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Dart API Client for steem based on good-karma's swagger spec

swagger #

Interactive Steem API lets you interact with Steem Blockchain and make a request, get output and start implementing new apps! APIs have default parameters set to get you started and see how request works. API list is compiled from Steem Github 1 and 2. If you want to contribute documenting detail of properties and output, contact @good-karma. You can also check full list here Steem.js

This Dart package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:

  • API version: 1.0.0
  • Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.DartClientCodegen

Requirements #

Dart 1.20.0 and later

Installation & Usage #

Github #

If this Dart package is published to Github, please include the following in pubspec.yaml

name: swagger
version: 1.0.0
description: Swagger API client
    git: https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID.git
      version: 'any'

Local #

To use the package in your local drive, please include the following in pubspec.yaml

    path: /path/to/swagger

Tests #


Getting Started #

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

import 'package:swagger/api.dart';

var api_instance = new AccountApi();
var account = account_example; // String | account name.
var bandwidthType = bandwidthType_example; // String | bandwidthType.

try {
    var result = api_instance.getAccountBandwidthGet(account, bandwidthType);
} catch (e) {
    print("Exception when calling AccountApi->getAccountBandwidthGet: $e\n");

Documentation for API Endpoints #

All URIs are relative to https://api.steemjs.com

Class Method HTTP request Description
AccountApi getAccountBandwidthGet GET /get_account_bandwidth get_account_bandwidth
AccountApi getAccountHistoryGet GET /get_account_history Account history
AccountApi getAccountVotesGet GET /get_account_votes get_account_votes
AccountApi getAccountsGet GET /get_accounts Account
AccountApi getConversionRequestsGet GET /get_conversion_requests get conversation
AccountApi getEscrowGet GET /get_escrow get_escrow
AccountApi getFollowCountGet GET /get_follow_count get_follow_count
AccountApi getFollowersGet GET /get_followers get_followers
AccountApi getFollowingGet GET /get_following get_following
AccountApi getRecoveryRequestGet GET /get_recovery_request get_recovery_request
AccountApi getSavingsWithdrawFromGet GET /get_savings_withdraw_from get_savings_withdraw_from
AccountApi getSavingsWithdrawToGet GET /get_savings_withdraw_to get_savings_withdraw_to
AccountApi getStateGet GET /get_state get_state
AccountApi getWithdrawRoutesGet GET /get_withdraw_routes get_withdraw_routes
AccountApi lookupAccountNamesGet GET /lookup_account_names lookup_account_names
AccountApi lookupAccountsGet GET /lookup_accounts lookup_accounts
ChainApi getAccountCountGet GET /get_account_count number of accounts
ChainApi getChainPropertiesGet GET /get_chain_properties get chain properties
ChainApi getConfigGet GET /get_config get config
ChainApi getCurrentMedianHistoryPriceGet GET /get_current_median_history_price get_current_median_history_price
ChainApi getDynamicGlobalPropertiesGet GET /get_dynamic_global_properties get_dynamic_global_properties
ChainApi getFeedHistoryGet GET /get_feed_history get_feed_history
ChainApi getHardforkVersionGet GET /get_hardfork_version get_hardfork_version
ChainApi getNextScheduledHardforkGet GET /get_next_scheduled_hardfork get_next_scheduled_hardfork
ChainApi getVersionGet GET /get_version get version of Steem
MarketApi getLiquidityQueueGet GET /get_liquidity_queue get_liquidity_queue
MarketApi getOpenOrdersGet GET /get_open_orders get_open_orders
MarketApi getOrderBookGet GET /get_order_book get_order_book
MarketApi getOwnerHistoryGet GET /get_owner_history get_owner_history
NetworkApi broadcastBlockGet GET /broadcast_block broadcast_block
NetworkApi broadcastTransactionGet GET /broadcast_transaction broadcast_transaction
NetworkApi broadcastTransactionSynchronousGet GET /broadcast_transaction_synchronous broadcast_transaction_synchronous
NetworkApi broadcastTransactionWithCallbackGet GET /broadcast_transaction_with_callback WARNING: can only be used in Steem node or in scripts broadcast_transaction_with_callback
NetworkApi cancelAllSubscriptionsGet GET /cancel_all_subscriptions WARNING: can only be used in Steem node or in scripts cancel_all_subscriptions
NetworkApi getApiByNameGet GET /get_api_by_name get_api_by_name
NetworkApi getBlockGet GET /get_block get block
NetworkApi getBlockHeaderGet GET /get_block_header get block header
NetworkApi getKeyReferencesGet GET /get_key_references get_key_references
NetworkApi getOpsInBlockGet GET /get_ops_in_block get_ops_in_block
NetworkApi getPotentialSignaturesGet GET /get_potential_signatures get_potential_signatures
NetworkApi getRequiredSignaturesGet GET /get_required_signatures get_required_signatures
NetworkApi getTransactionGet GET /get_transaction get_transaction
NetworkApi getTransactionHexGet GET /get_transaction_hex get_transaction_hex
NetworkApi setBlockAppliedCallbackGet GET /set_block_applied_callback WARNING: can only be used in Steem node or in scripts set_block_applied_callback
NetworkApi setMaxBlockAgeGet GET /set_max_block_age WARNING: can only be used in Steem node or in scripts set_max_block_age
NetworkApi setPendingTransactionCallbackGet GET /set_pending_transaction_callback WARNING: can only be used in Steem node or in scripts set_pending_transaction_callback
NetworkApi setSubscribeCallbackGet GET /set_subscribe_callback WARNING: can only be used in Steem node or in scripts set_subscribe_callback
NetworkApi verifyAccountAuthorityGet GET /verify_account_authority verify_account_authority
NetworkApi verifyAuthorityGet GET /verify_authority verify_authority
PostApi getActiveVotesGet GET /get_active_votes get_active_votes
PostApi getContentGet GET /get_content get content
PostApi getContentRepliesGet GET /get_content_replies get content replies
PostApi getDiscussionsByActiveGet GET /get_discussions_by_active get discussions
PostApi getDiscussionsByAuthorBeforeDateGet GET /get_discussions_by_author_before_date get_discussions_by_author_before_date
PostApi getDiscussionsByBlogGet GET /get_discussions_by_blog get discussions
PostApi getDiscussionsByCashoutGet GET /get_discussions_by_cashout get discussions
PostApi getDiscussionsByChildrenGet GET /get_discussions_by_children get discussions
PostApi getDiscussionsByCommentsGet GET /get_discussions_by_comments get discussions
PostApi getDiscussionsByCreatedGet GET /get_discussions_by_created get discussions
PostApi getDiscussionsByFeedGet GET /get_discussions_by_feed get discussions
PostApi getDiscussionsByHotGet GET /get_discussions_by_hot get discussions
PostApi getDiscussionsByPayoutGet GET /get_discussions_by_payout get discussions
PostApi getDiscussionsByPromotedGet GET /get_discussions_by_promoted get discussions
PostApi getDiscussionsByTrending30Get GET /get_discussions_by_trending30 get discussions
PostApi getDiscussionsByTrendingGet GET /get_discussions_by_trending get discussions
PostApi getDiscussionsByVotesGet GET /get_discussions_by_votes get discussions
PostApi getRepliesByLastUpdateGet GET /get_replies_by_last_update get_replies_by_last_update
PostApi getStateGet GET /get_state get_state
TagsApi getActiveCategoriesGet GET /get_active_categories get active categories
TagsApi getBestCategoriesGet GET /get_best_categories get best categories
TagsApi getRecentCategoriesGet GET /get_recent_categories get recent categories
TagsApi getTrendingCategoriesGet GET /get_trending_categories get trending categories
TagsApi getTrendingTagsGet GET /get_trending_tags get trending categories
WitnessApi getActiveWitnessesGet GET /get_active_witnesses get_active_witnesses
WitnessApi getMinerQueueGet GET /get_miner_queue get_miner_queue
WitnessApi getWitnessByAccountGet GET /get_witness_by_account get_witness_by_account
WitnessApi getWitnessCountGet GET /get_witness_count get_witness_count
WitnessApi getWitnessScheduleGet GET /get_witness_schedule get_witness_schedule
WitnessApi getWitnessesByVoteGet GET /get_witnesses_by_vote get_witnesses_by_vote
WitnessApi getWitnessesGet GET /get_witnesses get_witnesses
WitnessApi lookupWitnessAccountsGet GET /lookup_witness_accounts lookup_witness_accounts

Documentation For Models #

Documentation For Authorization #

All endpoints do not require authorization.

Author #

pub points


unverified uploader

Dart API Client for steem based on good-karma's swagger spec



unknown (LICENSE)


dartson, http


Packages that depend on dartsteem