestException default error response json
- JWTSession
- convenience accessors to JWT payload
0.16.2 #
- EventHubService
- fixed error handling
- AmqpBrokerService
- default heartbeat period 3 seconds
- fixed docker compose command
0.16.1 #
- EventHubService
- fixed bad state channel reconnect
0.16.0 #
- Added HttpClient / HttpServer as multi-version HTTP implementations
- ApiService
- added HTTP/2 support (using HttpServer)
- added protocol negotiation
- removed legacy auth system
- ByteStreamResponse / FileResponse
- Content-Disposition is transmitted regardless of availability of filename
- RestClient
- added HTTP/2 support (using HttpClient)
- header values are now List
- URL-params are now encoded using RoutePattern
- added HttpAuth, BearerAuth, BasicAuth
- Persistence
- added any, first, count as extensions to DatabaseContext
- added any, first, count, mutate operations to CRUDRepository
- added context parameter to all CRUDRepository methods to allow compositing
- Broker
- AmqpBrokerService
- added heartbeat period support (dart_ampq ^0.2.3)
- added EventHubs
- Utils
- added MIME type / extension mapper
- added Collection Library
- AmqpBrokerService
- Config
- moved all ConfigService related classes to datahub/services.dart
- BaseService
- initialize and shutdown are not abstract anymore (removed the requirement to override them)
- KeyService / JWT
- added JWT class, KeyService for public key caching
- TransferEncoding
- rework of codec system
- ServiceHost
- ServiceHost is now ApplicationHost
- added TestHost
- with test methods for unit testing
- added test command
- S3Service, MinioService
0.15.2 #
- ApiService
- fixed internal error when handling request not matching base path
0.15.1 #
- DatabaseContext.query
- inner and outer joins supported with nullable / non-null return types
0.15.0 #
- DataBean
- reduced complexity on abstract classes
- changed type constraints on DatabaseContext methods
- DatabaseContext.query
- can now return DAOs from joins (no longer constrained to DataBean as source)
0.14.9 #
- added Duration to transfer codec (represented as milliseconds)
0.14.8 #
- DataHub CLI
- fixed build-args feature
0.14.7 #
- DataHub CLI
- fixed build-args feature
0.14.6 #
- DataHub CLI
- added build-args support
0.14.5 #
- ApiRequest
- added getBody for transfer objects as request body
0.14.4 #
- fixed Repository transaction return value
0.14.3 #
- fixed SQL building for postgres (name escape bugs)
0.14.2 #
- fixed rest_client with Map<String, dynamic> / List
0.14.1 #
- fixed Repository (missing initializeSchema)
0.14.0 #
- updated boost dependency
- added rest_client library
0.13.2 #
- use "Authorization" header instead of "session-token"
0.13.1 #
- moved decodeTyped to utils library
- added List
- ConfigService.fetch / BaseService.config now accepts nullable types
0.13.0 #
- Transaction Support
- added DatabaseContext
- database migrations run in transactions
- added Repository and CRUDRepository
0.12.4 #
- added force flag to datahub create (CLI)
0.12.3 #
- fixed dart pub get call in CLI
0.12.2 #
- added DataHub CLI
0.12.1 #
- fixed dependencies
0.12.0 #
- Started datahub package
- All code generation is now in datahub_codegen