dash_agent 0.0.1 copy "dash_agent: ^0.0.1" to clipboard
dash_agent: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard

Framework package to create and publish dash agents for commanddash

Dash Agent #

Dash agent is a framework enabling you to create and publish agents in CommandDash marketplace.

Getting started #

Install the package in your dart project:

flutter pub add dash_agent

This will add a line like this to your package's pubspec.yaml (and run an implicit flutter pub get):

  dash_agent: ^1.0.0

Note: Ideally, you won't need to install the package into your dart project. Since, you will be creating the agent project using dash-cli's dash-cli create {{agent}} command line tool. This will install the package for you.

Usage #

This package contain the building blocks for creating dash agents:

AgentConfiguration #

The main part of the framework that glues together your agent configuration is AgentConfiguration. It is the base class for creating agent.

Sample example of AgentConfiguration for demonstration purpose:

class MyAgent extends AgentConfiguration {
  final docsSource = DocsDataSource();

  List<DataSource> get registeredDataSources => [docsSource];

  List<Command> get registerSupportedCommands =>
      [AskCommand(docsSource: docsSource)];

The above sample AgentConfiguration object taking data sources and supported commands. Both of them are explained below:

  • DataSource: Data sources will enable you to pass on any form of data that your agent might need to perform its intended tasks.
  • Command: Commands are the specialised tasks you want your agents to perform. They can be anything like understanding the developer query and providing the desired response, evaluating the project workspace, updating a piece of code based on the user requirement and the type of agent, or even generate code as per the developer requirement.

Datasource #

As described above data sources lets you attach the data that your agent will need to perform its tasks. It can be anything from raw texts, json, files data, or even webpages.

Sample example for DataSource for demostration purpose:

class DocsDataSource extends DataSource {
 List<SystemDataObject> get fileObjects => [

 List<ProjectDataObject> get projectObjects =>
     [ProjectDataObject.fromText('Data in form of raw text')];

 List<WebDataObject> get webObjects => [];

class BlogsDataSource extends DataSource {
 List<SystemDataObject> get fileObjects => [

 List<ProjectDataObject> get projectObjects => [];

 List<WebDataObject> get webObjects =>

As visible in the above example, the data is divided into:

  • Project Data (aka ProjectDataObject): This data object enables you to pass in raw string and json data.
  • System Data (aka SystemDataObject): This data object enables you to pass data stored in files and directories in you local system,
  • Web Data (aka WebDataObject): This data object enables you to pass web data your agent by passing web pages urls or sitemaps in the object.

To create any data object, the easiest (and also the recommended way) is to call static functions of the above shared bases class of the object. For example if you want to store the json data. You can add the json data as shared below:

final yourJson = {'key': 'data'};
final jsonDataSource = ProjectDataSource.fromJson(yourJson);

Note: At the moment, storing pdf files is not supported out of the box. However you can extract the relevant data from the pdf using the open source tools and pass the extracted data either via project data object or system data object

Commands #

Commands are the specialised tasks you want your agents to perform (such as refactoring, code generation, code analysis, etc). Once the agent will be published, user's can invoke this command in the commanddash client (such as VS Code extensions) and use them.

Sample example for Command object is shared below:

class AskCommand extends Command {
  AskCommand({required this.docsSource});

  final DataSource docsSource;

  // Inputs
  final userQuery = StringInput('Your query');
  final codeAttachment = CodeInput('Code Attachment');

 // Outputs
 final matchingDocuments = MatchDocumentObject();
 final queryOutput = QueryOutput();

  String get slug => '/ask';

  String get intent => 'Ask me anything';

  List<DashInput> get registerInputs => [userQuery, codeAttachment];

  List<Step> get steps => [
            query: '$userQuery$codeAttachment',
            dataSources: [docsSource],
            output: matchingDocuments),
                '''You are an X agent. Here is the $userQuery, here is the document references: $matchingDocuments. Answer the user's query.''',
            postProcessKind: PostProcessKind.raw,
            output: queryOutput),
                'This was your query: $userQuery and here is your output: $queryOutput'),

  String get textFieldLayout =>
      "Hi, I'm here to help you. $userQuery $codeAttachment";

Command object takes the following properties:

  • slug - Unique identifier of the command
  • intent - Brief description about the command
  • textFieldLayout - Phrase that will be shown to user when the command is invoked
  • registerInputs - DashInputs that will be used in the command in its lifecycle
  • steps - Series of operation that needs to be performed for a command finish its task. Steps can be of the following nature: Matching docs that are shared with the command, performing a query in the user project, prompt that code/ info generation, appending the info/code at the right place in the project, many more.

One of important element of Command object are the series of steps that you will be passing that will help the command to execute its tasks by performing the mini-tasks required to be performed by the main task.

Step #

Currently supported steps that are avaiable for you leverage are shared below:

  • MatchDocumentStep - Helps you find the matching document from the provided data source form DataSource objects.
  • WorkspaceQueryStep - Helps you find the matching code snippets from the user's project.
  • PromptQueryStep - Enables you to perform a request to the lllm model with your customised prompt and instruction from the user to perform get generated code or any other general reponse that can be either used for next steps or passed back to the user as the final response.
  • AppendToChatStep - Enables you to append the reponse (anything like code, feedback, or general reponse) to the commanddash client chat box.
  • ReplaceCodeStep - This is experimental at the moment. This step will enable you to directly replace the user's selected code with the resulting output code from the command.
  • ContinueDecisionStep - This is also experimental at the moment. This step will help you in adding a conditional logic in your series of steps. While calling this step, if it outputs false. Then the further execution of steps will stop and command is considered executed.

In future more steps will be included in the list as the framework evolves.

Additional information #

We welcome the flutter and AI enthusiasts likewise to contribute to this amazing open source framework. You can contribute this framework in following ways:

  • File feature requests: Suggest features that'll make your development process easier in the issues board.

  • Pick up open issues: Pick up and fix existing issues open to the community in issues board.

  • Participate in discussions: Help by sharing your ideas in the active discussions in our community slack.

Community #

Connect with like minded people building with Flutter and using AI to do so, every step of the way :D Join Now

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Framework package to create and publish dash agents for commanddash

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