dartx 0.0.6 copy "dartx: ^0.0.6" to clipboard
dartx: ^0.0.6 copied to clipboard

outdatedDart 1 only

The main purpose of `dartx` is that it allows easy to execute special standalone command-line scripts at any place. These scripts can to require for their operation other packages (uses import directi [...]

dartx #

The main purpose of dartx is that it allows easy to execute special standalone command-line scripts at any place. These scripts can to require for their operation other packages (uses import directives). They will be executed without requirements manually to install these dependent packages.

Dartx does not have any dependencies and can be distributed with a command-line scripts.

Dartx supports the command-line scripts that contains pubspec.yaml files inside the source code of these scripts.

Example of command-line script (example/serve.dart):

name: serve
description: A sample static server
  shelf: any
  shelf_static: any

import "dart:async";
import "dart:io";
import 'package:shelf/shelf_io.dart' as shelf_io;
import "package:shelf_static/shelf_static.dart";

void main() {
  var path = Directory.current.path;
  var handler = createStaticHandler(path, defaultDocument: "index.html");
  var port = 8080;
  var address = InternetAddress.LOOPBACK_IP_V4;
  shelf_io.serve(handler, address, port).then((server) {
    var address = server.address.address;
    var port = server.port;
    var url = "http://$address:$port";
    print("Static web server (shelf)");
    print("Url: $url");
    print("Path: $path");
    print("Press <ENTER> to exit");
    stdin.listen((data) {
      server.close(force: true);

    Timer.run(() => runBrowser(url));

void runBrowser(String url) {
  var fail = false;
  switch (Platform.operatingSystem) {
    case "linux":
      Process.run("x-www-browser", [url]);
    case "macos":
      Process.run("open", [url]);
    case "windows":
      Process.run("explorer", [url]);
      fail = true;

  if (!fail) {
    print("Start browsing...");

To see it in action perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the dartx/example directory.
  2. Run command $DART_SDK/bin/dart ../bin/dartx.dart serve.dart.

Static web server will be executed even it uses shelf and shelf_static packages but dartx package does not declare in its pubspec.yaml these dependencies.

Principle of operation is very simple:

Before executing script dartx creates temporary directory and tells pub to get dependencies into this temporary directory.

Temporary directory will be deleted after the end of execution of command-line script.

pub points


verified publishersimc.dev

The main purpose of `dartx` is that it allows easy to execute special standalone command-line scripts at any place. These scripts can to require for their operation other packages (uses import directives). They will be executed without requirements manually to install these dependent packages.

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Packages that depend on dartx