darwin 0.4.1 darwin: ^0.4.1 copied to clipboard
A genetic/evolutionary algorithm library for Dart. Given a population of phenotypes, an evaluator (fitness function), and time, the algorithm will evolve the population until it crosses given fitness [...]
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:darwin/darwin.dart';
Future<Null> main() async {
// Create first generation, either by random or by continuing with existing
// progress.
var firstGeneration =
new Generation<MyPhenotype, bool, SingleObjectiveResult>()
.addAll(new List.generate(10, (_) => new MyPhenotype.Random()));
// Evaluators take each phenotype and assign a fitness value to it according
// to some fitness function.
var evaluator = new MyEvaluator();
// Breeders are in charge of creating new generations from previous ones (that
// have been graded by the evaluator). Their only required argument is
// a function that returns a blank phenotype.
var breeder = new GenerationBreeder<MyPhenotype, bool, SingleObjectiveResult>(
() => new MyPhenotype())
..crossoverPropability = 0.8;
var algo = new GeneticAlgorithm<MyPhenotype, bool, SingleObjectiveResult>(
// Start the algorithm.
await algo.runUntilDone();
// Print all members of the last generation when done.
.forEach((Phenotype ph) => print("${ph.genesAsString}"));
Random random = new Random();
class MyEvaluator
extends PhenotypeEvaluator<MyPhenotype, bool, SingleObjectiveResult> {
Future<SingleObjectiveResult> evaluate(MyPhenotype phenotype) {
// This implementation just counts false values - the more false values,
// the worse outcome of the fitness function.
final result = new SingleObjectiveResult();
result.value =
phenotype.genes.where((bool v) => v == false).length.toDouble();
return new Future.value(result);
class MyPhenotype extends Phenotype<bool, SingleObjectiveResult> {
static int geneCount = 6;
MyPhenotype.Random() {
genes = new List<bool>(geneCount);
for (int i = 0; i < geneCount; i++) {
genes[i] = random.nextBool();
bool mutateGene(bool gene, num strength) {
return !gene;