dash_survey 0.0.1 copy "dash_survey: ^0.0.1" to clipboard
dash_survey: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard

Extensive remote controlled survey package

Dash Survey #

⚠️ Warning: This package is under heavy development and the API is subject to breaking changes. 🚧 Use with caution in production environments.

A flexible Flutter package for creating and managing in-app surveys from a remote backend. Checkout Dash Survey for more info.

Features #

  • 🎯 Easy-to-use surveys
  • ☁️ Remote controlled
  • 💾 Built-in persistence support
  • 🔄 Customizable survey flow
  • 📊 Multiple question types support
  • 🎨 Customizable theming

Getting Started #

Add dash_survey to your pubspec.yaml by running:

flutter pub add dash_survey
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or add it manually

  dash_survey: any
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Then, import the package in your Dart file and wrap your app in a DashSurvey and supply the api key you got from the dashboard at https://app.dash-survey.com

import 'package:dash_survey/dash_survey.dart';

void main() {
    apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY',
    app: MyApp(),
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This is also where you can configure your instance of Dash Survey e.g.:

import 'package:dash_survey/dash_survey.dart';

void main() {
    apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY',
    // manually set the locale to en, instead of the device locale
      overrideLocale: const Locale('en'),
      config: DashSurveyConfig(
        surveyCoolDownInDays: 7,
        skipCoolDownForTargetedViews: true,
        baseUrl: 'https://api.survey-dash.com',
        translationOverrides: const {
          'en': {
            'cancel': 'Cancel',
            'submit': 'Submit',
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Basic Usage #

There are two ways to show a survey:

  1. As native element of your app. This way you can show surveys in any widget of your app.
  2. As modal on top of your app. This way you can show surveys as a modal on top of your app.

1. Native Survey Element #

When using the DashSurveyBuilder widget, it will automatically fetch and display surveys that are due to be shown. If no surveys are available, it will render as SizedBox.shrink().

import 'package:dash_survey/dash_survey.dart';

class HomePage extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Column(
      children: [
        // ...
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The DashSurveyBuilder can be fully customized, to match your app's design. Use the surveyFrameBuilder property to style the frame of the survey. Don't forget to return the child Widget, as it contains the actual survey.

  surveyFrameBuilder: (context, child, surveyState) {
    return Card(
      color: Colors.red,
      child: child,
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You can also display different content based on the survey state. E.g. when the survey is still loading you display nothing and animate the survey widget in, when a survey is available. Checkout the different [SurveyState] values for further information.

  surveyFrameBuilder: (context, child, surveyState) {
     final surveyAvailable = surveyState != SurveyState.loading &&
            surveyState != SurveyState.noSurveyAvailable;

        return AnimatedSwitcher(
          duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 200),
          child: surveyAvailable
              ? Card(
                  key: const Key('survey-available'),
                  elevation: 4,
                  child: surveyWidget,
              : const SizedBox.shrink(key: Key('survey-not-available')),
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Checkout the Example app for more examples.

2. Survey as Modal #

To display a survey as a modal on top of your app, you can use the DashSurvey.of(context).showNextSurvey() method. This will check if there are any surveys that are due to be shown and display the first one. If no surveys are due to be shown, it will not display anything.

import 'package:dash_survey/dash_survey.dart';

void main() {
  // Show the survey as a modal
    onSubmit: (survey) {
      // Handle survey results
    onCancel: (survey) {
      // Handle survey cancellation
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This function can be called often, as it will not cause any effects, when no survey is available for the user.

License #

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.



verified publisherdash-survey.com

Weekly Downloads

2024.08.26 - 2025.03.10

Extensive remote controlled survey package

Repository (GitHub)


API reference


AAL (license)


dash_survey_core, flutter, shared_preferences, uuid, wolt_modal_sheet


Packages that depend on dash_survey