dartion 1.0.2
dartion: ^1.0.2 copied to clipboard
Dartion is a RESTful mini web server based on JSON. Up your backend in 5 Seconds!
Dartion #
Dartion is a RESTful mini web server based on JSON. This is not just a port of the popular json-server for Dart as it adds other features like JWT Authentication.
Goal #
Get your backend up in 5 seconds! This will make it easier for those who take front-end video classes like Flutter and need a server. From here, just populate the json file and you will have a simple and ready to use database.
Installation #
- Get the Dart SDK:
- Activate Dartion using pub:
dart pub global activate dartion
Commands #
Updates Dartion's version:
dartion upgrade
Init server:
Execute this command in an empty folder:
dartion init
This will create some configuration files for the quick operation of the server.
Start server:
This command will boot the server based on the settings in config.yaml
dartion serve
Route system #
When running Dartion, we have a structure based on RESTful while the data persists in a JSON file in the folder.
GET /products -> Get all products
GET /products/1 -> Get one product
POST /products -> Add more one product
PUT /products/1 -> Edit one product
PATCH /products/1 -> Edit one product
DELETE /products/1 -> Delete one product
POST, PUT and PATH requests must have body as JSON. It is not necessary to pass the ID as it is always auto incremented.
File Upload #
You can configure Dartion to accept upload files such as images, pdf's, etc... Adds storage properties to config.yaml
name: "file"
folder: storage/
File uploads work with "Multipart-form", so you can use the name property to name your upload. We can choose which folder the uploaded files will be on the server using the folder property. Then you will have two reserved routes, one to upload files and the other to retrieve those binaries.
POST /storage -> Send files in Multipart-form
GET /file/:your-file.ext -> Retrieve file
NOTE: The /storage route returns the file name.
Authetication #
You can use JWT Authentication in two steps.
- Use the auth property in your
name: Test
port: 3031
db: db.json
statics: public
key: dajdi3cdj8jw40jv89cj4uybfg9wh9vcnvb
exp: 3600
- animals
- cities
That's enough to protect your routes. The auth property takes some configuration parameters:
key -> To sign your token
exp -> Token expiration time in seconds
scape -> List of routes that will not be affected by token protection
- Login using the /auth route:
To retrieve the token you need a credential. A credential is basically base64(email:password)
See an example in Dart:
String email = "jose@gmail.com";
String password = "123";
String info = "$email:$password";
String encode = base64Encode(info.codeUnits);
String credencials = "Basic $encode";
You can now make a GET request to /auth, passing the credentials in the authorization
exemple in dart
// Using the package http
Response response = await http.get(
headers: {'authorization': credencials},
This will return the token and some user information.
"user": {
"name": "Jose",
"email": "jose@gmail.com"
"token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE1ODc5NjQ1MTAsImlhdCI6MTU4Nzk2MDkxMCwiaXNzIjoiZGFydGlvIiwic3ViIjoibnVsbCJ9.5AeEIpYeu04fKINg6e8Ic5fpT0-KyZH8yPLOO6HoLVA",
"exp": 3600
That's it! Now, just use the token to access the routes:
Response response = await http.get(
headers: {'authorization': "Bearer $token"},
NOTE: When using Authentication, you will need to have a users property in your db.json with a user list containing at least email and password in order to access.
Community #
For more details, join our Telegram Group Flutterando