dashbook 0.0.1 copy "dashbook: ^0.0.1" to clipboard
dashbook: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard


A new Flutter package project.

Dashbook #

Dashbook is a UI development tool for Flutter, it works as a development enviroment for the project widgets and also a showcase for common widgets on the app, it is heavly inspired by Storybook library, so it should be very easy for people who has already used Storybook, to use Dashbook.

Disclaimer: This is an early version, more features should be coming soon, suggestions, and PRs are welcome!

How to use #

A Dashbook instance has a collection of the app widgets (Stories) and its variants (Chapters). Here you can see a very simple example of how to use it.

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

import 'package:dashbook/dashbook.dart';

void main() {
  final dashbook = Dashbook();

  // Adds the Text widget stories
      // Decorators are easy ways to apply a common layout to all of the story chapters, here are using onde of Dashbook's decorators,
      // which will center all the widgets on the center of the screen
      // The Widget story can have as many chapters as needed
      .add('default', Text("Text"))
      .add('bold', Text("Text", style: TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.bold)))
      .add('color text', Text("Text", style: TextStyle(color: Color(0xFF0000FF))));

      .add('default', RaisedButton(child: Text('Ok'), onPressed: () {}));

  // Since dashbook is a widget itself, you can just call runApp passing it as a parameter


Structure #

Dashbook is just a widget, so it can be ran in any way wanted, as there is no required structure that must be followed, although, we do recommend the following approach:

  • Create a file named main_dashbook.dart on the root source of your project (e.g. lib/main_dashbook.dart)
  • Create the Dashbook instance inside that file, calling the runApp method in the end (look on the example above)
  • Run it with the command flutter run -t lib/main_dashbook.dart

Roadmap #

  • Better support for themes and specific platform widgets
  • Property list for Chapters
  • Search on the stories list
  • Any other suggestions from the community